
 You dropped the phone as you gasped from the photo. She was in bed with your boyfriend… your new boyfriend. Your handsome boyfriend. There was a photo of them at the most expensive restaurant in Chicago. Your favourite restaurant, your birthday restaurant. Then another, she was alone, holding up her bare fingers. An insufferable smirk on her face. The photo was accompanied by the message.
“Put a ring on it soon. No one to marry you now. Old hag.”
You held back tears. B..bitch… no don’t think like that. It’s Kyle, it’s still Kyle!

Don’t kid yourself, he would never do something like this, this is war now. A battle to the death with this Chinese slut who had taken over his body. Your brother, and one of your best friends was absolutely gone. It wasn’t enough that she had replaced everything good in him, but she seemed to have been actively made to make your life miserable.

You hadn’t meant to act snooty all those years ago. You were both young and you egged each other on. The old Chinese lady said she’d make us enemies. That once we reached adulthood, we would suffer. You thought she was totally traumatized from being a dirty immigrant. Or well… that’s what daddy said. It made sense.

You brushed some tears out of your blue eyes. After his twenty first birthday big bro had started to change. Getting short tempered, impatient  and acting like a.. well… bitch. Then his blonde busty girlfriend, your friend too, complained over coffee he was being cold to her.  Not making an effort in bed, and it was like she had just become a sexual non entity. No comments, no love. He was just checking his phone and refusing to tell her what he was looking at.

Then his… god his body language. You thought it was a prank at first. He was shifting his weight like the gossips around the water cooler. His hands touching his heart and waving around. You made a few jokes but it was like he didn’t even care. No shame, no masculine pride.

He broke up with his Sally in the most ridiculous way possible. He called her ugly and a load of other things that didn’t make sense like 'white ghost'. You tried to give him hell but he wouldn’t even reply.

A week later Kyle sent you some messages and photos and you couldn’t believe it. You maximized and minimized the photo over and over. You videocalled him immediately. His face was layered with sweat. His hair was pure silky black, his now massive nipples were poking right through the fabric and… god it looked like he had filler in his lips.
“It hurts Maisie. It’s like someone is talking in my head. Telling me to do things. And it all sounds so good. I yao I yao… .”
You gasped as he ripped open his shirt. You could see the red raw flesh crawling like something was going to push out of two points of his chest.
“Don’t worry… shit shit, we’re going to hospital. I’m coming, just put something cold on it.” You heard cracking sounds as you closed the call, like a neck snapping or bones breaking.

On arrival, you hastily searched the rooms. Nothing in the bedroom. Nothing in the kitchen, ok ok the shower was running. You gently opened the door frame. A wet figure was crawling on the tiles, hair covering their face like a midnight shroud. The body was so womanly. So short. Not just feminine, it was voluptuous. You backed up into the door frame when Kyle turned to face you. It was like his face had been stapled onto a new body.
“Your fucking face!” You screamed and clasped your hand over your mouth. It was a mush of male and female. His thick nose massaged into a refined sharp shape. The lips grew redder and plumped. Other parts shifted around but eventually. But eventually the feminine features won out. Then his eyes closed as some thin skin stretched and turned them… turned them Asiatic. Your family was of Scottish extraction but his skin was honey colour now. A natural kind of melanin. Not like their summer tans.

The.. fuck you didn’t know,  grabbed her breasts and started moaning as the B cups swelled to D cups. They bounced, and made yours look like an airport runway.
Kyle reached out “H-elp me. Can’t feel myself anymore. I can’t think. 她很邪恶,我能感觉到她的内心。. Pleaseeuuhhheeme.” You heard flesh literally rip and watched blood drip onto the floor from his groin. Then a dump of cum just landed on top of the blood. You held back a wretch.
The Chinese woman stared dead-eyed at you, Kyle's cobalt blue eyes were just gone, replaced by a dark earth colour. It was like she was soulless for just a moment. Then she just ugh, shoved her fingers in.

You shook your head and forcefully pulled her… his hand away from their vagina. “Stop it. You can’t just do it like that.” What the hell were you saying. Was she Kyle? You started to panic and hyperventilate. You held your hand on your chest. Keep it together.
He spoke something in Chinese that brought you back to reality. Kyle never touched a foreign language book in his life. He’s being so shrill. What an awful language. You grabbed her and held her as she started to cry. In hindsight, that was probably the last of Kyle dying away.

You sent your boyfriend to look after her while you tirelessly searched the internet for real magic. You met him in High School and he’d never left the state. So maybe that was that problem. His dumb ass got a taste of something exotic and that was it.

Aidan said she just spent all the time looking in the mirror.  Pruning and pouting and trying out the make up tutorials you gave her. She pointed at your face and asked “How do this paint?”. So you taught her everything you knew. You even took her shopping because otherwise a light breeze seemed to turn her naked body on. She constantly tried to rub herself on something and tweak her nips. It was basically a porn set in her apartment. You wanted to help her be a woman, to keep Kyle safe.

As weeks went on she started acting less like a cave woman. There was something new and hungry behind those eyes. Her English improved a lot, for no sensible reason except it had all been an act. Although it was a little broken still.

It was your birthday, and so you took so-called Kyle. If your brother was still in there, he’d be there. He would always be invited. Of course, Aidan was right. Kyle just spent the whole time looking at herself in the hand mirror. And she barely looked at her or listened. She only had patience for Aidan. When you spoke, she rolled her eyes, drummed her fingers and asked Aidan what HE thought. The bitch couldn’t even understand half of it anyway. She acted like it was her birthday. Just ordering expensive meals on my money.
“Let’s go everyone. Thanks for the evening.” Kyle was looking at a nearby married man.
“Let’s go Kyle.” You half-growled.
“Kyle not my name” She snapped.
“New name Xiulan” She glared.
“Right… ok Kyle. You said firmly. The other two friends at the table looked on suspiciously at the conversation. Hell, it had been that way all night. Why wouldn't they? You had brought this strange Chinese woman they'd never seen before to your birthday, and dodged every question about her. You parents were getting suspicious about where Kyle was too.

You quickly lost control of your new adopted sister after that. She used the clothes you bought to go out and out and out, and you didn't have the power or time to stop her. You argued like when you and Kyle were teenagers. But there was no movie at the end of the night to make up over. The bitch didn't care.

You curled up into a ball then heard a beep. There was another video… she… was on top of him. Aidan you bastard. She was fucking riding him, making slutty thirsty noises. You read the texts underneath.
“Old Hag, Old Hag, Old Hag.” You threw your phone across the room and screamed.


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