Who's the worst?

 British man to Japanese rich bitch teenager TG.



She swung her head round in and a silly and exaggerated way.

“English please, you two.”

She stared at him with her enormous eyes and simply smirked.  

“Don’t you look at me that way Chiyoko, don’t you dare.” He narrowed his eyes.

“Fine teacher. I speak English.” She twisted her lips.


“For now…”

Chiyoko’s “Triangle Dance Posse” snickered and folded their arms. A glimmer of helplessness appeared on Mark’s face as he looked between them. This was going to be a hard fucking semester, and perhaps his final one. He had complained to the principal but apparently, Chiyoko’s family had special status. Then the conversation somehow turned onto him… his performance and his value to the school! The absolute bastards… they were going to fire him, he was certain of it.

“So as I was saying… the third conditional is used for…”

The shrill buzz of a video played from the back of the class. Chiyoko was showing her friend some   J-pop music or dance routine no doubt. He slammed his chalk into the ground.

“That’s it. You can clean the school again tonight. You and your little sycophants.”

Chiyoko shrugged. “No.”

“Excuse me?” He stared dumb-founded.

“What’s the matter teacher? I speaking English.” She propped her head in one hand and gesticulated.

“Answer me!” He growled. “Who do you think…” Japanese schools had their degree of equality, he looked around hoping to see some faces demanding righteous justice, but there was nothing. “Wh-who do you think you are?”

“I have more important thing do. And school says we need many rest time for to relax our growing bodies.” The others around her snickered.

“Well, your brain is also growing. You can come for an extra cram school class tomorrow.” He said. She glowered at him, her body visibly tensing.

“I’m sure your parents won’t disagree with a chance to improve your grades. You already failed a mock exam.” Some of the others around gave her a bit of side-eye. Her mouth curled into a snarl but she said nothing.


Mark plonked himself down on his chair. Finally, he had some time to read a book. He had been studying hard, and he felt he was just about ready to apply for a Masters in Education. Philosophy had crossed his mind too. That kind of knowledge was wasted in a strict high school naturally. Advanced non-practical education that students of the likes of spoilt miss Chiyoko couldn’t appreciate.

Then he heard a knock on the door. He grinned, ah… Akari, right on time.

“Hello Mr Adams.” She did a half-curtsy. He gave a subtle nod to the small girl in front of him.

He smiled. “Hello Akari. So, what mysteries of the Universe have you come to me this time with?”

He sat down on the edge of the table. She was a bit of a naïve girl, but impeccable grammar. She never missed a preposition or an article.  She could do with some more confidence, so he often used her for modelling answers in class.

“Yes, this one has some questions about Britain sir. Is it true you always have tea and muffins for dinner?”

He held in a laugh. “Ehm.. a lot of people do.. well in my family… you know in the Midlands… we always had a bit of cake or a pasty.”

She clapped. “I really adore the look of your country, I am thinking of applying to University there.”

“Oh that’s excellent.” He said.

“Why ever did you leave?” She asked. He noticed Akari affected a strange RP accent sometimes too. Quite the anglophile!

“No country is perfect Akari.” In truth, he’d come here to open his mind and all that other self-discovery shite, and now he was just a tad stuck. Could he even adjust to living back at home if he went back?

“Well, I would like to try it.” She nodded.

He smiled. “Alright, for an overseas study you need to fill out a few forms first…”


He sat down and read the news about home. The chat about Britain had without a doubt made him feel odd, nearly a three years had passed since he left. He groaned, just the usual banter about slutty celebs and corrupt politicians. The people weren’t the friendliest, but home is home. He looked around his sparsely decorated flat and sighed. He missed Nottinghamshire. He yawned, and rested his head back. It wasn’t long after that he was dreaming his little dream of making an educational channel. He always prided himself on his knowledge. Just learn as much as the world as you can. Nobody should know how much you read of course.


He woke to find some more paper covered with characters. He found three or four of these when he moved in dotted all over the place. Where the hell did this one come from? Was it taped to the ceiling? I bet it was my landlord sneaking in. Damn that old lady, some privacy please! He tilted his head and then went to look up the character. His stomach groaned. Might be time to go out for Western style fast food again, he didn’t know how Japanese people ate some of these other things every day. Especially the bloody fish. He turned back to the website then heard the call tone go off. It was Ian, guess he finally had the time to chat.


“Hey mate.” Ian said. Mark rubbed his eyes as he noticed how much his flat had changed.

“Hey. You keeping alright?”

“Fuck no, I haven’t slept in weeks.” He did look like he had lost a lot of weight too.

“You?” Ian asked.

“I might lose my job… too many students seem to have it out for me.”

“Nasty little shits mate. I hope my daughter doesn’t turn out like them. Really sorry about that, but I can float you if you need to look for another job.” Ian said. Mark nodded, he was glad one person had his back. “Oh crap, I need to send you those gifts for your daughter. They’re Japanese toys, I’ve never seen anything like them. Very detailed with the tiny clothes and everything.”

“Not too many moveable parts I hope? We can’t risk her swallowing it.”

“Nah they are a bit like dolls, marionettes.”

“Cheers then. Although they are going in the bin if she gets scared by them. I don’t want a repeat of the Fairyrunner incident. For kids of all ages my arse.” He glanced suspiciously towards his film collection. There was awkward silence before the subject turned to when he was coming back home.

“Heard it’s really hard to get citizenship. You really want to exchange one wet island for another?” Ian asked.

“Not sure yet.”  Mark’s shoulders sagged. In the end, would people stop asking? Maybe until no one was left…

“You know if you want to study something there, I could help you out.”

“No man, I don’t need money again..”


“Let’s not…taint the conversation alright.”

The conversation continued for an hour then he switched the call off and then made his way to bed.


“Nice one Daichi, you clearly studied the materials” He threw a Kit-Kat to him.

“So mister Adams… sir” Chiyoko had that kind of voice well suited for films. Dark and mature for her age. She was beautiful, and sadly knew it.

“This better be a relevant question Chiyoko.” He replied.

“I was… wondering….” She twirled her hair.

“Yes..” He gritted his teeth.

“Is true that all male foreigner here are jobless loser in their own country and come here just to screw homely girl and drink themselves to death?”

The entire class burst into gasps and awe.

His body went limp. “For your sake, you should hope that this high school has higher standards than that.” He said flatly.

Akari pressed her lips together then nodded at Mark in support. She’s right, that was the dignified response. This was all a game to little bitches like Chiyoko. He turned away to the blackboard.

“Yes, but you have high standard Mr Adams? How we know you not just another pervert? like so many of you foreigner. I feel so so unsafe.”

His hand shook as he wrote on the board. As she spoke his writing became even more incoherent.

“In fact, maybe we could replace you with Japanese teacher who speaks English. Many money saved for the school… and we don’t have to look at your ugly high nose.” He immediately spun around.

“You know you aren’t that special Chiyoko. One day high school will end, then… then…”

He shook his head faster and faster, exhaling hard the whole time.

She sneered. “Idiot can not even think of good insult. So boring.”

“Get out.” He stamped his foot. “You better not show up here again until you’ve spoken with the principal.”

“I for you finish Mr Adams. High school ends and I get nice job with Daddy company or become beautiful model, but you still be stupid pointless worthless English teacher.”

“Leave!” He pointed at the door.

He shouted at her as she left the room. “I wish someone would put you in your damn place.”


He sat down and tried to eat his sandwich, but he just couldn’t stand it. That bitch Chiyoko made him look like a fool, a fucking failure, and he had barely put up a fight. What could he do? No one liked to rock the boat here. The administration didn’t even give her attention for that disrespect. She doesn’t even need to do the extra class he demanded. Maybe she was right… he was so pathetic. He tried to watch a nature documentary about reforestation on his computer but he ended up turning it off halfway in frustration.


“Hello Mr Adams.” A quiet lightly accented voice said. He smelled a fresh citrus nature inspired scent, and then he caught sight of long auburn hair brushing by the table. He smiled and waved lazily.  Nanami was one of his more interesting students. From what he gathered from the student gossip, she wasn’t exactly of favourable means. A recent transfer student, he admired that she held her own amongst many of these students who had everything handed to them. It was crazy she had such talent despite lacking all the advantages. She did a lot outside of class too. He had often seen her around the local area doing volunteer work. As well as the dance club, drama club, cycling club and gardening. She must sleep four hours every day and yet always seemed chipper.


He was walking down the front gateway when he saw a couple of girls laughing at Akari.

“No boy will ever kiss you Akari.” Akari tried to turn to walk in another direction but the girls headed her off.

“They’d rather rub their dick on a sea cucumber.” One of them giggled as she pulled her bike up.

“Hey! Leave her alone” He ran up, panting hard. “Leave… phew… her alone.”

The girls laughed at the lanky man approaching and scattered. She looked him in the eyes and turned to walk away. “Have a nice evening Mr Adams.”

“Wait! Are you okay?” He nearly went to touch her but held his hand back,

“No, I hate it here.” She stared at the ground shaking.

“I see. You just have a year left and then I bet you’ll go on to an excellent University. No bullies there.” He said with a final hard stop.

“You’re wrong. I am ugly. I will always stand out. That’s why I want to move to another country. Maybe they will consider me beautiful.” Ah, that makes sense… poor girl. Akari was a little chubby faced but hardly ugly. She could utterly change that awkward tousled hairstyle. Then she would be much more appealing.

He sighed. “Hey I know, you can always talk with me. Even hang out in the classroom at breaks. if you don’t feel safe… I promise.” She smiled a little and nodded.

“Go home, I’m sure you have a family that loves you. Always remember that.” He gave her a thumbs up and she laughed.

“My grandma probably wants to talk about old songs. She has lived with us for a few years since she lost her house.” She said.

“Sorry to hear that. She sings you to them I guess?” He said.

“She tries.” Akari giggled.

“She’ll appreciate if you start singing first I think.”

“I used to take lessons. I even won a competition, when I was little.”

“Really? What a score!”

She gave him a faint smile. They talked for a little while more and then he eased her out.


He found himself in a small classroom. The only student in the room was an unfortunately familiar face.

“Chiyoko what the hell are you doing here? Are you seriously in my dreams now? Girl, I don’t have time…”

She winked at him. Then flicked her tongue between two fingers, then she moved them down to her groin and began to rub herself under her skirt. What the f… was she trying to seduce him now?

 “Stand up now.” He screamed. She did so, and then rolled her eyes. She flicked her hair and began to pinch one of her nipples through the shirt. He needed to find a female staff member; he shouldn’t be with her alone… damn, he was going to regret this.

He stormed over to her but as he went to grab her wrist, his hand stuck. He felt drawn to her eyes, her beautiful round eyes. Why was he so angry at her? Who could be angry at such a beautiful creature? He turned his head in for a kiss and she kissed him back. Now this was what he needed. Wow, she was so fucking hot. How is she so calm and in control. So sexy…. hmm. Ahh that’s right you disobedient bitch, I’m going to plough you on this desk. He pulled her skirt down and was just about to peel her panties off..


He woke up in a sweat. Fucking hell, did he fancy his own fucking students now? And… Chiyoko of all them. Did her constant abuse awaken some masochistic kink?

She’s the hottest girl in school. She should be worshipped like a goddess. Right?.. Right.

Bloody Chiyoko, she was beautiful true, but she had no wit. She doesn’t deserve the popularity she has. He rubbed his ears. “Weird.”.


His head was slamming when he came into school, a ghastly malaise that was making it difficult for him to remember things other than with the vaguest clipped thoughts.  As he walked into the canteen, two of his students were having a really spirited conversation about music. It caught his attention with almost supernatural quickness. He felt a surge of giddiness he hadn’t since he was a kid.

“Oh my, I love K-Pop and J-pop. Heard you heard Peace in Busan?” He burst into the conversation. The two girls looked at him and walked off with a giggle. He shook his head, what on Earth possessed me to say that? Japanese and Korean pop was just… just mass produced crap.

Buttt lots of awesome costumes though. Kireina.

He rubbed his ears again.


Damn I’m hungry. He bought a whole load of chicken and his usual affair but it didn’t make him feel any better

“Salmon sushi! What a score” He said loudly. People around him looked at him with bafflement. He then stared at the sushi himself. Well, it seems needs must, and I am finally developing a taste.


The next day class was in session and yet he found himself fixating on a girl at the back of the class. Hitomi. The words that came out next seemed to just bypass his brain entirely.

“Hitomi! how about you put on some clothes that don’t make you look like a slut. I can’t believe you came to school wearing something like that. How desperate…”

There were visible looks of sympathy among the students. Even Chiyoko raised a brow at that. She looked Hitomi up and down with a smirk and a cruel sneer. Hitomi just looked away in shame.

That was no way to talk to a student. I should have just sent her home, he thought. Bloody hell I hope she doesn’t report me.


What the fuck wrong today? I can’t focus on a job I’ve done for years. I haven’t said anything normal all day. I feel so wound up and stroppy.  He slumped back down on the chair. Maybe I just have no patience for these kids anymore. He nearly fell out off as he heard a knock at the door. He stumbled over...oh wow, what a surprise, Akari the pet.


“Akari. You… took me up on my offer already.”

She seemed thoughtful for a moment then put her hands behind her back. “Mr Adams, I was wondering, doesn’t it seem like the Lake District should have more lakes?”

He felt a flash of annoyance. “Ugh… Akari, I don’t have time for your boring questions.”

“Mr Adams? “ She quickly looked down at the floor.

“I have plans at night you know? Dates, clubs, workshops. But as usual, just as I’m about to walk out that door, your sorry looking self appears.  So every time I answer your incessant questions because I feel sorry for you! That’s right. I feel sorry for you Akari. You need to go find a boy, seriously.”

“Oh...” She left the room without another word. He followed her with a hateful stare but then his features softened. He slammed his palm into his forehead, stupid stupid, bad teacher…


That night he lay wide-awake, tossing and turning, glaring at the moonlit window on the angled ceiling. Not only was his head and body starting to burn up, but he had a pit of guilt in his stomach. What have I done? Why did I treat poor Akari that way? I screwed right up.

She behaves so pathetically, that’s why.

Huh? Did someone say something? He looked into the corners of the dark room, then looked back up at the window. She’s like the most sensitive vulnerable kid, I’ll apologise tomorrow.


“Me?” The sweet cutey voice said.

“Yeah cutie. I saw you out in the crowd. Love your mysterious and mature look. We’re having a backstage party, want to come have a drink?”

“Souta Kaneko? Who could say no?” He fluttered his eyelashes. I bet he has his way with so many girls. So bold… he must know what he’s doing. She put her hand out front for him to grab as he led her along. All the girls below whispered as they saw the two together. Mark giggled in his sleep.


The next day he saw Nanami and Ichika had arrived early. They both straightened their backs and waved to him, but he just found himself grimacing.

He looked at Nanami with disdain. Like, why does everyone think she’s so pretty?  She dresses like a housewife. Yamato Nadeshiko bitch, you’re so classical you should be in a museum.

He closed his mouth. Nanami seemed to notice him staring and whispered to Ichika.  They laughed sheepishly and turned to the pages in their books.

I don’t think you’ll be laughing for long you cheap powdered whore. He quickly chastised himself. Jesus, that’s a bit toxic. I mean she’s just a teenager, who cares how she looks? and she’s such a good student otherwise. Most of these students are good, even Chiyoko…uh… probably deep down inside. Usually he tried to shoot everyone a question, but he just couldn’t help but focus on Nanami that class. Then every time she made a mistake…

“What’s wrong with you Nanami? You study through the night and yet can’t remember a simple thing?”

She was so exasperated and practically in tears by the end of the class. She’s so defective. Try to smile less dear.  The whisper in his head said darkly.


He rested his hand on his forehead. Everything is so jumbled up today…. he looked around frantically as people passed him in the corridors. Names, new and old, names where there should be, but wasn’t. He felt strong urges to talk to some, to hate on others. Invading sensations in his brain. Is this what Dementia feels like?

I need some air.


As he stood at the bottom of the stairs, he watched Chiyoko kissing her boyfriend Shoji. It was probably her first boyfriend. He had far more experience with women, yet he was feeling… jealous… of their fucking puppy love. Didn’t they know how lucky it was you could do that so blatantly this day and age? His face scrunched up. He couldn’t have those two doing that here, better get in their way.

 “You two! Stop that immediately.”

“We just kissing, little bit.” She shot him a look of defiance.

“Don’t care, no one needs to see your boring petting girl.” He curled his lips.

“Oh.. really.. sir….” Shoji shuffled his feet.

He looked Shoji up and down for a moment. His athletics classes were really paying off.

You can do better. He cocked his hip with a smirkChiyoko stomped off in frustration. Her swearing and bitching was audible over the crowds. Wow did it feel good to do that. All of these students did so many little things that irritated him. They were all so arrogant. They were nothing special. He just needed to tell them that all the time, whenever he wanted, and make sure they know their place.


Mark had promised to carry some chairs over to Ikumi’s classro-hmmm… Shoji is really filling out those muscles. Sweat ran down the back of Mark’s neck and he licked his lips as Shoji came back in his direction. He felt his dick straining against his pants. Oh shit, what the hell, what the hell. That was a student Mark… and a male one at that. It….it was probably a coincidence. Yeah, that was it.


He barged through the door with a chair. “Hey Ikumi, I brought the chairs you needed.” He said rapid-fire.

“Oh thank you Mark-san. So kind of you.”

“Listen.. I was wondering if you wanted to...” Mark studied her face. She was beautiful, her smile was so warm, where did she get her make up? Shiseido? Or maybe Estee Lauder? He paused for a moment at the thought and took a deep gulp.

“I know you like old seventies rock music and there is an open mic night at bar Cheval tomorrow…”

The sound of chairs being moved stopped. The question died on the tip of his tongue, as if something he was certain of for days had become irrelevant. She was attractive... and that meant what exactly? It’s like he had forgotten what to do or why he wanted it.

“Yes?” She asked, all the noise seemed to have drained from the room as she glanced back over her shoulder.

“You know what, never mind.” There is a big age difference. She probably wants kids. And I’d rather not ruin my life with brats yet.


He had bottled it. Yet he had several more unwanted erections throughout the whole day. Sometimes thinking of Ikumi… sometimes of Chiyoko. He hadn’t been this horny since he was seventeen. He wanted her, he knew that, but what the fuck was wrong with him? He even had those thoughts about Shoji earlier. Perhaps he was having a sexual re-awakening or something.


By the time he was on the bus, he felt like he had sweated out most of his bodily juices. He swayed from side to side, nearly falling asleep on the shoulder of the woman next to him. The fever had made him vomit every last chunk of his lunch into the staff toilet bowl.  I should… probably call in sick and go see the Doctor at the hospital tomorrow. He couldn’t do another day of this… and the thoughts he’d been having. He needed a fucking brain scan or something. Surely his Japanese colleagues would understand this one absence, he thought as he unlocked the door.


The moment he passed over the threshold into his flat, he started to cramp all over his body. He immediately toppled over forward. He felt like thousands of tiny hands were rubbing and moulding his face. His piercing sapphire blue eyes clouded over blackish brown and his eye shape twisted and turned monolid. He threw his head back at the soft pleasure massaging his body. An intense pressure in his chest followed it. It was short lived though as the moment he registered the fact he had bumps sprouting on his chest, he was stricken with new agony in his groin. He felt like his bladder had just bust. He coughed up blood and felt busting pain after pain as his penis felt less and less and less. Soon it felt like it had just been cut off completely. Then he felt tearing… and a gulch, a deep gulch widening inside of him. His whole world spun, and he slowly fell unconscious as everything around him seemed to dematerialize. .


The material beneath him was so sensuous, or was that just his skin? He let out a moan as he felt a dozen hands intrude on his body.

Yes, I am an Empress boys. I demand tribute. She looked at one of the men beneath her.

“Hello handsome”. She place a hand on his cheek.

His dark nipples felt good as one of them rubbed and pulled on them. They stuck out harder and longer as the boys continued their work. She grabbed one of them and French-kissed him. She beckoned one of them closer and opened her legs for him. Then she closed her eyes, ready for him to enter.

“Come on. I’m not a little girl anymore…”


He moaned into the world.


He looked around the room, it was… so purple. Where am I… this isn’t my room? As he sat up, he felt a weight on his chest that made him fall to the side.

“Oh my, so sore….” He reflexively pressed on them. “Tits…” He mouthed the word again then gasped in horror. Fucking tits!?

Mirror, I need a mirror. He scrambled over to the one in front of the bed, wobbling as he tried to control his centre of gravity. He didn’t recognise the girl but… she was beautiful. Tall, flawless brown skin, and a lustrous cascade of raven hair. Doey eyes, curved bow lips and a pointed nose. Nipples poking through thin material. That’s me. He held his head up, his eyes blinking rapidly. That’s me…  in the top percentage of the school, both academic and in attractiveness. She flicked her hair backwards then pulled up her shirt.  Her breasts were magnificent with not an ounce of sag. Her legs were long and luscious. So many Japanese girls were scared to show off, but she had figured out how to make the school dress code more like a guideline. Were any of the boys in school even worthy of her? Not likely, well…maybe one.





Mark stumbled backwards onto the bed. Mental, it was as if he stepped out of his own body for a moment there.

 “Darling, remember your piano teacher is sick so don’t go to her house tonight.”

“Yes mother.” He shouted back on reflex. He placed his hands over his mouth as a confident voice flowed out.

I hate those piano lessons anyway. There it was again. It was like a counter argument to his own thoughts. It was demanding, seductive, but not conscious. Another living mentality. I spoke without even thinking. He laughed in his new high-pitched voice. This must be what full insanity feels like. I’m in an asylum somewhere imagining I’m a fucking Japanese teenage girl.

He looked around and saw a book on floor. It was a classroom schedule book. On the front was the character for Takara. He scrambled across the floor and flicked through it. There was all the usual lessons of a teenager, with all the extra activities that only a rich family could afford. As well as the drama and dance club, there were violin and piano lessons, horse-riding and athletics.


He tossed the book onto the floor. This can’t be happening… I fell over and bruised my brain… that’s it. He looked around the room at the posters and the decorations. Boy bands, photos with friends, expensive clothes, and many simple tasteful knickknacks.  He focused on his own thoughts for a moment. He had been thinking and speaking entirely in Japanese! He never even advanced beyond beginner level! He tried to flick the mental switch back to English, but the sounds of Japanese continued creeping back into his mind.

A buzzing from behind interrupted his struggle. He looked down at the alarm on his phone. “Time for school again…” 

No, shite… I can’t go to school again. I’m a twenty-nine year old man! What.. no I’m in kōtōgakkō.. juu-hassai

I’m eighteen. No.. that can’t be?

Men have penises baka. I definitely don’t have one of those, thankfully. Horrible things anyway. The emptiness between his legs became apparent again. No tightness or weight, just a flat crotch. He pressed his thin and delicate fingers down on it. He could feel the… lips. Maybe he could just take a look at it. No, no no way. I’m not ready for that yet. I’m not sticking my hand in a fucking vagina. Besides, you have no idea about female hygiene, don’t touch it.


He started to breath heavily and then let out a frustrated groan.

“And what is that itch on my face!”

He began rubbing the skin there and then looked at the little residue on his finger. Make-up… m-m-Make-up, right. He pressed his lips together and realised he had lipstick on too.

It’s perfect today, don’t ruin it. I can’t have one of those uncultured bitches starting a rumour.

He looked down again, trying to see past his breasts. I’m in uniform already, although this hardly fits the dress standard I remember.  I need to go to school now.

I can’t go to school. I need to figure out how to fix this right now. This has got to be some… some twisted magic. I need to go to a temple or a priest or a magician or...

I don’t have time for some boring temple. Kuso! I need to leave already; I must have a spotless record for the University of Tokyo. Absolutely no excuses.


Mark blinked, and woke up on the school bus. How did he get here? He looked at himself in the window nearby. He couldn’t stop staring. This girl was so abnormally beautiful, even her teeth were so straight and white compared to his old ones.

He felt an instant flash of stress and spoiled irritation. I hate taking the bus, why did Daddy take away my private driver? He is just so stingy. Punishing me like this is just ridiculous. 

Daddy? he thought.

Yes. My daddy is an executive of course.

I thought my Dad was an electrician. I mean he’s retired now, but my Dad was definitely an electrician.

Uh.. us Matsuda are just a bit better than that. My grandma and grandad helped to rebuild this city after the war.

That’s right. No, wait that’s completely wrong. My parents were all working class. My dad and mum worked hard. He considered stopping the bus, pulling the emergency break, but then he would just get in trouble. He sat tightly wound the entire way to the school, his new body brimming with energy and determination. He couldn’t relax, it was like he needed to be doing something.


He shuffled through the streams of crowds in front of the school. Ugh, this uniform is so tight. His emotional state had been ricocheting between panic, sheer awkwardness, and… absolute confidence. The breasts on his chest wobbled, he wanted to rip them off, every thought around them was magnified. He could feel the sweat underside sticking every second. This body was so impractical, form over function. It obviously was not built for labour or hard work, her wrists might snap. He felt a sudden urge to cry as he thought about the missing limb between his legs. It felt so truly fucked up, just so open and vulnerable.

I shouldn’t cry it will ruin my make up. I’ve been told a thousand times about crying in public.


“Takara-chan!” That was Rika, she knew better than to be late for their morning snacks, but she’d let it slide. This was not the day. He appraised her for a moment. Rika was short for her age, and went through as many hair colours as a packet of skittles.

“Did you hear about Akari and that teacher? He tore her a new one so she spent the afternoon crying in the toilets. So funny, that’s what she gets for sucking up!”

His panicked state was interrupted for a moment. He felt like… he should care or feel guilty or something but, like, whatever it was just Akari. She was always being bullied, although it was kind of amusing that the staff did it too now.  Ugh… what? there was that blur of words again. He was guilty… he had truly messed up with her, but he had bigger things to worry about right?

“What’s that teacher’s name?” He asked after a brief pause.

“Uhm… I think… it begins with M? I have him for English uh.. I guess I don’t remember. I’m so forgetful.” Rika bit her bottom lip.

Oh shit. He.. he… taught this girl every day. Yet she didn’t know him? He was disappearing or had disappeared from reality, that must be it. What could have brought this on? How? Like, doesn’t this usually happen in the movies and laughable folktales? 

Rika waved her hand in front of her face. “Takara, would you like to like, join us on planet Tokyo?”

“Get your hand away from my face, you’ll mess up my makeup.” He snipped. My make-up….

“Sorry.” She frowned.

She pulled her lips in, then went on to slowly say “Um.. like… why is your voice so weird today? It’s really low… like you are trying to sound like a guy.”

Mark’s felt his cheeks burn. “There’s nothing wrong with my voice. Don’t you have somewhere to be other than hanging around me? What’s your next class?” Damn I’m already standing out.

“I don’t know.” Her face seemed to freeze for a moment.

“No wonder your grades are so bad.” He mused.

“They are not!” Ah shite, he must have said that out loud!

“Yes they are, I’ve seen them. Honestly? B minus?” At least that’s what she got for English.

“Don’t make fun of me!” She blubbered.

I can do whatever I want to you. The words almost formed on his lips. He grunted in frustration. There was that autopilot again.

“I’m just trying to help you Rika. You know we can’t hang out if you don’t get into University of Tokyo too.” The words just kept on spilling out. What the fuck was wrong with this brain?

Rika frowned. “Yes you’re right, like always Takara. I want us to stay friends forever. S-see you in class.”

He stared into space for a moment. There I go again… that poor girl, I shouldn’t have treated her that way, but I remember her grades really were bad. She needs a kick up the arse. And besides, he just couldn’t be seen with someone struggling like that. 


Ugh, distractions. Damn teenagers, who cares about their grades! He had a pair of bloody heifer tits right now. He needed to tell someone before class started before more thing disappeared! Even though it may make him sound insane. Akari and Ikumi are in class but.. these were open-minded kids…creative kids… he looked to the side and saw Nanami at the water fountain. Nanami has a good heart, she’ll surely hear him out. He sheepishly walked towards her, still unsure of just how to move in this body yet.

“Nanami.” His seductive high-pitched voice still surprised him, and it frayed as he tried to correct it.

Nanami immediately turned to face her and folded her arms. Mark felt an unconscious revulsion; he wanted to taint every word with venom, but decided against every word that was popping into his head.

“Please listen to me carefully Nanami. This is insane I know, but I’m not… you know this girl. I am actually Mr Adams, and for some reason I woke up in this body.” His voice had this mocking, haughty hint he just couldn’t keep from flavouring his words with.

Nanami’s bored expression barely changed. “Okay Takara. If you are Mr Adams. You can surely speak to me in English.”

“Surely.” He tried to speak the language he had spoken his entire life, but struggled with every syllable. The word order was all wrong, this he knew subconsciously, but it was like he couldn’t help it anymore. She rolled her eyes. “Your grammar still needs work Takara. This is probably the worst joke I’ve ever heard from you. A body switch drama? Please.” Nanami was a little taller than him right now. It was kind of intimidating.

“B.. but.” Mark closed his eyes trying to think of something.

“I’m going to be late for class.” Nanami brushed right passed her. When did Nanami become such a heinous bitch?

Grrr, you don’t need her. She has zero imagination, zero sense of humour, zero taste. She’s just a zero. Her family wouldn’t be so poor if they actually had any brain cells between them. She’s lucky to even be here.

Fuck, why am I so angry? He barely took a step before letting out a groan as a new flood of memories came in. Days spent on vacation in twenty different countries. Chanel and Gucci shopping sessions with Rika.

“Oh I totally need to buy the summer line up this year.” He said out loud. 

No, no I… Did… those words really come out of my mouth? I need to get out of the hallway.

He ran into the bathroom and locked himself into one of the stalls. The flood continued… her ambition was to be a CEO of a large multinational fashion brand… or if all else failed then maybe a model. This wouldn’t be so easy. He realised now that all those strange thoughts he’d been having yesterday weren’t his. They belonged to the life of this girl. It seemed he could access them and use them. Takara huh. Well Takara, thanks for letting me ‘borrow’ this body, but I need to find a way to go back to my old self.


Ew…why? Ugly thinning lips, a tattered beard, getting old--- NO. You have to fight this side of youI am not a Japanese girl. And I was-am not bloody old!

He felt a subliminal nasty shock of deep indignation from within. It was a direct message “You are a girl. You are the girl that most girls wished they could be.” It was getting stronger.

This is mentalI’m going home right now to figure this out.

No, we can’t leave, I’ll get a late mark. The thought thundered in his head.

SHUT UP. STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF. He ran out a nearby backdoor and towards the gate of the school. His breaths felt so short, this body really was impractical.

I can’t get a late mark! What am I doing!? Stupid.

As he got closer to the school gate he felt like his limbs weighed a ton. He had the strongest urge to just.. turn around. He felt a deep panic somewhere between fear and insanity. He reached out towards the gate, but this force just wouldn’t let him move forward. He began to feel ill as the compulsion grew stronger. If he didn’t turn around now, he would pass out.

Fine, you win Takara, it seems we’re going to class.


Sorry I am late Kimura-sensei.” He pouted and looked around the room sheepishly.

“Matsuda-san. What is your excuse?”

He felt like he was going to hyper-ventilate. He could not jeopardize his future! “Uhm… I saw a little bird was injured. I was just telling the security guard.

“Oh…I see, oh how sweet, you may come in then Matsuda-san. Next time I’ll mark you down though.” She seemed to say with a heavy load of indifference.

As he walked to his seat, he spotted Chiyoko. So, she was still a student here.  Nanami was there too. Chiyoko casually waved at her. He tried to write his name, but couldn’t perform more than a scribble. He sighed and wrote Takara 宝 in Kanji instead.


He was intelligent when he was a man. He was intelligent as a girl. He wasn’t some bimbo at least. Nothing in the Maths lessons confused him. In fact, it bored him. Plenty of time for the subliminal thoughts to work their way in again. Something was very different with the way his new brain worked. They were intelligent, but that intelligence was cynical, selfish and ruthless. The compulsions and backhanded advice was endless. Education should be used to help and improve society, but he couldn’t keep feeling smug when he saw anyone around him struggling. He couldn’t stop thinking about why it made him absolutely superior.


His hand was holding his phone without him noticing. He flicked through his phone. No.. Takara’s phone. Not my phone, not my phone, he repeated, trying to calm himself.

He searched the maps function for his house to see any information he could about it, but he couldn’t even find the address. What the? Where was his block of flats? It had disappeared too. It was some kind of shrine now. He checked out the contact’s list but they were all the names of other students, just as he suspected. Rika, Yua, Sumiko, Ichika, Daichi, Shoji, Hiroto, Yamato, Hitomi… Chiyoko.

Why does she still exist? ugh, I wish she would just drop out. I am so superior, but people talk about us like we’re equals, it’s like I’m stuck as mere co-Empress with her.

He looked through the phone’s files. Selfies…selfies… more selfies.  His attention was caught by a folder labelled “Unpleasant Surprises”. His finger hovered over the button but then he shook his head. I don’t want to know.


I can hardly think with this incredibly interesting drama clogging my mind. I need to get out of this school, but this other persona in my head won’t let me leave right now.  So, where the hell do I go now? He shut his eyes and focused on a memory, any memory he could. A compulsion told him that Takara would meet for lunch with her disciples. Perhaps if he stood his ground, interrupted her daily routine, and imposed himself in her world. Then more control would return to him. I need to weaken myself… her…


By instinct, he knew exactly where the other girls would be sitting. He sat down with a selection of fruit. He recognised the girl on the left as Yua, she always had a slack jawed glum expression. Her face was roundish and kind of cute. I mean, if she was ugly I wouldn’t be seen with her. She’ll probably need plastic surgery in later life however. 

“Do you guys see the documentary on NHK World the other day?” He said nervously. The girls looked between themselves. Mark pulled his lips in.

“Huh? Are you feeling okay Takara?” Yua raised a brow.

“She has been weird all day” Rika shook her head.

He felt a sudden sense of humiliation that made him frown. Don’t talk about learning. You’re just effortlessly smart. Effortless is your favourite word.

“They talked about how they are rebuilding the forests to prevent desertification in Senegal.”

Rika chewed on a sandwich as she listened. “Oh Africans are so spiritual and naturey. They are protecting their environment! I like it!”

Yua raised a brow and gave a brief glance to Rika. “Haha what? Spiritual? They don’t all live in mud huts and dance Rika.”

“I know that!” Rika narrowed her eyes and shot a nasty look to Yua.

“What about the Aliens in America though?” Rika raised a brow. “You know how many so-called ‘Meteors’ landed there last year? The meteors are spaceships come on.”

Yua growled then slapped her phone down. “Two months ETA? Are you serious!? ugthebuilder24 you are lucky I already paid commission.” He remembered that Yua was some kind of tech master too, as was her Dad. Constantly trying to build the next big app and become a youth entrepreneur.


“It doesn’t seem to have been successful so far but-“

He instantly cringed as heard Nanami practicing her English with her friends nearby.  It’s not like she needed to rub her slight advantage at English in everyone’s face. There are too many important subjects and one of them has to suffer. If you don’t leave Japan you don’t necessarily need it.

He shook his head. Damnit, I am English, and… I can still speak English… just barely. Besides, that was just plain wrong, how could you work in an international company or bank without English?

“Did you hear Nanami is running for student president?” Rika said.

WHAT! – his inner voice boomed.

He immediately stood up. Anger engraved itself on every line of his face. He shook as he tried to stop Takara’s memories and personality dominating him.

How dare she challenge me!

I announced my intentions weeks ago!

Vulture necked hag!

He took a deep breath as he tried to bottle up the childish anger. Nanami is a good student.         

“Nanami has just as much right to run for class president as anyone else and I wish her good luck.” He said aloud, taking relief in every word. That’s something he would say.

“So ladylike and graceful.” Rika give a definitive nod.

“You sold the whole cafeteria on that one. Finally peace between Takara and the newcomer Nanami.” Yua smirked. He didn’t like that smirk. Not one bit. Isn’t she meant to be on my side?

The other side of his mind almost demanded him to storm over and confront Nanami. It took every ounce of his will not to. What was happening to him? This was not how this was suppose to go. He had the power to overcome these teenager urges surely? Now he was going to be embroiled in some bitchy presidential race too? Wonderful, just wonderful.


They spent the break looking at cute outfits and plushies. He admitted some of the designs were fun and unusual, but when the attention turned to pop singers, he felt his heart thumping and his hands getting clammy. His thoughts turned to slurry as his body had this simply instinctual reaction to them, oh… these guys were so hot. His jacket is so cool and badass. Nice hair, hm… maybe I’ll ask Daddy to pay for a VIP meeting. Oh he would never allow it.. bah… but wow, so utterly attractive….

Mark abruptly swiped the phone off the table.

“What the hell?” Yua said.

“Uhm, I thought your phone was making a weird noise. Sorry.” He waved his arms around frantically.

“Whatever…” Yua groaned. She picked up the phone. “The screen is cracked in like ninety places. Oh I should totally ask Mom to buy me a new one. It’s been one year already.”

A slightly ordinary looking guy approached. Average height, with a bowl haircut. He just mustered the ability to look at the other girls but he was avoiding Takara at all costs.

“Hi-hi Rika. I was wondering if-“

“Get lost! Pervert!” Yua pointed with almost comically narrowed eyes.

Rika was smiling but then looked between her friends. “Yeah Pervert!” Rika flicked a pea at him. He slunk off with a sigh. “Shoji said she was into me.” The name Shoji made his heart race like those moments ago. Most of the guys in this school were lagging behind but.. hm he had such major muscles, a handsome face, me and Chiyoko used to hide behind the fence to watch him play soccer. He tried to hide an instinctive wretch. It’s been one day for fuck’s sake.  I don’t fancy boys, I DON’T FANCY BOYS.


A shrill bell went off in the distance. Most of the student body piled out. He sat at the table thinking, even as the on-duty students and teacher came in to clean. It seems he was stuck in this life for the foreseeable future. He decided it was best to maintain the illusion of normalcy and go from class to class.  Yet how was he supposed to maintain his own mind like this? He had to engage with student life or there would be consequences. And an innocent beauty like me couldn’t survive on the streets! As he walked he felt the heft of the breasts again.  I would do anything to get these things off, they are like bloody sand-bags.


“Takara!” He heard a shout from behind. He would recognise that voice anywhere.

“Oh my… Chiyoko!” He forced out. Now he finally locked eyes with her, he was hit with a wave of Takara’s memories. Hugging each other in a water park. Then one of them writing kanji in chalk on the ground. Then memories of them coming up with rude insults for other girls. They did a lot together, but there a tinge of bitterness. Did Takara like Chiyoko? He certainly didn’t. He couldn’t really tell from the memories he could grasp right now. Although one memory stood out, but only because he…she was trying to forget it. Chiyoko made up a rumour that Takara had tried to kill herself when she just got had a broken arm and needed to stay off school. She got a hug from Ichika and Rika when she got back into school. By the time she found out who spread the rumour it was dismissed by the teachers. These are just the way best girlfriends treat each other.


Well, you can change things. Don’t be as bad as her. There is probably some reason she is so mean, maybe find out what it is?

This was usually Takara’s shopping time. The urge to go off with Chiyoko or Yua was almost overwhelming. Those memories of shopping.. the rush of buying cute cute make-up. Shoes.. I mean I know Chiyoko had bad taste in shoes, but they had some truly delightful arguments.


“Sorry I couldn’t come to lunch today. Me and Daichi snuck out to the city. I can’t believe a guard tried to stop me, but then I reminded him who’s family paid for the new Drama hall.” Chiyoko laughed.

“No problem.” He replied.

“How about we go to my arcade and play Dance Dance Thrill tonight?” She smiled.

have to study. Some other day… uhm.. babe” He said. Chiyoko seemed to hang for a moment as if she noticed something, then beamed a smile. “Ok, my big strong manly Takara.”

“Huh?” He stared confused.

“You used Ore silly. Is this some new role for Drama class you’re practicing for?” She pulled in his hands and held them in her’s.

“Oh… right..haha.  Yes exactly.” Japanese wasn’t even his language, but his masculine mindset was showing through and manipulating the grammar.

“Ok, talk soon Takara-chan.” She suddenly hugged him and then walked off. Friends with Chiyoko huh, wonderful. He admitted that he kind of enjoyed how close these Japanese girls all were with each other. Fake or not, they could hug each other and be sweet and emotional without being mocked like when he was a lad in Britain.


Chemistry class was the last one for the day. He found himself frequently frustrated. It was a long time ago, but this was one of his favourite A levels and he occasionally kept up his curiosity. It seemed the harder he tried to remember the more he forgot. Of course that would be the case though, he… Takara hadn’t finished high school yet.


After getting off the bus, he deviated to his old house. It seems for now, his own mind wasn’t going to turn on him again. As the map said, it had been replaced by a shrine. There was an almost fantastically small lady there. She looked kind of like a little rotten-toothed goblin.

“Excuse me” He bowed awkwardly in the feminine way. She looked around blindly, and then nodded almost in his direction.

“Uhm, may I ask you a question. Was there a house here?”

She placed her finger on her chin.  “I don’t think there was ever one here. Many young well to do families used to live around here. They are gone now. All sorts of types now, people without families. I rather miss it. Watching young women like yourself head to their education. Sounds of laughter and giggling in the morning” She made a happy lilting sound to herself.

“I’m sorry, but could you have misremembered?” He gave her a downcast look.

“I am a local landlady. I lived in this part of Tokyo all my life. More likely you’ve mistaken the location than I have.” He felt like he should recognise her for some reason. Well, what she said is no good, someone must have messed up her mind like everyone else.

“Thank you.” He bowed again quickly.

“Oh young lady, you shouldn’t use such boyish pronouns. It’s not very feminine, the boys will find it boorish.”

“What… I?” Damn, Chiyoko mentioned that before. How often have I been using Ore today? Eesh, really need to get that under control.

“Oh my mackerel is probably burning. Goodbye young lady.” She washed her hands in the shrine one more time then shuffled off. Crap, no point staying then. I hope I don’t end up as wrinkled as her someday.


He looked up the length of the gate and whistled. This was probably the biggest house in the suburb. He pressed the buzzer and waved at the guard. The guard immediately scrambled to open the gate.  He bowed as he let her in. “Matsuda-san, I hope you had a good day.”

Mark wandered through the house and nodded approvingly. This was amazing. There was an enormous first floor. He could see the concentrated chemical blue of the pool shimmering in the window. The Kitchen was rather professional; maybe Takara’s family had a chef at one point?


The TV covered nearly a quarter of the wall. This was quite the improvement compared to watching things on his laptop. He flicked it onto the news. Was he the only thing that had changed? Or had the rest of reality changed along with him? Hm housing crisis in Spain, new robot statue built in Shenzhen, Meteor crash in Florida, and huh… pollution on the Nile. Don’t my Hermes bags use crocodile skin? Oh no way! What am I suppose to have a calf skin bag instead? I…. he clutched his head. I… good riddance… I shouldn’t be supporting such a destructive industry anyway. He flicked off the TV after channel perusing a bit longer. He sighed. It seems the basics were all the same.


After heading to his bedroom. He glanced at the desk and noticed the big pile of homework. I already did all that nonsense once, no way am- he rubbed his forehead as he felt like that agonizing mental split again. He felt a sense of self-betrayal. He needed to do that homework, because that’s what Takara would do. He tried to just sit, to surf the internet, but he couldn’t focus. He eventually relented to the drudgery. He didn’t have the strength to betray Takara’s values right now.


He laid on the bed exhausted from all the writing, and looked at his half-naked body. Over the day he noticed his breasts less and less. They had lost their sexual appeal, the only thing he felt now was… pride.


His mind turned again to his predicament. Is this some kind of twist of fate? Did I piss off some kind of spirit? Am I supposed to learn some kind of lesson from this? Staying in this life long-term can’t be good. I feel like these thoughts are taking over me. How long before I become this girl completely?  Her experiences and personality are so strong. She is a girl who gets what she wants, and instead of a horse, phone or car, that’s now my soul and body.


Maybe praying will work?

“Please, somebody, some deity. Return my life! And… return my balls and dick.” He placed his hand on groin just to feel if something would grow out… not even a twitch. Fine… fine! You know what!? I don’t need it! He tried to imitate a humping motion and rubbed himself against the bed, masturbating as best he could. He sped up as he tried to pound the bed vigorously like he had women in the past. It was obviously impossible, his muscles had no strength and he ran out of breath quickly. He turned over and sighed. He felt a raw burn from where he had scrubbed the groin. I can’t even draw satisfaction from this body. He wasn’t even sure what or who to think of when he was rubbing it.


As he tried to sleep, he shifted constantly from the weight on his chest and the hair brushing his face. The memories and thoughts of the persona buried shallow came to the surface.

I want to be class president. Who else deserves it? I’m the prettiest, I am the most charismatic and intelligent. I have the best voice. Me, me, me…


He was fumbling for the door handle when he was struck by another demand. He was already frustrated enough from figuring out how to put a damn bra on. Make-up. I’m not going out looking like this.

I’m not sure I know… blurry memories of watching make-up tutorial videos and sessions with her mother and auntie arose in his mind. Alright, I guess I do. But I’m not putting it on anyway. He agonized over the door handle but forced himself out the door. As he got on the bus, some of the students noticed her lack of make-up and looked quizzically. Some of the other girls smirked or gave looks of pity.

Make-up! Baka.


As he looked through the window into the lounge room, he saw what looked like Akari getting harassed again. The two girls picking on her looked like they were having a lot of hideous fun… wait… was that Chiyoko? Figures… but damnit he needed to speak with Akari right now. She might believe him. She’s smart, knowledgeable about Japanese history, she could help him.

He shifted uncomfortably as he felt a demanding pressure down below. Wonderful, now I need the lady’s room. Don’t you go anywhere Akari.


He sat uncomfortably on the toilet and took a sharp intake of breath as the urine just flowed out. He felt like he was about to piss himself on the way here. Girl’s bladders have no capacity whatsoever. At least blood wasn’t coming out, he couldn’t manage a period right now. I can’t stand the bloating.

God damn Chiyoko picking on Akari though. She’s such a bully. I should do something about her. It does seem I’m in a position of popularity in this school right. I could.. spread gossip about her. You know…ugh...forget about that.. priorities! I look so disgusting. I can’t believe I sat through an entire class like this. I look like I’ve lost like three layers of skin. I need to put make-up on this instant!


His head began to throb. The shame was too much, his head was going to explode. Just a few seconds and she could fix this. MAKE-UP!  I don’t know how! the blurry memories from earlier became magnified. He applied the dark red lipstick and dark eyeshadow with a care that he knew was beyond him. The other side of his mind was guiding his hands the whole time. That’s so much better.


As she left the bathroom, he saw Shoji. He felt primal fear, and then fireworks went off in his brain at the sight of such a handsome guy, her crush. He’s so cute! Breath-taking. I should make chit-chat. Hehe.

“Hey Shoji!” She smiled and clasped her hands behind her back.

“Hi Takara.” He was so dominating, looking down over her like that.

“Back from soccer practice?” She fluttered her eyelashes.

“Yeah it went really well. I think we’ll do well in the Edogawa tournament on Monday.”

She clapped. “You’re so talented! Just wonderful. I’m surprised you didn’t take to Basketball instead. I mean…ummm… how tall are you Shoji?”

“Oh, I think like 187 centimetres.”  She purred in her head then stared at him with barely restrained lust.

Takara touched Shoji’s chest and made a sweet little moan. His eyes widened. She looked down and gave him a cute pout. Just as it started to stick up, she raised a finger to her lips.  “Shushhhh” She pushed him gently then walked off past him.

“Wa-wait Takara!” He sighed, then quickly cupped his groin.


She weaved between the other students in the corridors. Hehe, I touched him… I touched him like we were about to passionately make out and he didn’t even flinch. He must want me too! He’ll be thinking about me all day. I should go further with him. Oh imagine holding my wrists above my head in the bathroom and pinning me against the wall… ah… ah…  I should not do that again! So slutty and unfeminine. His family only own four cars. What will my Dad think. Uh…ughh… I need to find… Rika of course. We have class together. 


Her cautious walking quickly turned into a confident strut.

J-pop and K-pop girls pay hundreds of thousands of yen to look like this. Achingly beautiful. Every single person she passed by was jealous of her. 

I should start my own religion she thought, a visible smirk on her face. Everybody whispered…. everybody looked. Boys eyes wandered to her breasts and she loved it. They were all obsessed. She was Takara, the most alluring and sexiest student in the school.


He stopped in his tracks and looked up. He took a deep breath as if submerging from a lake. He rubbed his eyes and temples and tried to fend off the mental fog. He realised he had walked to his next class. His eyes slammed open. No no no, I fucking teased a student, like, flirted with him sexually. Damn this horny teenage girl brain. Why did I do that for? Because he’s rather hot. Do we need a list? Tall, perfection bone structure, expressive brow. ”No, no no no! I’m not Takara, I’m Mark. I think women are hot. I like breasts and arse. I am a girl...no a man! It sounded faint, meaningless. No.. no I’m not this self-obsessed teenage girl. I’m changing… I’m not safe if I keep losing control like this. I.. just need someone to help me remember. I need to get back to Akari. She would believe me. She probably went to the study rooms instead now. I need to…


He bumped right into another familiar face. She looked at her with glazed eyes then put on her best coy smile. “Chiyoko” Not who I wanted to see right now.

“Coming to see  Threat B this weekend?” Chiyoko said. Oh heavens, they are like my second favourite band.

“Oh of course, I wouldn’t miss it…” He said. Chiyoko smiled, eyes unmoving, then she touched her on the shoulder. “Great, I literally can’t wait to breath the same air as Hyato Sasaski. Oh my god!”

“Me too.” He said awkwardly.

“Don’t wear those dolphin ear-rings, bring the ruby Cartier ones. The thick ones!” Chiyoko smiled.

“Oh and when we meet there. I have such a surprise for you.”

“Bye bye Takara-chan.”  As soon as Chiyoko made it down the hall.  She followed her with a cold expression.

… why the hell did I accept that invitation. Why would I want to spend time around that spoiled brat? It’s like I wanted to impress her… shit.


She’s such a bully,  but I guess now… now is the time to punish her! That would be easy with this life and this knowledge! The thought resonated with Mark’s fractured mind. She... made life difficult for me and for many students. I suppose that wouldn’t hurt, before I eventually find a way back… yes… I could change things in this school. Mark felt drawn to the phone. He returned to the folder titled “Unpleasant Surprises”. He read through it and his eyes widened. There was sordid details about many other students. Although, nothing about Chiyoko… yet.


No, come on. It’s a good idea. You could change the culture of the school. Teach these high school girls how you should behave at the top of the food chain. Don’t stoop to her level. I’m not pulling some mean girl hijinks shite. No way. He strutted off down the hallways, hips swaying.


He frantically checked every room. This is a waste of time. Akari is dasai. Finally he saw her in a study room alone. She was moving a book from the shelf when he called out to her.

“Akari” Akari started shaking on the spot. “Akari it’s me Mr…” He drew a blank.  No… no no way. I’ve forgotten it? What the hell is my name?. Name, Takara, Name, Takara. He stood there staring at her.

“Listen to me, I’m not me okay, I’m someone else.” Akari turned her body aside and met eye contact for only a second. As Mark moved closer she visibly flinched and backed away.

He felt a burst of rage. Does she think she can disrespect me too? “Seriously? Are you scared of me?” Wait… calm down, she is just scared of this girl. It’s fine…totally fine… she didn’t need him to believe who he really was to learn what he needed. He just needed to gain her trust.


“Sorry Akari. I just, figured.. I should get to know you.” He smiled at her with his cherry red lips.

“You haven’t seemed to like me since middle school.” She replied instantly.

“We are in High School now. I think you just need help. I could teach you some things?” Is that like, even possible?

“I distinctly remember you saying in middle school that my hair looked like dehydrated poop.”

“Ah, you know, middle school. I wasn’t very mature.” He smiled even wider.

“Last year you said that cancer patients have better skincare routines than I do..” She frowned.

 “Oh, did I… I don’t remember.” You totally do. “Let’s put it behind us. We can help each other.”

“I’m sure this has something to do with your student council president run doesn’t it?” Damnit Akari, stop being so sceptical. “Fine, yes… I need to be more benevolent and I should learn from all my… subjects.” Smooth choice of words.

You want to exchange skills? Interesting. Wh-wh-wh-what do you suggestI don’t need to tutor you, your grades are excellent r-r-right?” Ohh dear, Akari was tense, her breathing was so shallow, like she was in fight or flight mode. Takara must have really messed her up.

“How to fit… in? Make-up… a fashion sense.” Ignoring the fact he couldn’t do any of that either... however many days ago it was.

“But… why? Why do I need a fashion sense?” Good point but that’s the world we live in babe.

“Akari-chan, are you really going to make me say it out loud?” He moved closer and put his hand on her shoulder.

“Sorry Takara. Sorry…” Akari bowed profusely.

“Honestly Akari, you would be doing a favour for me.” Believe me, it’s the only time you’ll ever get anything from someone like me. “You’re clearly a very meticulous person. I’m sure you’d like to change some things around here? I have a lot of power.”

“Fine I’ll think of some suggestions on how to improve the school!” Akari beamed.

“What a score! Let’s meet tomorrow then?” He replied, with a courteous nod.

Akari tilted her head, then gave a weak smile and nodded.


That night he dreamed again, he was in a familiar location, standing in front of his students.

“So class. Where is the oesophagus?” He pointed at a human model with a pen.  Then he turned his head. Huh? He wasn’t a biology teacher.  The class pointed at a point on the anatomy model.

“Superb!” He said with a sweet catch to his voice.

“And the spleen?” The students grumbled and then pointed at another part of the model.

“Oh I see we’ve been doing the homework! Now just one more question before you all go home…” He took in a deep breath.

“And what about teacher’s nasty, wet, cunt?” She looked around the class with an expression of joy. Then, he looked down and saw he had perky teenage tits covered by a wire dress. He started to move his body and dance, shifting his shoulders. His soft hands tickled the pussy under the dress while backed up onto the table then leaned back.

“She is so hot”. One of the students said.

“She’s the only reason I come to class. I told Dad as much when he wanted to get me private classes.”

Mark just then realised there were no female students in the classroom. He bit on the pen sexily, then held it in front. She let out another ‘sexy’ moan and then sucked on the blunt of the pen. One of the boys clapped, and the others hooted.

“Oh I thought you were good Japanese boys. Where is your honour around the ladies?”

One the bigger boys climbed over his desk and ran towards her. “I’ll show you my honour.” He pulled out his dick and pushed it up against her pussy. He began to rub her nipples, and then…


He woke up with a start. Oh dear, just when it was starting to get good. He quickly patted his breasts. Still there…. that was intense. I’m… Takara is really pent up. He felt the hot flush coming from the vagina. His fingers hovered over the wet patch. He could just shove them in that little pouch and see-no no no. Not doing that, going to sleep.  He turned over and tried not to think about the throbbing. At least Akari is on my side now.





He spent the morning looking for something to watch on the outrageous TV. It seems Takara’s parents were gone already. He poured himself some cereal and flicked on the documentary section of Webreels. He shuffled and looked to his phone. It pinged a lot from all the notifications Takara got. It was distracting…or was this just boring? Instead he turned on to a Drama show and fixated on the screen as he ate his cereal. Uh, this is so cheap, look at the sets and the camera filter. There is something plastic about the actors too. And yet… sooo interesting.


As he passed by the band bukatsu room he saw Akari in the distance. Just as he was about to approach he folded his arms curiously as he heard Yua say something. He couldn’t hear what Yua said but he thought he heard Akari mumble “go away”. Akari was heading in his direction but just as he was about to talk to her again. Nanami grabbed Mark by the shoulders. Great, another distraction, what does this prissy ribbon-haired bitch want?


 “So you’re running for student president, is that right?”

His face contorted into a wiry smirk as the ego of Takara demanded to take over, demanded to take this bitch down, but he fought off the invading thoughts. Damn this drama. I guess I’ll play along.

“I suppose I am. I’m looking forward to a fair competition.” He gave a small nod. Some students nearby looked back from their lockers at the two.

She snorted. “Why are you running? You don’t even really care.” Nanami raised her chin.

“Now Nanami, you and me both are really involved with the other students. I care about my friends. I like everyone more or less… and want to help everyone.” And it looks good on college applications.

“Right, but I would actually do the job well. I doubt you’d contribute apart from sitting and looking pretty at the meetings.” Nanami stood closer to him.

“I boldly disagree. I have just as many suggestions as you Nanami. Is that your campaign plan? To tell people I don’t care?” This teenage bitch-fest is becoming boring.

“Well you don’t. People like you don’t offer suggestions or solutions, only demands. ” Her green eyes flashed.

He felt the entitlement and anger building once more. Just a few words and the rest would come. “I have my doubts someone like you is fit for office. Do you really represent the average student here at-”

“You people are parasites. You and your Daddy, Uncle and Auntie. I’m sorry you have everything and your life must be so hard.” Mark shook his head. “What I-“

“But you won’t take this from me, understand?.” Nanami interrupted.


He felt a smirk disappear from his face. My my, was Nanami always this vicious? He had the urge to lash out, but he took control of himself. It was this girl she hated, not him. He was just playing along.

“Rude. Please speak to me as you would a friendly competitor in the future. Excuse me.” He walked in the opposite direction of Nanami, and heard her footsteps stomping in the distance as he did. The scene was already replaying his mind. My Daddy? Who does she think she is? Arrogant bitch. She’s not even fit to be near him. Where is her respect? Mark took a deep breath. High school is so rough. How do people survive with all these micro-aggressions? How did I survive? I suppose by being bland and uninteresting like I was.


As he rested in the study room he saw Chiyoko speaking with Shoji. She was putting on that cutesy baby girl voice that girls put on around boys they like. How dare she flirt with him?

Aren’t they just talking? She has a boyfriend after all. She probably just wants notes for a class. Except, I’m interested in him and she knows that. She hangs around him like she owns him. Daichi isn’t enough for her or something? Huh, so in this reality she is with Daichi instead? Hussy.


Focus damnit! He tried to remember what he was doing the day before this madness happened. The damn piece of paper. Why does she think she can flirt so openly like that. Did I do something to her?  No! Gotta focus. He found those papers all over his new flat.  Logically, that was probably it then. Something was infecting, had twisted him in that house, or maybe the paper was protecting him. I can’t fucking remember how they looked damn it. That’s it though, it must be.


He pulled out a bunch of books on folklore at the library and a piece of paper from his bag. He tried to sketch the symbol, but every guess was just a little too rough. Damnit, it’ll come with time I hope. His phone started to buzz.


“We’ll pick up some make-up in Sephora okay?”

Chiyoko ran into the store holding hands with Sumiko.

Mark followed them in and his attention was almost instantly switched on. Oh wow, what a selection. It excited him almost as a much as a library or book store used to.

An hour passed outside the store. He used Takara’s phone to ring Chiyoko but there was no reply.

Chiyoko left me… she went there without me. How could she do that?

Untrustworthy. Always has been. She won’t share her toys. Like, I used her – and she made up a horrible rumour that I peed myself at her house.

It seemed like Chiyoko did like to make up rumours about her so called friends. You should have known better.    If she treats teachers that way, how must she treat friends?  He felt an urge to cry. N-n-n-need to get home then. I didn’t want to go  to some st-tupid gig anyway.

He rang hi-Takara’s dad. Nothing, nothing… in the end, he rang five times before Dad finally picked up. “Da-dad?”

There was a purposeful pause. “Did something happen?”

“Chiyoko… she… she left me in the city.”

Oh not this again Takara. I’m sure you did something to deserve it. Chiyoko’s father used to always complain about you when you were children.”

“I’m stuck in the city. Can’t you pick me up?” He whimpered.

“Don’t be overdramatic. You know how the subway works. Get back here yourself.” Wow, Takara’s dad was an arsehole.

“And don’t bother your mother, she has modelling work tonight.”  The phone went silent. He rested on the bench and tried to think about who else would come running for Takara. He rang Shoji and explained it all. He appeared almost from nowhere. Wow.. like a hero Ronin from an old film. He couldn’t believe he’d disliked Shoji, just because he hung out with Chiyoko. He was a class act. Caring, devoted and such perfect teeth.

“Can you stop looking at me that way…” Shoji moved his head closer to her’s and…


He woke up to the sound of her phone alarm ringing. What? He looked around the library. I’m still here. I guess I fell asleep. He picked up the phone.

“Moshi moshi?” He said.

“Takara-chaaan. Sumiko is coming to my place and then we are going to Babel the Rock Tower at seven.

“Oh, wonderful!”

“I’m going to wear such a cute top. You’ll absolutely want the same afterwards.” She said.

“Please be on time.  On time? That’s for office drones not Takara Matsuda.

He looked at the empty piece of paper. It seems I can’t do calligraphy in my sleep, darn.


At lunch he sat down with the girls again. It was sad to see how everyone was segregated. When he was a kid he remembered all the silly cliques and super-fan until I die music choices that divided them into groups. Japanese schools were better than most due to all the communal tasks but he really thought kids had moved passed that. Alas, there was still a clear hierarchy.

One kinda handsome but short looking student went to sit down with his tray.

“No.” Yua said.

“Nu-uh.” Rika shook her head.

“Definitely not.” He said, giving him a sympathetic look. The student stood up and shambled back over to the boy’s table. He got a few jeers and laughs as they threw an apple at his head. Once things settled down, he sniffed ab it at the air. It was the least obvious change, but it’s something he had noticed in these quiet moments. He could smell so much more than when he was a man. Everything seemed a bit more vibrant, even the colours that people were wearing.  To think he’d been living a kind of impoverished experience of the world… or maybe this was just Takara’s brain.


If he was going to blend in with Chiyoko he thought it was worth seeing what teenage drivel he going to have to bear. He started to listen to Threat B on Takara’s phone and found himself mouthing the lyrics as if he had rehearsed them one hundred times. He almost wished he could stand on the table like some cheesy musical.

Speechless sorrow.

Just like a white dove feels the wind on the scene. Just like it sees the signs on the river.

I’m so deep and insightful, but brittle baby.

Wow, poetic, who knew teenage pop could be so touching? Ugh.. and these guys make my insides turn to goo.


Akari was waiting in the study room. He had nearly cried two more times on the way there this morning. He hated this feeling of being trapped. That feeling that you had to go to school every day and be confronted with all these problems and abrasive personalities.

“Are you okay Takara?” Akari said as he sat down next to her in the study room.

“I’m fine.” He hadn’t cried in years. Maybe it was the cocktail of hormones in this teenage body. Well it didn’t matter. This was his mind and body, his! At least teenage boys were open and out about a lot of things. He felt vulnerable, and teenage girls could afford to show less weakness than boys.

“Since we are going to be friends. Ca…can I add you to LINE?

Oh Akari-chan, I already know your LINE ID. Who do you think was sending those weight loss ad images? He felt a mix of guilt and… amusement.

“Uhm… sure!” He added her properly. This was a good step, he…. Takara needed friends who were less negative.

Make-up was one of his new skills but… that was pretty superficial. He was constantly overwhelmed by the vividness of these memories. Accessing more of them was probably a dangerous idea but… he searched deep into his mind and thought about how Takara might advise Akari.

“Money. You need to spend the majority of your money on clothes. Why all these books?.” Uh…damnit… not good enough maybe need to go deeper.

“You have to make the sacrifice, my mother and auntie always told me.” Deeper….

“I always assumed you spent a lot of money on fashion. But my family is not as rich as yours.” Akari said quietly. She’s not rich? I guess that sucks for her. I’m good at spending money, it’s quite a talent.

What can I tell her… “Wear something classic. It might fit well with your goth look.”

“What a score!” He said. Uh, what a stupid saying. Akari tilted her head, and laughed.

“Why do you say this? Such bad English pronunciation… but it seems familiar.”  Did this little goblin say I was bad at something? “What did you say abou-“

The bell rang. “I’ll think of some suggestions!” Akari said as she hurried off.

“Please not too many.” They said.


The girl’s changing room. He knew if he still had his equipment… he would be at full mast. But of course, there was no reaction. His… new female parts didn’t even get wet or anything. When he was a man, the sight of breasts or even the moan of a woman would raise his mood. The lack of feeling something rigid there, or knowing something wasn’t happening that should, that was demoralizing. He could never again penetrate or make a woman give out a long hard moan. He was a small vulnerable young woman, who needed a big strong man to prot-


He heard Nanami’s cool collected voice shouting to catch everyone’s attention “Hello everyone. I’m Takara, let me announce my campaign to be the worst class president in history.” He slammed his locker and stormed around the corner. He felt his mind dragged under as he was subdued by Takara. They embraced and clung to one another under the fluids of cerebrum.

“My first order of business is to ban all those pesky free meals in the café, you’ll just have to find food in the forest for yourself!” She looked at her fingernails in a mocking non-chalant way.

“Oh.. Nanami. Don’t you have some landscaping to do somewhere?” She said.

“My second order of business is to serve the student body. If you know what I mean…” she pushed her chest out as if imitating Takara’s large breasts and winked.

“That’s a low move, but everyone here knows I’m a proper lady!” His head swam.

“If a lady shows up perhaps she can run for president instead!” Nanami snorted like a bull and moved closer to Takara.

“I doubt you know the definition. Being a lady requires wealth, standing, land. Do you have those?” He baulked for a moment as he realised the words coming out of his mouth felt like his own more than ever before. Nanami let out a huff.

 “How would I forget? Well then, I’m sure you can pay everyone to vote for you Takara!”

“Nanami, Takara! What is this about?” Ikumi-san came from out of nowhere. She was in her tight gym bra. Still not a peep from down below.


They were both led into the office and plopped themselves down. “Now both of you need to show proper respect to each other.” He felt more memories enter his mind of Ikumi. She knew well how powerful the Matsuda family were. Her meagre salary gave her no wriggle room for legal trouble. She should be no problem.

“Young women never behaved in such a way when I was in school.” With one word he could get Ikumi to lay off. He could get her fired… but he really should just take the punishment. But it would be so easy to just remind this old hag of her proper place. I guess I don’t have time for detention. I suppose I can take a short-cut out of trouble.

“I think my Daddy would happily clear up any issues” He crossed his legs. Power pose, yeah.

Nanami rolled her eyes. “Ikumi-san, I hardly ever-” He could see Ikumi’s face had drained of colour, he could practically hear the ticking from her brain.

“Yes you are a model student. You have somewhat of an infamous temper Nanami. I think detention might do you some honest good.” Ikumi said rapidly followed with a blank expression.

“Are you joking?.”

“I’m free to leave then?” He said.

“…Yes.” Ikumi said flatly.

“Ikumi-san!” Nanami was still arguing with her as he left the room. Ikumi’s gaze never met his the whole time. I… a teacher was scared of me. Ikumi was actually terrified. Was it only because he was a foreigner he never really felt the wrath of some of these rich students and their families? What about the headmaster? Maybe  this was how things really worked here in Japan? It felt… good to have this much power. It kind of felt good to have so little consequences too. If he messed up even a little as a teacher he could have the glistening guillotine of society down on his head but… hmm… as a student again. He admitted, he loved that lack of burden.


“I…I… wrote some poems?” I hope they aren’t about me. Akari slipped the poems into his hands and he started to flick through.

“Akari… these are wonderful.” The poems were all in Japanese but it’s like he could understand all the little metaphors and word choices now he was a native. He felt something like professional, perhaps even national pride, just for a moment.

“You have an idea about how you could maybe help me?” She locked her fingers together and looked at him expectantly.

 “I have an idea alright. I’ll take you after school.” He smiled and considered hugging around and jumping up and down to show affection, but something held him back.


He looked around awkwardly trying to find something useful. He stared at the counter girl who noticed her and then waved awkwardly.

“Miss Matsuda! How nice to see you again.” The clerk bowed to an almost ridiculous angle.

“Let’s get coffee.” He realised as he walked up to the coffee counter that he was moving flawlessly like a teenage girl. He was completely naturalised, and it felt… good.

“You seem… different some how. I never thought you would be seen outside of school with me in a million years.” Which is how long I’ll take to get my reputation back if anyone does see us.

“Oh… sorry.”

“Oh I didn’t mean it. Just a joke!” He winked. Great start, I didn’t mean to say that out loud..  I could just ditch her here and leave. That would be hilarious. Guh, no!  Why are we such a bitch?.

As they browsed through the stalls he was followed by two or three of the assistants. They were after my money of course. He felt like it was easy to dispense fashion advice now he could see the clothes.

“You need to find something you like about yourself and act proud of it. Boast about it”

“And..for um.. attracting boys?” She blushed.

“Wear something that will pull them in. Since you aren’t so attractive… make sure you don’t blend-in.” He grinned at that advice and his eyes quickly widened. Isn’t that actually bad advice? Did I try to give her bad advice on purpose? Seriously. Such a bitch. He searched in Takara’s memories on what other advice to give her. Beyond the instincts. Beyond the dismissiveness.

“Uhm… scrap that.” He folded his arms. “Like I said the other day. You have a kind of nerdy Gothic look. But because of your complexion, you don’t suit the Lolita stuff. I guess you could work black and co-ordinate with some gold and white.” Matching outfits. It’s like a puzzle in itself. Quite fun to decipher the patterns.

As Akari prodded deeper and deeper with questions, Mark found himself running around in Takara’s memories. As she prodded, he had to search deeper for an answer. Some of the thoughts were almost disturbing in how casually brutal they were, but he managed to keep them locked inside.


They settled down with a coffee.  “So uhm.. apart from studying. What do you do for fun Akari?”

“I sometimes play videogames, you know, just from time to time.” What an absolute waste of time, what a loser. Does she even deserve my help if she admits to that?

“By yourself? He added, and she nodded in response. He was half-way to a smirk but quickly fought himself.

 “You do a lot by yourself don’t you?” He said. Akari looked away blushing.

“Are they like… uhm… oh I maybe don’t remember much about video games.”

“They are visual novels. I like the weird dating ones.” Takara ridiculously in her head at that.

“Wh…what else?” Kill me please.

“I do Ikumi-san’s worksheet cutting and folding. I help the PE Teacher with stock…oh and I clean the boardgames room. Although none of the boys want to play with me.

Why? They are paid to do these things you complete idiot. 

Akari sighed and twisted her mouth into a frown. Crap… I said it out loud again.

“Uhm, I mean, if you are doing such important chores. You should be on the student council. And those boys are terrible! How sexist! The… they’re worried you will beat them!” He said. She would never speak, it would be a waste of time.

“I don’t know, I don’t really think I can lea…”

“You can come with us to Karaoke. “

She held her hands out in front. “I don’t think I’ll get along with someone like Yua or Chiyoko. In fact, they do nothing but bully me.”

I… What? No. She cannot come out with us, this is bad enough as it is. She can, she can’t. She can be on the council too, maybe even president some day.

“Ehm, maybe I can invite some less abrasive people. Ichika and Rika are friendly, unjudging. Consider it networking? ” He placed his hands over her’s and gave her a gleaming canine smile. Akari’s mouth twisted and turned then she gave a head bob of acknowledgement.


As they left the coffee shop, he felt something nuzzle against his leg. He instinctively ran behind Akari.  “Wha-what is that?”

“That’s a dog Takara. Have you never seen one?”

He gulped. “Of course I’ve seen a dog I just… feel a little… ” The wet-nosed huskey barked and he froze on the spot.

“It’s enormous. What if it bites me?” The dog drooled its head falling to one side as if it was too heavy for it.

“Ah no, he loves you! He probably has a great backstory too.” She folded her arms and placed a finger on her chin.

“He’s the King of Shibuya. At night when the moonlight reflects on his wet nose, he gains mystical powers and fights crime.” Akari smiled. He laughed nervously and stepped away from her

side. He felt a gradual sense of control return to him. Of course, Takara would be scared of a big fluffy unconditionally loving animal.


You have to be effortless. I have no idea how to organise Karaoke or parties or anything but… I guess Takara does.  If you’re going to entertain this lonely little otaku, then at least do it right. He indulged himself in her memories as he remembered the coolest places in Tokyo and the most expensive. Unlike most Japanese teenagers who had to constantly study as well as lacking the space for parties. Takara could regularly host guests, although not as much as those big American house parties. Hostess, yes… he smirked as he saw himself at his birthday parties. Touching base with every guest, bathing in their praise. Drinking wine from thousands of miles away, oh the bourgeois life. How do regular people even survive?


He called their entourage and although they couldn’t believe who was coming, they wouldn’t say no to Takara. As the night went on, the mix of alcohol and his feelings towards Akari became malicious. It was hard to control when he was sober but as a lightweight teenage girl. He was annoyed she was even in his presence.  He knew he was suppose to be teaching her, but this was a bit of an ongoing joke wasn’t it? Just like adopting a kitten with three legs and a missing nose. Funny to watch them flail around for a while, but in the end you get rid of them and move on with your life.


“I can’t believe we’ve never had a conversation before Akari-chan. Level five of the Fairyrunner. How did you beat it?.” Rika seemed mesmerized by Akari. He grinned proudly at his work.

“It’s very simple. You shouldn’t skip the side-quest in the tear-drop, or the Ant Queen never gets her staff back and she gets disposed. Therefore unable to help you later!”

“Oh my god! I didn’t even know you could enter the tear-drop!” She facepalmed.

He sat down next to them and Rika immediately stopped her next sentence. “Uh.. I mean… uh… Akari.

“It’s okay. You’re having a fun conversation… please continue.” Rika’s eyes strained but then she slowly nodded. He folded his arms as he listened and tried to tighten his lips. I… ugh… why is Rika so interested in her? She has never had such a long conversation with me before.


By the end of the night he was drunkenly dancing Karaoke and signing too. He felt a euphoric nostalgia, like he’d known these songs since he was a little girl.

“Stop using the boy pronouns Takara, heavens…. You’re not a b-bo-bakery.” Rika said.

“I am a boy Rika! My name is Mark.” He slurred back to her.

“You’re too cute to be a boy Takara-chhaann. Let’s find Akari-chan and make her dance!”


Mark rubbed his eyes trying to relieve some of the pressure in his throbbing head. Are hangovers worse as a girl? He heard a ping as he saw that Chiyoko sent a text. “Remember, the biggest concert in Tokyo is tonight.”


Okay, getting dressed, getting dressed. What does a teenage girl wear to a concert? Maybe a T-Shirt with the name of the band or something? He felt a subtle redirection to one of Takara’s enormous closet. This was like a whole room in his old flat, bloody hell. He picked out a loose top that kind of gave a punk rock look. That’s what he would have worn when he was a teenager…. Uh… if he had been a girl.  


After taking a shower and messily fixing his hair. He threw on the outfit and took a deep breath. This is my chance then. It is working with Akari and maybe Rika. Okay.. with Akari it’s a bit quid pro quo but… Chiyoko, I’m sure we can get to know each other too.


Try have fun with Chiyoko. Have fun with Chiyoko. He repeated the words as he waited in the line.

“Uhm… interesting style Takara.” Right, obviously that was an indication he was still not a fashionista yet. Fucking Chiyoko.

Sumiko smirked. She looked up at the stage and her attention turned towards the drummer.

“And where are your earrings?” Chiyoko said with an annoyed tone.

“I forgot them I guess… sheesh.” He shrugged and Chiyoko gave him a scoff.

“Do you know that girl Akari?”

“Goo face? Seriously? What about her?”

“Yeah why are you so terrible to her?”

Chiyoko gave her a nasty little look. “You can talk. Uh well, I don’t know. She’s just…ugh… a big baby.”

“I think we should leave her alone. She’s a suicide waiting to happen.” He said.

“Uh.. okay… I hardly even see her anymore. Like, didn’t you throw her anime toy into the trash the other day?”

“I…” He remembered brutally ripping it out of her hands as she passed in the corridor. Who cares? Chiyoko is so terrible…she….she is worse!

“Anyways, I have VIP tickets Takara-chan.” She flashed the tickets and winked. He instantly gasped and hugged Chiyoko. She is soo amazing!


The band started playing and he instantly felt a connection. He looked up at awe at the lead singer. What a beautiful man. As the concert went on he barely registered the time pass as he enjoyed himself. He felt just like a kid when music didn’t seem shit.

Just as the concert ended, the drummer played an amazing solo and Chiyoko nudged Sumiko with her elbow. Chiyoko jumped and her icy rainbow drink spilled onto his shirt. The colours smeared onto his backstage pass too.


“Oh! Shit! I’m soooo sorry Takara.” Chiyoko looked at her for an instant. Then there was a call for backstage passes. “Sorry we can’t wait for you. Oh... oh heavens they’re coming for us! So sorry, see you tomorrow!” They ran up to the wrangler.  He saw Chiyoko and Sumiko being led up some side stairs. He stood in shock for a moment and then strutted over to the staircase.

 “I need to get passed my friend is in the VIP area.”

“Where is your pass?” He showed the stained pass to the guard who inspected it and then shook his head. “Sorry pretty lady, no way I can scan this.”

“My friend already went, there was an accident. If you just let me call for her.. I..”

The man shook his head again and pointed towards the crowd.

Did she do that on purpose? I don’t think so, she just slipped, not a big deal. She absolutely did that traitor. No, no it was a mistake. She didn’t want me to come! Bitch! 

“Do you know who I AM?” She growled. “I am of the Matsuda family! Do you have no respect for your country?”

“I… the name is familiar but.. you could just be making it up. I… “

“Check the ticket baka.”

“I… please… I can’t, I might lose my job.” Who cares, urghhh I should leave. It’s probably boring back there anyway. But… I… she groaned in frustration from the mental paralysis, then span around in a huff.

They snarled and walked like a fury through the crowd.

“Get the hell out of my way!” The dark haired beauty knocked one girl after the other aside as she stormed towards the entrance.


He began to cry as he stared into the mirror across from the bed. He threw his shoe at it. His emotions and sense of self fused and fissured with Takara’s.

“I want to be a man again. He glared at his reflection. I hate you Takara! Why can’t I just be a man again?” And I despise that fucking bitch Chiyoko. I fucking hate her. She’s going to pay for this. She’s humiliated me for the last time! I can’t change you huh… well I’ll destroy you instead. The world will be better without Chiyoko.


Sumiko whispered to catch his attention. Ugh here comes Chiyoko’s lapdog. He ignored her at first, then she made an even louder psst.

“I’m having a party next weekend.” He glanced at her briefly then looked away. I don’t want to even look at her.

“When you come to my soiree bring something to drink okay?”

Completely shameless. Did she forget about her friend stabbing me in the back?

 “I’m really sorry Chiyoko left you like that. She feels so bad she got to go VIP without you.”

“Tell Chiyoko to apologise to me herself. Then I’ll reconsider.”

“Apologise for what?” Sumiko shook her head.

“For… not leaving with me immediately. Real friends would’t exclude their other friends from enjoying a privilege like that.”

Sumiko sighed and then nodded. Clever girl. She knew a school party was already a flop without Takara Matsuda there.


Chiyoko was waiting at the stairs after school.

“I’m really sorry about leaving you the other day.”

He put on his best strict teacher voice. “I’ll give you half a minute to explain.” Hmm.. sounds rather bitchy with this voice. Not bad.

 “I just wanted to be alone with… I mean… she is an amazing drummer. She’s uhm.. cool. You know everyone just pays attention to you when you’re around since you’re so beautiful. I wanted the chance to talk to her.”

Bitch still won’t admit she spilled that drink over me.

“Are you really sorry?” He said with a pout.

“Yes I’m sure.” Chiyoko pouted too. “Can we be friends again?”

She seems sincere actually. It’s not enough. I going to immolate her.

“Of course.”

He fell into the memories of Takara. Chiyoko had backstabbed everyone one more than once…or at least in Takara’s judgement. He felt himself burning even fiercer with their anger. The bitch is irredeemable then. Somebody must know something about that slut.


He had invited Yua over for the evening. She probably can access a thousand details about someone’s life.

While he waited for her he checked out Takara’s bank balance. We had thousands. Money that would take him a year to save up. So little to worry about. So much luxury. He had developed a taste for clothes lately. He needed to fit in better and why not buy all these beautiful outfits? The Versace.. maybe I could hire the designer. There was a few hard knocks on the door.

“Yua… darling.” He gave her a sweet face and lead her into the tea ceremony room. They gently sat down on the tatami mats

“Takara-chan! Not often I get a housecall outside of a party! I want to see what you’re hiding in here.”

They swapped stories about boring lessons and teachers. Then mention came of the upcoming school trip. He pressed a finger to his lips and gave her a pretty little smile.

“Don’t you have one of those cute little drones? Why don’t you take it on the trip with us?

“I could get some good aerial shots.”

“That’s right, you could use them as stock images for your websites.”

“Absolutely. Uhm… why did I cross your mind?”

“Oh… I’m a big fan of your blog. I noticed you haven’t updated for a while.”

“You are?” Yua raised a brow.

“I check it a lot Yua-chan. I just don’t want to embarrass the other girls by bringing it up. They are a bit talentless you know.”

“Oh… that makes sense. Alright, let me tell you about the specs!” Yua pulled out her phone.

Heheh. When we’re out there, I’ll tell her my plan.




That night he took a shower. The scalding hot water seem to excite his soft sensitive skin. He stared down at the same soft legs. You should shave them again soon. 

He drew a line along his right arm. Then his attention turned to the triangle of hair on his… his… vagina. His sexuality was no longer dormant. It was just there, between his legs, he could access it any time he wanted. He began to massage his breasts. No need to flirt or seduce, he was the woman now, he was to be pursued and adored. He thought about Shoji, he’d gotten really fit and tall. He was mister popularity, but not talented, rich or smart enough to outshine her. He was just perfect for her. His body really makes me….

He plunged his fingers into his vagina and began to searching for something unobtainable. It seems he really was attracted to men now. A naked woman, nothing. But a naked man… their muscles, their deep voices, their dominant auras. Their delightful dicks. He brushed the pea-sized nub and he let out of a gasp of pleasure, then he giggled. Time to do some more ‘exploring’.


As he waited in the study room he wrote a list on his phone. 'Potential ways to return to normal.'

Top priority was to undo this reality change. 1. Graduate high school 2. Find an ancient wizard. 3. do one-hundred good deeds 4. Get hit by a car and maybe wake up from a coma? 5. Maybe adopt that gross stray dog? Hmm… Does helping Akari count as one more than one deed?


Finally the school trip arrived. It was a boring three hour drive to the muddy, wet mountains. The teachers pointed them in a general direction but everyone was fairly staggered out. He watched both of those stupid bitches like a complete predator. They must be hiding something.

“You see Chiyoko and Sumiko? Immaaggine if we had some artistic moody photo of them off in the forest somewhere. It would be so lovely. You should absolutely follow them with their drone.

“Uh… I don’t know Takara. Isn’t that a breach of privacy.”

“Since when did you care about privacy? You’re also up in some celebrities’ business on Whistler right?” He said with an almost soothing tone. You’re nothing but a gossip.

“Ah.. yes. You’re correct. I just don’t want to get in trouble again.

“And you won’t Yua-chan. Just don’t zoom in on the pores of their face or anything.”

“Fine…” Yua smiled.


Yua swept her hair back as she sat down on the rock. “You won’t believe it, so was spying on Sumiko and Chiyoko just like you asked. I had my cute little drone with me and I saw them… just…kissing!” He gasped and pulled Yua a little closer.

“You must be mistaken! She has a boyfriend. Chiyoko is the girliest girl imaginable. I’ve known her my whole life.” He said.

“I’ll send you the drone footage l swear on my grandmother.” He looked through the photo on the phone and gave her a shocked look.

“Yua… don’t share this with anyone. It would be sooo embarrassing for them.”

“Definitely Takara. They’re our friends after all.”

“Exactly. You’re so understanding. You should catch up to the others.

Chiyoko cheated on her boyfriend Daichi with Sumiko then... wow.

Is that such a big deal these days ? Right, but how could I forget… that’s what their big fight was about too. Chiyoko had been spending all of her time with Sumiko and I… Takara was jealous. That explains it. I need to be sure. This secret is so juicy, it needs to absolutely true. Spy on Sumiko. Organise a study session with her. These bitches love to think you need their academic help.


He met up with Sumiko the next day and moaned up the trip with her.

“I’m just heading to the toilet!” Sumiko smiled.

He had a look through the photos on Sumiko’s phone. Passcode?

It’s Chiyoko’s birthday of course. She really is like her poodle.

As he flicked through the media, photos them together multiplied further and further until he nearly dropped it. He held his breath until it hurt. Sumiko really did something like this. She licked up that other bitch’s juices and swallowed it. Disgusting. Seems they just had to document their little secret. That’s just too much. What a fiend, I could teach her such a lesson with this. Delightful.

He sent the video to himself and deleted the record.


He spent another session in the library. But he knew something was wrong. His mental stamina was depleting quicker. It’s not like he couldn’t read but… like… why bother? Wait… That’s it! finally! that’s the symbol that was in my house. Gotta find Akari, she probably knows about the supernatural or folklore or something right?. I was like, right to look for her in the first place. I can cure myself! I could truly destroy those bitches at their own party first. No! I should cure myself now, before I mess myself up anymore.


 “Alright Akari-chan. A few pieces of paper with Ofuda were inside my house and I may have accidently lost them.” He leaned back against a bookcase. “I think they were spells, I need something to counter-act them or something,”

“Wha… what? Slow down. You had those in your house?” Akari said.

“It’s uhmm.. a big house. It probably needs to be secured against spirits or… something.”

“Nonsense! This is something sinister Takara. Those are for really terrible curses and traumatic events. Like someone commited suicide or was murdered or maybe something that will last for generations.”

Mark shuddered. What the hell was in that house when he moved in? Why did nobody warn him?

“You need something for self-purification!” She tapped her chin.

“Right, then make me one.”

“I… can’t… just… make one. I need materials and things.” She briefly looked Takara in the eyes.

“Then go to the supply closet in the art room and get them idiot.” He cocked his head.

Akari sighed and nodded. “Okay Takara, sorry Takara.”




Akari’s hands shook as she handed the talisman over. “You-you might need a stamp from the shrine. If… if you know it’s really bad.”

“Thanks for the advice.” He smiled, as sincerely he could. Akari’s gaze lingered, as if she expected something to happen. Then she suddenly darted out the room. Poor Akari,  still shit scared of this girl.

He made his way to the shrine that night instead of going straight home. He got another stupid text about missing piano lessons but like, whatever. No one seemed to be near the shrine so he approached the water pool in the middle. He tossed the Ofuda into the pool and waited. One minute… two minutes. Damnit why aren’t I cured yet. Is reality just going to turn to normal? He leaned over and stared into the pool. Maybe if he came back later…


He heard a shout behind him. The police officer shone a flashlight on him.

“Miss what are you doing here at this hour?”

“No, no I need to stay here!” He struggled against the police officer but this body was not made for it. He could do whatever he wanted to him. How dare this public servant even touch him? He scratched him so he put her in a lock. His puny muscles strained until he felt desperation set in. I’m getting out of this one way or another. He bit the officer’s arm. The man yelped and seemed read to hit her.

“I’m a Matsuda!” He said. His declaration instantly made the officer let go.  He bowed nearly against the floor.

“Ah…ah…umm. I-I-I’m sorry. I have great respect for the Matsuda family. Look, I still need to ring your guardian..”

“Fine, you can ring my Father.”

Curious that Takara’s father didn’t really bare resemblance to her. He looked damn tired though. He was tall by the looks of things. He dressed the part of a rich powerful man, but seemed uneasy in his suit. He clearly couldn’t wait to take it off.

“You stupid girl. You know how many strings I had to pull for this not to go on your record? You nearly dishonoured your family. Why on earth did you bite him?”

“I’m sorry… da-daddy.” Calling another man Daddy…sigh, the humiliations.

"I could have made another two-hundred thousand yen this past hour. Instead I'm here with you." His tone grew louder and louder.

“You are pathetic! Imagine if we had lost you? After all we have invested in you.” He was gripping the wheel even tighter. “Why were you there? Meeting a boy? You little..”

“No! I was just checking out a rumour.”

“Gossip mining again hm? Is this how far you will go for it? You spoiled child.  Was the driver not enough? I have half a mind to cancel your credit cards. And if you don’t get perfect grades this semester, I definitely will. Mark my words. ” He pointed in her face while still looking at the road. Mark folded his arms and sighed. It was probably better to be quiet. If there was something Takara could or had said to win these bouts in the past, it wasn’t coming to mind.



“Oh Takara-chan, I had a dream you had pink hair last night, you should definitely dye it that colour.” Rika said. Rika was a really large girl, plain looking with thin lips, her skin was rather dark too, but she was friends with Yua so what could you do?

Ohhh sexy. I would look so hot with pink hair. Mark smiled at her. Then again, it’s a bit art school drop out. He started looking up pink hair dye on his phone. Just out of curiosity. It wasn’t like he was really going to try something so garish, well like, maybe some day you know?



“Oh wait don’t do that!” Rika said. Takara’s mental bubbled popped.

“Why?” Takara asked. She stared expectantly.

Another boy approached the table. He was sort of pale-looking, hardly any muscles to speak of, practically worthless.

“No.” Yua said, barely looking up from her phone.

“Nooo” Rika giggled as she looked him up and down.

Mark showed the canines of his teeth as he smirked. He pushed his chest slightly out and tilted his head, staring into his eyes. The boy’s mouth opened wider and before he had the chance to say something Mark instantly returned to his meal. The boy snuck off with a confused look on his face.

“He nearly squeezed into his pants.” Yua giggled.

“I hope they don’t believe him.” That was fun. Adorable.

Rika tapped her fork on the tray. “A friend of a cousin of mine dyed her hair pink and it seeped into her brain and she went crazy. She started dressing like a firewoman and carrying a big watersoaker wherever she went. Don’t do it Takara-chan, forget I said anything! “ Rika nodded. Everyone on the table blinked wordlessly.

Akari came shuffling over and stood over the table with her typical shy girl expression.

“Takara, it’s Akari again.” Yua said without acknowledging her.

“Hi Akari!” Rika smiled.

“She can sit with us.” Mark said firmly. Yua’s eyes widened and she looked between the group incredulously. She blew out her cheeks and went back to her phone. Mark winked at Akari, who mouthed thank you.


As they were leaving for class Yua gently pulled him into an alcove near the lockers.

“Seriously Takara. Why is she sitting with us? Is her mother an examiner or something?”

“I am just being generous. She’s a work in progress.” She flapped her right hand.

Yua rolled her eyes. “Is it about the election?”

“No, I am really trying to help her. As I said, she’s a work in progress. Do you really think I’m that mean?”

“Riiiight. Did you consider that I’m trying to run the social media game? Heavens, what if we take a photo with her in it? Multiple photos? She’ll ruin the whole image I’m cultivating with our group. You want a good College application right?”

 Another bitch who needs muzzling huh. It seems Yua was really forgetful. That’s disappointing!

“Just remember that if it wasn’t for me. You wouldn’t have any money to invest in your amusing little apps? So perhaps don’t question my judgement.” Yua stared at her and let out a frustrated sigh.

“Fine, have it your way, like always! Just try consider your actual friends for a moment? You know, the next time you feel like sinking your fangs in and creating a clone.” She walked away huffing and puffing.


The next day came the second dance class he was due. He skipped the first one due to his complete uncomfortableness was the whole thing, but the amount time it took in Takara’s afterschool schedule was too much to ignore. He read the room. Nanami and Chiyoko were here, along with Ichika, and pretty much all the popular students. Yua stayed as far on the other end of the formation as possible, but he swear he saw her smirk at him for an instant. A teacher was in charge, but Nanami was kind of second in command. He robotically moved his limbs to the music and within ten seconds Nanami was looking at him. He couldn’t lose Takara’s standing. He felt like he was picking a book off a shelf in the library as he transferred her knowledge into his mind. Now I can dance. He smiled as he effortlessly shook to the rhythm and tried to look as sexy as possible.


He made his way home exhausted. All that dancing needed you to be in pretty much peak physical condition. The moment he closed the door, his father stormed over to him. He grabbed her by the hand and dragged her into the living room. “Takara Matsuda. The shame you bring on this family!”

“One of the girls in your class has uploaded a video of your Auntie.  One of our family!”

“I think I know who, we are in a competition of sorts.”

He gasped as he felt a backhand across the face.

“This childish theatre Takara, deal with it immediately. I won’t have this affect my business. Do you understand child? I can’t believe I was cursed with a teenage girl. You’re Uncle has four boys, but all I have is you.”

“Y-yes Father.” He whimpered out on instinct.

F-fu-fucking Nanami is getting me abused at home. I need to shut her down quickly. He… slapped me. This is what I put up with for the money. But he’ll be dead and gone… sooner rather than later.


A few girls in the classroom were laughing at him. At first he thought he was being paranoid, but then it happened in the corridor too. He heard a voice that stirred a memory inside of him fizzling out from one of the phones. He grabbed a phone from one of the girls nearby. He looked at the video and frowned. It was his… her Auntie. She was completely wasted and groping up a waitress in a restaurant. It seems everyone in there was visibly disgusted but no one dared to intervene. She was a Matsuda after all.

I can’t believe your Aunt did that Takara-chaaann. Your family is most peculiar. I don’t believe they can tolerate such a lush” Nanami laughed as she snuck up to her. It cut straight through him. Everything they said about her auntie was true, but she dared to question her family honour? 

“Take it down or family will sue you. And I doubt you can pay you pond scum. It’ll be numbers that your little brain can’t even fathom.”

Nanami then grunted “Fine.” That little aspiration sound of resignation, absolutely delicious. But the smile was wiped right off his face as Nanami grinned from ear to ear. “But… I’m afraid I don’t have permission. Perhaps you should ask your friend Yua?” Nanami winked as she left.

He stood in the middle of the corridor, snickers were still eeking out one by one. He shot acidic looks to anyone who dared laugh at him. I need to get out of this life as soon as possible. I can’t take all this petty bitchiness. But… am I enjoying it? Perhaps even good at it? There is something in me that responds to it. Takara and me… we respond to it? Agh, it’s like my fucking head is splitting in two. Yua is my friend isn’t she? Takara’s friend… I’ll destroy her. I’ll destroy Chiyoko first, then her.


He looked at his phone. Sumiko had sent her a load of texts.

“Coming :)?”

He texted back. “Just picking out an outfit, you know how it is.” He literally had no idea.

 “You always look really nice. Honestly, whatever you wear. Chiyoko thinks so too.” Sumiko texted back.

She’s so thirsty. Thankfully I don’t go that way, it would be such a curse.

“Oh you two are so nice.” He replied. She chose a nice black dress and a pretty necklace with a sapphire she had bought in Greece. She picked up a bra balanced on the hanger nearby and grinned. This looks sexy I guess.

I… shouldn’t go ahead with this. I like to be an exhibitionist too. Surely that means Sumiko doesn’t deserve this embarrassment? We are all just looking for bit of fun in this shitty senile old man run society.

I… ugh, no Chiyoko, the problem is Chiyoko. Of… of course it’s not wrong to show off, but everyone else doesn’t think that way.

….If you can’t do it, then I’ll do it.

I… know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I can’t go back to my reality with Chiyoko stomping on me all over again. He allowed Takara to flow through him. He couldn’t treat even Chiyoko this way, but perhaps if he embodied Takara, he could do what he needed to do tonight.


On arriving, she took note of who was there. Just a few people as not to disturb anybody. She glanced around the room. I suppose it is a more refined crowd. Except for Haru… he had a face like an inbred cousin.  Don’t you dare look at me you boar. Ugh, the noises he makes in class. No wonder Kuriko makes him walk a metre behind her sometimes. Poor girl must be so ashamed. All the same, there was no one here who would be whining about what would happen here tonight.


Lovesick Girls, by BLACKPINK was blaring in the background as she entered the living room. They sat down to play some drinking games. The alcohol wasn’t strictly legal of course but her daddy always kept some home. He would forgive her for borrowing it…probably.

The night drew on, and everyone got drunker and drunker. Just as Chiyoko and Sumiko seemed happy, she looked between the group and hushed them.

Don’t do it. He protested weakly one more time, but the sense of compulsion and excitement built up in his stomach as the barrier between the teenage bitch and the man broke down. I’m going to do it. Don’t do it. I’m going to do it. Don’t do it. I’m going to do it.


“Listen girls, I absolutely have no problem with it. But when are you going to make your relationship more public?” Takara said with a dash of fake cheer.

Everyone looked at her. Chiyoko and Sumiko looked between themselves.

“Somebody told me that you two are in love. I mean.. I didn’t believe them of course, but then they showed me some pictures.”

“What.  Are. You. Talking. About.” Chiyoko folded her arms.

“This is meant to be a casual soiree. Let’s just focus on playing games and having fun.” Sumiko looked between everyone and smiled.

“I mean that is rather adventurous. I’m impressed with your creativity. That you could do that with each other.” He said flatly.

“This is not funny Takara.” Sumiko began to tremble.

“You have both have quite the thirst.” Takara giggled.

“YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN’T TELL.” Chiyoko screamed at Sumiko. Sumiko looked at Takara with disgust. Chiyoko smacked her fist into the ground and ran out. Sumiko wasn’t far behind.

Takara feigned surprise. “I guess that might come up at school tomorrow.”

One of the girls looked around the group. “Can I see?”

“She was slurping it like fish soup.” Takara said giddily. Ahh, now everyone can give me the attention I deserve.


Takara let out a viperous laugh as she looked at herself in the mirror. Oh my, the look on that bitch’s face was priceless. She removed her robe and let it flutter to the floor.  I bet that bitch is crying herself to sleep right now.

Making people cry isn’t right. How many enemies did I make in only a few days. This is just destructive. Uh, I’m hearing voices now. Awww making people cry is bad… what am I like five? He giggled for what felt like an hour. You think you can embarrass me? Make me look stupid. I haven’t even finished with you yet.


Chiyoko was waiting at the steps in the morning and rushed up at Mark. “YOU BITCH. Daichi broke up with me. You did that on purpose. I thought we were friends?.” She clenched both her hands into fists. Her eyes were mud-ringed, she really didn’t sleep after all.

Mark frowned. “I’m sorry I…I..”  I’m not sorry. This is all your own fault.

Chiyoko’s face twisted with rage. The tortured remains of Mark smirked as Takara took the lead unbidden again. “I don’t think I really need friends like you.”

“Bitch, do you want a war?” Chiyoko glared. “I know some of your secrets too.”

“I think we can avoid war. I wonder what your mother and father would think about your partner? ”

“Y…you wouldn’t.” Her eyes widened.

“I won’t tell them… but you’ll do everything I say for the rest of the semester. You’ll vote for me as class president… and you’ll take notes for me in class.”

“C-come on Takara. You don’t need me to take notes.”

She smiled. “And why is that? I want you to tell me” He gave her a bitchy amused look.

“Y-y-you’re the smartest girl in school.”

“Exactly. I don’t need you to do it, but you’ll do it anyway because you’re my servant right?”

She lowered her head. “Yes Takara.”

“Sooo nice of you Chiyoko.” He sneered. “You finally learned your place.”

Chiyoko stared at her with helpless agitated eyes. She seemed to be thinking of anything she could possibly say to turn the conversation back on her.

“When I text, you better answer. Bye bye.” He shooed her away with one hand. Chiyoko shook her head and joined the rest of the crowd. Wow, that felt good. Demoted from friend to slave, where she deserves. I finally have control over her.


Rika was already sitting down with Akari. Usually Mark needed to invite Akari to the table but now she was just there already by herself? Does she think she’s our best friend already? She wants to be another Chiyooooko... Mark shook his headFocus on someone who’s an actual threat… like Yua. She was conveniently nowhere to be found. Nanami wasn’t at her usual table either. What were they planning together? How dare they? How DARE THEY? But… Yua could tell Chiyoko, or worse, the school, that I had her spying on them. That wouldn’t go down well… huh… heh.


After removing the silver satin bra, he looked down at the two breasts. He could remember them growing in now. The anxiety and chest aches. The glancing looks from grown-men in the stores, and talk from guys in class who were only interested in one thing. She went up two cup sizes in a year, while the other girls could barely grow a lump. Chiyoko was jealous naturally, she was the other most beautiful girl in school, but she lacked her ample breasts.

He began to push on the sensitive nubs. He tensed up and then let out a satisfied sigh. He realised he couldn’t remember what it was like to have a flat chest at all. Considering the past couple of nights exquisite sessions, he really wasn’t sure he wanted to give them up.

Memories that had existed only in fragments and intruding comments were now coming together to make an awareness, a life, an ego that was strengthening. A greater whole self. Just like their body was too.


“And remember not to use double-negatives… now… onto the third conditional.”

Mark looked behind him, it’s like their vacation never ended.

“Hey everyone, listen!” The class went on talking and ignoring him.

He raised his voice. “Listen everybody!”

The class started to laugh while chatting with each other. “What are you all laughing at? What’s so funny?”

“You.” They all turned to him at once.

“Don’t address me with pronouns. No, you… little shits. Show me some respect! You.. you can’t do this.” The students were already back to their chats. At the back of the room he saw Akari and… himself? No… Takara. Chatting happily as if they had been friends forever.

 He glanced to the side and caught his reflection in the classroom window, but it wasn’t his reflection, it was Chiyoko. He couldn’t believe it, and rubbed his face. The face had changed into another beautiful Japanese girl.

 “I’m so entrancing.” He thought. “I’m a darling.”

Mark entered the room again.  She took her rightful place in her seat. Gazes lingered patiently on her as if waiting for her to give a command.




He blinked and found himself at his dressing table. He looked at the different make-up tools and then finally at a quivering mass of flesh in the middle.

Time to put our face on for the day!

He grabbed the flesh and smushed it into his own pores and facial orifices. It tingled as his face conformed to it. When he finally opened his eyes again he saw he Takara’s face. He turned his head from side to side in order to get a look at the profile of her face. Then he looked behind and saw a male figure on the bed.


Mark could feel the sweat all over his body as he looked the lover beneath him. It was Shoji.

“Wow, look at you, such a slut.” Takara said from their mouth while playing with her nipples. They didn’t stop their pace as he looked aside at another Takara sitting on a chair.

Mark felt a surge of defiance. He knew he should get off. If he got off this big cock, he would be saved.  But this was just too good.

“You enjoy being me right?

“It’s unbearable...”

“My life? Or the pleasure? you’re still holding on to being a man though. You need to just drift away into comfort. The life of a Matsuda is one without toil…my Auntie used to say.”

His entire body went weak as Takara’s seductive words seemed to induct a trance-like state.

“Oh wow, you can barely speak you’re enjoying it that much. “

“Now imagine the real thing. We could have him all to ourself.”

“No I…” His head and vagina throbbed in unison. His lower body was quivering. He tossed his hair back wantonly. She started riding him and slapping his hands onto his chest. The bed creaked underneath as his tits swung up and down, over and over.

This feels so good, he was a just a teenage virgin being penetrated. Wow… ugh… ahhhooahh. His moaning got higher and higher, he only wished he could take the cock deeper. To a place that didn’t even exist.

The phantom Takara giggled. “You can end this, you can wake yourself up actually. But you won’t, just admit it, you like being a rich hot Japanese teenage girl. It’s like you don’t even miss your old body at all. You don’t miss your old thoughts at all.”

He weakly shook his head. “That’s… not… not… oaahhh… ah… ah” His thighs started to shake as he felt something building inside.

“You hated Chiyoko out of envy. The power she had even as a student half your age.” He shook his had rapidly. No…no..

“You can’t separate yourself from me anymore. You’re Takara, I’m Mark. We are even Chiyoko… if you think about it. I think it’s time for you to really inhabit this skin.” She slipped from the chair and behind crawling towards the bed.

He screamed out in pleasure. Even though he was in his own head, he wanted to the world to hear. I am an exquisite girl, making love to my hot athletic boyfriend. Please yeeess… no… no…

“You’re not fooling anyone. I know you Takara. I see the flaws in your life. I don’t want it!”

“Temporary setbacks, temporary setbacks. I suppose I’m an Empress in waiting.”

“I’ll keep fighti….ooo” His melodious voice called out with all sorts of pleading and begging.

“Sure, but soon you’ll just be left with some memories of memories of feelings. That mean nothing. We’re entwined, as entwined as you are with Shoji right now!” She giggled. Mark’s spectral form began to convulse as Shoji held onto her perfect hips. Oh it’s coming. He knew this would be unlike anything he had ever experienced. The muscles in his vaginal were literally fighting to have more cock inside. He flicked his eyes upwards as a wet powerful explosion went off inside. His arms dropped limp. He simply held there with an unfocused drained expression, until the dreamscape disintegrated.




He had woke up with… wet sheets, a pool around his vagina. What had he been doing in his sleep? He hid in the corner of the bed farthest away from the morning sunlight. He banged the back of his head against the headboard. I’m running out of options. Is there anyone I could talk to… someone who can reassure me or help me. Of course! It should only be about eleven o’clock in England. He could ring his mate Ian in.. where did he live? oh… Bir-ming-ham. Perhaps his number still worked.

He struggled through a few combinations until he eventually punched in the last idea he had.

“Hello?” There was something wrong with Ian’s voice to his ears, somehow, it lacked the distinctiveness he remembered. It just sounded… like what English sounds like.

“Hello, I.. Mark am.” The words were struggling to come out of his mouth. It was like he needed five seconds to even think of a word.

“Excuse me?”

“Me… Listen to me. I Mark am.” God help him, the grammar was completely beyond him too.

“Mark? Do you know Mark? Is he there?” There was a genuine lilt of curiosity in his voice.

“Yes. Mark…I am Mark. You help me need. Me help. Japan in trouble.” His English sounded so broken. He wanted to scream at Ian, run through the whole story with him in a minute, but he needed to formulate it all in Japanese first.

“What is this some kind of joke?

“Not, joke not. Very serious.” His voice trembled as he realised he was losing his friend.

“Mark, you Mark look for. He needs… help. Not with you game playing.”

“Is this one of his students? Is he pranking me with a bloody damn teenager?” The string of sounds in a rough accent was impossible for him to pick up. Mark jerked his knees and let out some childish sounds of frustration.

“No joke not. I Mark am, good friend please me help. I girl into changing. I am changing into teenage girl. My mind losing.”

“Really, you’re Mark? You sound about eighteen and not very British. You can barely speak English kid.” He was right, whoever would be convinced this cute high toned voice belonged to an English man.

“I.. do not understand.” Mark felt like breaking down in tears. He really couldn’t understand his own birth language well anymore. He caught about four words at best. Not even his friend’s emotions were really perceptible to him anymore in the mush of words.

 “If he wants to speak to me again, he can ring me himself. I was about to put my daughter to bed, bloody arsehole.” The phone hung up. His heart sank at the thought of his friend being angry with him. In fact, he wanted to cry. He fought through it and quickly looked for a translation app. He translated the story into English as succinctly as possible. “This is Mark, I am trapped in Japan as a girl due to some kind of magic. You’re one of my best friends, please remember.”


In the toilet at school, he received a reply to the message. “I don’t know anybody called Mark. I am blocking this number now, do not contact me again.”

“No, please, no…”Mark covered his face with his hands then screamed. He was stuck like this!


He swept into the study room. His miserable face turned to Akari who’s face lit up and then darkened within seconds of each other.

“That didn’t work Akari. It didn’t work! I’m fucking stuck like this!”

“I’m sorry Takara, I don’t know what you even wanted it to do.” She held her hands up in front of her.

She’s useless. She probably gave me the wrong symbol on purpose to get back at me. How could she fail me after all the help I gave her? I can’t take this shit anymore. I’m surrounded by such completely useless bitches. None of them understand me.

Mark sneered. “What do you have there?”

Mark knew he needed to stop, push back against this urge to bully her, but.. ooo to… to hell with it, it was just so fun and he was just so angry.

She snatched up her bag and ripped the book out. Her precious poems dedicated to Kenta. One part of her wanted to shit on them all, but another part of her admitted that these poems were actually good. An irritating little fact.

“Takara, stop it, don’t be such a-“ She immediately tightened her lips.

Takara glared at her. “What was that? I hope you weren’t going to call me a bitch Akari.”

“N-n-never.” Akari stammered.

“I can’t believe this… you have a crush on, Kenta. I wouldn’t bother Akari, even someone like that is out of your league.”

Hmm, it was almost orgasmic, wouldn’t it be so good to just pulverize her self-esteem?

Akari tried to grab the book, but Takara pulled it back.

“I think I’ll take a photo. Then make some modifications.”

You could hear the panic in Akari’s voice as she begged. She’s a loser. Come on, wouldn’t it be better to be gracious. Just leave her alone?

“Imagine how much nastier these poems could be. It might even get some meathead to take pity on you if they thought sweet Akari was a secret whore. ”

Akari was on the verge of crying. She was looking around frantically, searching hopelessly for an exit.

“What? I’m giving you advice aren’t I?”

“I thought we had become friends?” Akari said, wiping away the tears. Takara looked deep into her eyes for a moment then threw the book back at her. She quickly shoved it back into her backpack, then ran off…

“Wait, it’s me, it’s me! It’s….” Mark covered his face with his hands. He looked around in a daze. He wanted to confess who he was to everyone around him.. I’m a boring teacher, he wanted to shout. I’m a British man! But… that would come from the body and mouth of a pretty Japanese girl.


The next day he cornered Akari on the astroturf.

“Akari I’m sorry. Those were words said in anger.”

“It’s okay Takara, I know what it’s like to be sad a lot of the time too.”

He smiled faintly. You’re sad because you’re a friendless loser. Akari tapped her chin.

“I have an idea, there is a bigger shrine at the island/sea. Maybe if we get a stamp, then do the

counter-curse there, then we can make you feel better. But I need more details?”

“Transformation. I need to reverse a transformation.” He gulped. Could he really tell her?

“I… don’t understand Takara?” She tilted her had.

“I experienced a great transformation in my…life. Yes that’s it. An unwelcome transformation.”

“There aren’t any characters for that really. Just to remove malevolent influences.

“Try whatever you can.” Akari shuffled and gave her what seemed like a sceptical look. Then she barely mouthed “Alright.”


He finally saw Yua outside school the next day.  He grabbed a hold of her backpack. Yua looked back and sighed.

“You can’t threaten me Takara. I’m tired of it. I can’t believe you used me to spy on Chiyoko and Sumiko.” There was a shakiness to her voice. It wouldn’t be audible to anyone else. Only to someone like Takara.

“They had it coming.” He snickered. Yua looked aside. “Harsh but true. Yet it doesn’t change the fact” He thought about slapping her across her ridiculous face. Inferior bitch. But that would mean getting her skin grease on her hand.

“If they figure out it was me I could get kicked out of school Takara!” She dropped her backpack.

“Oh I could speed up that process.” Yua’s angry expression dropped for a moment as he could see logic creeping into her mind, but then it came back. “I won’t….” Yua looked away.

“Alright. Then what if I do a favour for you?” Yua’s expression turned curious.

“You know everybody loves me. Then when I’m school president, you can have anything you want.”

“I want us to bring up more connections with the big video game and tech companies. And set up some interesting scenes for school photoshoots.”

“Is that all?”

“Yes.” Yua said quickly.

Yua stared for a moment then grinned. “Takara-chaaan. Such a good friend. You are amazing! Nanami is such a bitch.”

He linked arms with Yua and giggled.


That weekend he made his way over to the coast with Akari. The shrine was entirely empty and the open gateway to sea at the back seemed to be only interesting part of the shrine. Takara nodded to Akari as she threw their offerings into the sea and made her way back

“It didn’t work again…”  He sighed.

“Maybe it just needs time?” Akari laughed nervously. He kept looking back to the door. Something was off. Something was missing. His mind thought of some old stories that his nanny had read to him.

“Why don’t you stand closer… to the Tori Gate.  Go see if it’s working.” He smiled.

“I don’t know… the waves, they sound really fierce at the edge.”

You need to sacrifice her. That’s probably the only thing strong enough to get you back to your body.

One little push over the edge. I mean, everything will just go back to normal after so she’ll just come back to life. Yeah…heh..hehehe.

“We need to see what happened to the offering.” Heheh. Was he really going to do this? Some like, pagan sacrifice? Naturally I mean… she was worth her weight in blood. Although not much good for anything else.

“NO!” He shouted, waving his arms around as if he was trying to ward something off.

“Takara, what’s wrong?” She ran over and put her hand on her shoulder.

“I’m not- Akari. Don’t fucking come near me again!” He glared her. Takara’s personality was dominating him. Would she really mind murdering Akari?

“Why? Wh-what did I do?” You need to tell her now, maybe she can help.

“I’m a boy Akari! I’m really a boy. I had a dick and balls not these sandbags on my chest.”

Akari frowned. “Huh… are you? A transboy. A transgender? I’m so sorry, I didn’t know Takara.”

“You don’t get it. Magic made me this way. I used to be a teacher!” Akari’s mouth wriggled as searching for what to say.

“You think you can take my friends huh?” Akari shuddered as she saw Takara’s expression change to one she recognised all too well. Mark clutched his head and stumbled towards her.

“No, I… thought you wanted…” Akari said.

You are such a burden. You don’t even make yourself easy to teach! You’re a disappointment!”

He grabbed Akari and began to shake her. “WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME? WAS IT BECAUSE I WAS RUDE TO YOU? IT’S ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT.” Akari’s eyes began to blubber as Mark shook her from side to side, digging his fingernails into her flesh and screaming more and more hysterically. Then, Mark yelped in pain as Akari slapped her across the face.

“You’re crazy! Leave me alone!” Akari sprinted away from her. He grabbed her bag but she pulled herself free and kept on going. Mark collapsed to his knees and dug his nails into the ground.

He texted Akari. “Don’t you dare tell anyone what I told you. Not if you want to keep your place in this school. He immediately texted again.

“I’m sorry Akari. I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean any of it.”


He looked around the empty study room. Hoping that Akari would show up one more time.

“I’m just a bad person.” He sent the one final message. “I have your poems.” He stared at the cover of her journal.

She didn’t reply, his one friend had given up on him. I… I can’t stop it. I can’t help myself. I don’t want to turn into this mean hurtful bitch, but I’m spent. The shadowy emotions they had been fighting against all week were threatening to devour him. Here he was, cold and alone with the grim reality. This isn’t me. I don’t treat people like roadkill just because they are different, but… I think I’m out of time. He felt another philosophy becoming dominant inside of him. I.. I… this body was blessed with every advantage. A superior model. Things smell better, taste better, feel better. A memory surfaced that made him bite his lip, oh shit and I can fucking cum better. Every time I stuck my fingers in there I cummed so much. Why go back to being a ridiculous, awkward man about to turn thirty? I could get anything I wanted with this body and mind. I’m just a loser back home. Mark is just an abstraction now. Hm..hmm…yes. Markara rubbed her own neck and moaned. Mark’s memories popped up like the slides on a smartphone. She brushed each one away with disgust. Boring, useless, dumb, pathetic… tasteless. Something was holding her back though. Just a few memories of acting reasonable… yet being reasonable was for poor and untalented people wasn’t it?

No that’s so elitist. That’s not what I believe. People are… not worth it if they can’t offer me something. I’m Markara. Markara, not Takara, I’m Markara! NO. NO, WHAT IS MY NAME. He giggled to himself. How did he not see it before? The challenge was not to avoid acting like Takara, but to see if he could really BE her. Once he did that, he could go back to normal… heh… hehe.  A pleasurable chill went down her spine as her face settled on an expression of madness.

Takara Matsuda. “Ta-ka-ra Mat-su-da” She said aloud.


Mark went about preparing a couple of posters to place around the school.  “What’s left? Ah, the girl’s bathroom.” She saw one of Nanami’s posters and groaned. She looked around carefully and then ripped it off. “Time for Dance club.” She mused happily as she walked with a new sway in her hips. On the way there she saw Chiyoko with Shoji again. Doesn’t she have her own fucking boyfriend?  Chiyoko caught sight of Takara and immediately said bye to Shoji. That’s right, just remember our little conversation you groin beard licking slut.


Mark did her best to lead the dance troupe. BLACKPINK’s latest K-Pop tune.  Nanami shot an irritated look as she saw Mark mess up her moves a few times then sat on the edge of the stage to play with her phone. Bitch! Mark sighed internally, what was wrong with her today? So amateurish. I never could dance, tried to learn Flamenco once. What? Did I? I don’t remember Daddy paying for anything like that. She shrugged to herself.

“Alright! Get out the costumes girls.” Ichika faceplanted herself as she ran to the costume trunk.

“Ichikduhhh does it again.” Yua giggled..

“Cinderella. I can’t believe it.” Ichika stood up and twirled around. “I want to sing.” Ichika gasped.

“We can barely understand you when you talk normally, nevermind singing.” Yua laughed at Ichika.

“I want that part Takara.” Ichika stomped her foot.

“You can be the pumpkin carriage Ichika.” Yua laughed in a heartless cold way.

“Nanami is Cinderella.” Mark said flatly.

Nanami sighed, then looked up from her phone and raised a brow. “Why’s that?”

“I think you would understand the character rather well.” Mark smiled. The other girls went quiet.

“Oh, somewhat bitchy…please continue.”  Nanami said coldly.

“What do you mean Nanami-chan?” Mark said. “I’m just saying you are the best qualified here to play the character.”

Nanami folded her arms and stared right at Mark.

“Cute. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you and your friends treat everyone. I’m tired of them swarming around your hive. I won’t do it.”Nanami’s eyes narrowed.

“Paranoid much?” Mark flicked her hair back. “Even when I offer you the main part you act so indignant, like, seriously?”

Nanami opened her mouth but paused. She instead settled for a withering stare. The auditorium doors swung open as the presiding teacher came in.




At the end of the rehearsal as she stuffed the costumes away she noticed that Ichika had left her jewellery box. A memory came to her of a younger Ichika bragging about the box. She held it tightly and talked about how her grandmother was an actress, and used the box her whole career. Mark brushed her hands along the rough surface and slipped it into her bag.


“Ichika could be the ugly stepmother, she has that mole on her neck right?” Yua said.

She saw Nanami in the cafeteria and smiled. Nanami pushed her tray off the table and immediately stood up.

“Did you steal Ichika’s jewellery box?” She shouted. Markara turned around and give her a disdainful look.

“I don’t know what you’re talkin-“ I should give it back right now.

“No. Don’t be cute. Where is it?” Nanami glared.

“I’ll give it back. I’m sorry. First I’ll need to collect the ashes up and put them in a jar.” No why can’t I just-

Markara screamed as he was pushed onto the floor. The whole cafeteria turned to stare at the commotion. YESSS. Make that bitch look like the animal she is. Markara threw vulnerable looks to everyone nearby. Nanami raised her hand as if she was going to start laying into Markara, then looked around herself. The whole room was whispering or shaking their head. Apart from a couple of guys who were giving each other cheeky looks.

Nanami grunted then offered her hand to Markara. I’ll take it, she thought. Markara allowed herself to be pulled up in the most graceful and yet melodramatic way possible.

“Did you really burn it?” Nanami said flatly.

“No. I haven’t a clue what you are talking about.”

She grabbed Takara’s elbow. “You better. I see through you Takara. I doubt you struggled for anything in your life and you still want more. Give it back to her, and say sorry!” Takara shook her hand off. How dare she touch her?

“Fine.” Markara folded her arms. Nanami put her hand on her head as she and her friends walked off. Takara smirked. Gullible bitch, she thought. Of course the jewellery box would probably appear somewhere a little later. Probably a little scuffed of course.


As she walked to the bathroom, she gave Kenta a wink. His eyes widened as he kept walking forward rigidly. He was on the student council wasn’t he? What a coincidence. He was definitely worth knowing then. And the fact that Akari fancied him would make it even funnier if she had him on her arm one day… even if only for a day. Why.. why… make her life any worse? I should apologise and never mention this silly curse nonsense again, maybe teach her more and make her more confident.

He then smirked, as if it all suddenly made delicious sense. She needed to be an example. If you annoyed me, I’ll treat you just like I treated Akari every day, just because I can. Imagine Akari’s face if she thinks I’ve just been playing her and pretending to be her friend this whole time? What a score.


Markara attended her classes for the rest of the day and walked home with Rika. Something was niggling the back of her mind. This route felt wrong even though she knew she had been going this way her entire life. She noticed a shrine not far from her house. Didn’t something else used to be there? Those boring places are ancient; they don’t just appear overnight. Well, whatever.


On the weekend they went shopping as usual. They passed a bunch of migrant workers in downtown Tokyo begging for hand-outs as usual. My family worked hard for their money. We have given so many hand-outs to these… people….and they can barely scrape together food. What are they spending their money on? Oh and they smell so bad.  Like pickled eggs that had been extracted from a toilet. Can’t they use swimming pool or something to bathe in? Ridiculous!


She looked at herself in the mirror. I was such a work of art today. Who wouldn’t want a piece of this? Ugh, but I didn’t get any compliments at the stores? Perhaps I had a cross look? I wonder why… she dropped her make-up wipe and recoiled as her face suddenly looked wrong to her. It distorted horribly, like wax melting. He dug his talons into his face like he was about to rip it off. This isn’t me. This Asian face and eyes, these full lips, this glossy hair. Mark tried to think of his old name, but the word mark felt hollow, a word that had been carved open and gutted of all meaning. Their face quickly snapped back into form. Hm, but Japanese beauty is incomparable. We age better than those Western girls according to Auntie. He saw an image of his old face flash through his mind. Oh… oh ugh is that what I looked like? I was hideous. The face seemed to enshroud until it merged into the dark canvas behind. I’m forgetting what I look like. Does no one in the world remember me anymore?  The deep existential vacuum pulled him down.. He tried to pull himself out but the black tar like tendrils gripped him and took him under again. She looked around confused, feeling hopelessly frightened for a microsecond. Then she felt a shudder down below.


 Hmm I feel all damp. She began to play with her little manko. That’s it, oooo that’s right, I’m so tense, especially after dealing with all those stuck-up bitches today. She imagined a forceful penis doing this instead of her fingers, massaging her insides. Shoji’s dick of course. Does it really last so much longer from a penis? She focused on another image of Shoji cuming all over her face. She considered turning the camera on and recording. Why not put on a show when she was this horny? She had recorded some videos in the past but she knew Daddy would go ballistic if she uploaded them. It was just for fun, she wasn’t stupid. She had a reputation to uphold.


A memory appeared of shaking her blossoming tits from side to side and moaning.

“Hi everyone. I’m your best girl right? She winked suggestively. That’s what those popular American streamers said.

“Darling shall we order… what.. what the hell are you doing? Have you gone crazy? You little slut.”

“Daddy… I’m just trying to be like those American girls.”

“You’ll study and get a real job… heavens…heavens…what is the future of this family? Turn it off! Turn if off you ridiculous idiot child.“

“It’s not fair daddy!”

He said they were disgusting, twisted fantasies. He’s not even at home most days but he thinks he can control me. Huh he’ll be an old man some day and as soon as I have my independence… I’ll make sure to lock him somewhere far away.


Chiyoko was bunched over her lunch by herself. Not even Sumiko was sitting next to her anymore. Did they have a falling out? Delicious. She felt a wave of dizziness, then wrapped her hands around her head. Something was trying to make her care. Why should she care? It’s totally fine… Chiyoko is a bitch, and a bitch gets what she deserves. It was fine to treat her that way. She really should be expelled, if she challenges me again, she will be.

It was a mistake. I’m no different from her now- I’m prettier, smarter, poised and richer. I can’t believe I would even compare myself. Ugh!

She deserved it. You know who else deserves it? Nanami deserves it. She really deserves it.

But Nanami really is a wonderful person… she stands up for her friends and people who go without. She would make a good Lawy- don’t even! She’s just pretending. She’s disrespectful, like all poor people. She somehow has some freakish talent and now thinks it’s her job to rule and right the world. I like her, I hate her so much. I respect her. I despise her. I can’t have the likes of her getting to the University of Tokyo with people like me.


She shook in a feverish frenzy. This was the only thing she could think of all day. It was announced on the class billboard that there was to be a small debate between the two contestants for class president. Of course, only Fuji from the council and three curious students turned up. She didn’t even know their names. Part of her wished Akari would come. Grr.. again with Akari, why can’t I get that tub of lard out of my head. Ugh… fine…


Although… speaking of. She did need an insurance to seal her bid for council.

Time to speak to Kenta. But first, she could apologise to Akari… by placing her little book of poems for Kenta’s easy access.


I…I should let Nanami win. She is a caring student, wise, she really deserves it. NO NO NO, she is scum. Everyone needs to see I’m smarter. That’s what’s going to happen, right now. No doubting yourself. Her lips twitched as she felt frustration building inside her. I should ask Daddy for the pills again.

She looked up as a voice jerked her to reality.

“So I will give you a topic, and you make a statement on it, but no more than a few minutes.” Fuji was an impeccably dressed guy. His family must be loaded considering the outfits he can afford.

“First question. Some students have suggested developing more nature around campus. Do you think that would be a worthy investment?”

I should know about this topic. But…I thought I saw something about this. Didn’t I talk about this the other day.. I can’t.. agh my head hurts.

“Uhm.. ummm.”

Nanami let out a scoff. Mark gave her a fierce look. She shrugged her shoulders in response.

“It's fine if you don't know yet, Nanami can give her answer first.”

Nanami smiled “I would definitely invest in planting some trees. A natural wood would give a place for stressed students to relax and might attract a lot of wildlife. It would be excellent for the environment and every little helps with pollution, especially in Tokyo.”

Markara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I’ll say I agree with her. Yes! That seems right. Ugh, though what about all the stinking homeless and migrant workers?

“Took the words right out of my mouth. I have the same belief. Absolutely no disagreement.” Markara said firmly, gesturing with both hands out in front. Nanami rolled her eyes.

“I see, let’s move onto vandalism. How will you deal with vandals and vandalism on the campus? You may have heard of some recent incidents.”

Markara immediately spoke up. “Obviously we should have a no tolerance policy. Suspend them for a week, and if they continue then expel them permanently.”

Nanami looked taken aback. “An outright suspension seems harsh. We should look into the student background and see if they need extra help or a mentorship program.”

“Right. Please don’t interrupt.” Fuji tapped his pen on the desk.

“This is a living and work space Nanami. I don’t know where you live, but I don’t want someone redecorating my house every week. Few students here are genuinely disadvantaged, they have no excuse.” She turned her head slightly to Nanami.

“That’s simply not true.” Nanami said, mouth agape.

“If they can afford the school fees, surely they have far less problems than most people”

“Yes it’s called saving up, not that you’ve ev-“ Nanami quickly slammed her mouth shut.

“Sorry, would you like to finish your point? Mark said.

“No Ad Hominem.” Fuji furrowed his brow. He then quickly checked his phone and then pulled out another question card. “How will you encourage solidarity in your classes and in the high school. What events would you hold and how would you encourage participation?”

Mark spoke up cheerily. “We need a school spirit week. We can put decorations up everywhere.


From there the debate continued without problems, but the false start irritated Markara. It was not an ideal performance. Fuji seemed mildly impressed hm, but one council member on her side wasn’t enough. Thankfully, there was one useless male who could be of use, and one particularly sexy male who could help her too.


Markara went back to the bathroom to primp herself up. She put on some crimson lipstick and dark eye shadow, and then winked at herself. Kenta should be coming out of his Physics class soon.  

“Oh Kenta.” She matched his walking speed.

“Takara. H-how are you?” He didn’t even look at her directly. That was to potentially invite her wrath.

“Are you aware of Nanami’s run for class president?”

“Yes, I heard about your discussion.” They stopped by the staircase and Takara tilted her head. She lowered her books down.

“She is a smart girl. She would make a great class president…buuut she is kind of hot-tempered. She interrupts a lot…”

“Well, uh, that’s just how debates go.” He rubbed his neck.

“She’s quite unbalanced really… the way she attacked me in the cafeteria the other day.”

“She seemed stressed. I mean, being a top-rated high school is not easy.” He looked up ponderously.

“And so? You don’t see me making public outbursts like this. What is she going to attack the first council member who disagrees with her?”

“I… did see that. I suppose you’re right. Perhaps she isn’t in the right frame of mind. I’ll bring that up with the council.”

She slowly bit her lip then pouted. “Great idea Kenta.”

He sweated nervously. The poor guy had obviously never had so much as a look from a girl. Nevermind one has beautiful as her. An impaling stake of guilt made her spit out her next words. “Have you ever met Akari? You should talk to her.”

“Uhmm… aha… yeah right! she is really shy girl. She doesn’t talk to anyone.” He pulled his collar.

“It’s funny you mention it, the other day I found a book of poems about me in my usual study room.”

“Wow… really? I have it on good authority she likes mature guys! You should go talk to her.” He gave her a dubious look then nodded thoughtfully. “I suppose she is rather mature herself. She would make a fine council member.”

“You know Takara, people say you’re not exactly well-intentioned but it seems I was mistaken.”

She laughed haughtily. “This school is full of gossips Kenta. Look, don’t just take my word for it. I can offer some advice.”

“Oh, uh, really? I really want a girlfriend. What about Yua?”

“Are you… didn’t you just hear me say Akari? Do you think she left those poems there for fun? ”She gave him a twisted smile.

“Right.. I guess-“

“I look out for the right people. Akari is a sweet girl. And her life is a little sad.”

“I see. Wait, I’m sure last year you said sh-” Takara interrupted with a laugh. “Kenta Kenta…”

“You bring the book of poems back to her. What you ask is…” She tapped on his collar, whispered in is ear and winked.

He nodded and resumed his walk. Oh Akari, you owe me so much.



 She spent the next class staring at Shoji. Then the class after that, and the class after that. One time she knocked a pencil off towards his desk. She tilted her head and gave him a wide-eyed look. He smiled back. She knocked off another pencil then as he looked she made a quick cock sucking gesture with her mouth and hand. Oh he saw that one. She sat with a smug smile on her face and looked at her nails.




Takara finished licking the tip then started to suck on Shoji’s cock. Wha… what am I doing? She thought hazilyThis is kind of disgusting… or am I really enjoying this? This is what I want right? I mean, it’s what I need to do to get what I want. I do kind of like him though. He held onto a bar as he started to shake and let out tiny little gasps.

“Do you think we can? Um?” He went to grab one of her breasts but she slapped the hand away.

“We’ll see.” Takara smiled and put a finger on the underside of his chin. Daddy would get angry if he let him screw her for real. Besides, she didn’t want to get stuck with a high school boyfriend. She had history to make at the University of Tokyo. Such a shame though, it was so close to what she really wanted, a nice hard dick inside of her. Oh! Hehe, how unlady like! She wrapped her soft hands around his penis and began to finish him off. A hard spurt of cum landed on her lips and dripped down her chin. She licked up the sugary cum and moaned.

“At least you stopped giving me those looks. I couldn’t take it anymore. The guys at Soccer practice wouldn’t leave me alone about it.” He rested his head back against the toilet wall.

“We thought you were interested in no one. Miss going places.” He brushed his hand through her hair. “You were a little rough though.”

“I was just making you nice and tender darling.” She rested her head on his chest. Now that she did her part he better be worth the effort.

“Isn’t your friend Botan on the council?”

“Yeah why?”

“You could encourage him to vote for me. Once he does and I become class president. I can do a lot for the soccer team.” She smiled gently at him. He let out a little scoff.

“Alright, I see where this is going. I guess you are still miss going places after all. I want a date. A real one.”

“Deal..” She kissed him on the lips. They drew it out for a few seconds and then she stared into his eyes. At least she had extracted some satisfaction from him.


Takara then saw on the school website that she was the new class president. She had won haha. She was the undisputed Empress. Nanami, poor sad Nanami, you can go die bitch.


Like a flock of black swans, Yua and Rika found their way to Takara’s side. Rika grinned as she spotted Akari. She gave a mischievous look to Yua then stood in front of the tiny girl. Takara stood in the middle.

“Hey Akari. You look really nice today.” After she heard her own words, she felt painful confusion. She was just messing with her right?

“Yeah, where did you get your make-up? A pig sty?” Rika snickered. Markara had the faintest idea that she had coffee with Akari once. Weren’t they… she was like a tutor or something.

“Why don’t you transfer schools Akari? Or better yet..” Yua whispered into her ear. “Go talk a long walk on the train tracks..” Takara gave a sour look to Yua.

No..n…no the poor girl is fragile enough as it is. I need to stop them… she…she  just irritates me so fucking much. She’s just so unassertive, it’s almost creepy. This world will eat her alive, and she’ll drag me in with her if we stay friends.

“What’s going on here?” Ikumi shouted and strode up the group.

“Oh Kimura-sensei I was just helping Akari.” Takara straightened her back.

“Is that true Goto-san?” Ikumi tilted her head.

Akari nodded rapidly, but then she quickly wiped the tears running down her face.

Ikumi raised a brow then back and forth between them. She stared into Takara’s eyes and sighed.

“Ishii-san, Endo-san, come with me. We are having a little talk about this behaviour.”

“I didn’t do anything to her. Please don’t mention this to my parents…” Takara said with a desperate tone. You won’t if you know what’s good for you.

“Oh… Matsuda-san you are so… sweet to everyone aren’t you?.” Ikumi said in an almost drained and bored way. The three of them walked off leaving Akari and Takara together.


I keep mentoring her, she could still be a good friend, she thought. A cruel giggle followed. I can’t keep working miracles.

“You didn’t say anything like them…so are we still friends right Takara? I’m sorry I ignored you. I didn’t realise, maybe you are going through some turmoil.” Akari went to hug Takara.

She held her hand in front. “Friends? I’m sorry Akari but that just won’t work out. We run in different circles. I suggest you stay out of me and real friends way. Please.. don’t sit with us again.”

Akari closed her eyes and let her head fall. Then she raised it and look right into Takara’s eyes. “Ok”

“See… that’s why I like you. That’s why you’re one of the smartest girls in school. Well, second smartest.”

She half-turned and stared at Akari, then gave her a fluttering wave. Her smile dropped as she turned away. There was something about the way she looked back at her.


She saw Nanami crying in the cafeteria the next day. Aw, maybe Keio University is more for you dear. Takara smirked but then began to feel nauseous. She ducked into the toilet and entered a stall. She placed her pounding head against the stall wall. The world spun and spun.

What happened to me? I’m Markara, I’m Markara… Marko…I need to remember… no…ugh, I need to forget! I’m Takara. Why would I want to be anyone else? Imagine being one of the other losers in this school. She was a model student with fantastic grades and rich parents and no one could do a thing to her. And soon she would be student council president! She lived her life on a pedestal. Success, power, lust, how had she been so blind to those feelings before? She was going to have an amazing life. A figure of gossip, fame and fortune and it would all be easy for her. Soon all of the guys on the school council and soccer team would be wrapped around her finger.


 Markara grew silent. There was a house called his soul. Night shade had overgrown every single part of it. It crept down and trapped and entangled him. His face spasmed and shifted in Takara’s features as he felt raw burning spiritual pain… then pleasure. His screams of desire rang out all around him. Their inner voice was one in the same, the same bitchy alluring tone. She had the won the battle against herself. Her moral vision now totally darkened. She was complete, all attachments to Mark faded away. He was weak, loyal, lacking in ambition. She ran her hands over her shoulders and smiled. That’s it, just let me do the thinking now. Mark said, both their minds finally aligned. It’s so fantastic, to be so special. The true owner of this body had re-instructed herself back into existence.




That weekend she invited a load of students over to the pool in her house. Her Father didn’t know about it of course. He didn't even care she won the election.  She kissed Shoji as he came in, to the delight of the others. More people came in one by one and she took note of their faces. This was her final goodbye to some of them. She needed to make her friendship group even more exclusive. Yua would have to go at some point. She was simply getting too uppity.



The next week in the students shared the latest news waiting for English class. Takara sat at the back of the class, her eyes focused on the doorway. At ten am sharp, a blonde overweight woman waddled in. Takara smirked cruelly and whispered to Yua

“I thought foreign women were suppose to be beautiful? Oh, mmm… what fun we will have.”

She insisted on asking everyone a question in class. When it came to Takara, her only reply was a withering look.  Apparently, a teacher once cried every day because of students bullying her.

Takara could do far worse.





Alternate Ending


Akari was sitting down at their outside table. Rika and Yua hadn’t arrived yet. The idiot obviously didn’t get the hint.

“I know who you are now. You acted so much like him at first, I nearly forgot about him. I don’t why, but now what you said makes sense. “ Akari was clinging onto a piece of parchment.

“I can save you. I think… if the person wants reality to change.” Akari stood up and gave her a formidable look. “This time it will work.”

Takara smiled. “Let’s not talk about this here Akari-chan.” She stood up, her face totally expressionless. They walked around behind some trees, and Takara turned to look at her with the same expressionless gaze.


Akari took a deep breath. “The spell.. spell was listed in some ancient book as an ancestor return spell. The more I read about the spell… the more I could remember. The… Matsuda family all died after the Second World War.  Everyone in Tokyo knows that, or they should know it at least.

Takara closed her eyes. “I see.”


Takara pushed her against a tree and gave her a dark self-satisfied laugh. Akari struggled beneath the fearsome presence of the much taller girl.

“I see.. you’re absolutely insane and obsessed with me. Did all of those geeky manga kill your brain cells?”

Akari shook but tried to brace herself. “You have to listen! You’re not Takara. You’re not even Japanese.”

Takara slapped Akari across the face. Then pushed her hand into it.


Tears sprayed around as Akari shook her head. “Please Mark, you were the best teacher I ever had.”

Takara let out a sick giggle. “You’re delusional. I’m more than a teacher. I’m not a man. Have you seen this body darling?”

She ducked out from under the arms of Takara. “Just please think about it. You’re not even speaking straight. You don’t want to be a man but you were never a man?”

“Maybe… I wished for this. And who wouldn’t? I’m a genius for doing it then. There… there is no spell.” Takara said almost in a trance.

“There is… your house probably had some artifact of the family in it or something. Please remember!”

“I…” Takara groaned.

 "I WON’T LET YOU TAKE THIS LIFE AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE BITCH. I’m Takara now, you won’t ruin my life!"  Takara nearly wrapped her delicate hands around her thin throat. The much taller girl statuesque girl had her pinned yet again. “Akariii-chaan. You know I could probably get away with it right? Nobody cares what happens to you. They have a future and all of them have greater destinies. What do you have?”

Akari gulped. Takara pulled out of her phone and showed her a name on the contact list. The real name of the principal.

“I’m going to make a call for you. We’re on good terms and the principal and I. He’ll absolutely believe me when I say you’re struggling and embarrassed. You’re going to transfer schools as soon as possible. You can do your final semester somewhere else.”


“Don’t… don’t call me that again. Do you understand?”

“You just need to want it and the spell would be undone. I have th.”


“Yes!” Akari screamed, tears running down her eyes. Takara smiled with no movement of the eyes.


The next week in the students shared the latest news waiting for English class. Takara sat at the back of the class, her eyes focused on the doorway. At ten am sharp, a blonde overweight woman waddled in. Takara smirked cruelly and whispered to Yua.

“I thought foreign women were suppose to be beautiful? Oh, mmm… what fun we will have.”

She insisted on asking everyone a question in class. When it came to Takara, her only reply was a withering look.  Apparently, a teacher once cried every day because of students bullying her.

Takara could do far worse.


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