In the Great Goddess' House


Neil and Gary had planned their trip to Japan for nearly two years. They had met in the California tech sector and bonded over their mutual love for Japanese food and videogames. That trip was now nearly over though, so they decided to forget about another day in Tokyo and spend the day in Kirifuri Plateau.  Neil’s girlfriend was… there… but she decided to stay in Tokyo to go shopping. That’s all she had done the entire trip, go shopping and complain. It’s all just sparkly lights, grown adults playing dress up, and tall buildings, big whoop. Yep, one of the most unique civilizations in the world… big whoop.

“Oh wow, loving all this thick forest.  Feels like being underground.” Gary breathed in deeply.

“Yeah it’s got some real wilderness.” Neil said.

“Alright, but let’s get off the trail.” Gary nodded.

“I don’t know man I thought we were already off it …” Neil’s grimaced.

“We might never come back to Japan, come on, I want to see as much as possible.” Gary laughed.

They started walking up a raised area of the forest. Gary was chewing on his sandwich at a maddeningly loud volume.

“Oh my god dude, can you not eat like a damn llama?”

Gary paused, a piece of ham halfway down his chin. “I haven’t eaten all day.”

“You’re gonna disturb the animals.”

Gary frowned and tried to put it away but somehow managed to drop it.

Neil shook his head.

Soon they stumbled upon a small shrine in the forest. Nobody was in, but there were some nice spots and a couple of well-made gardens around. Just as they were about to leave, Gary spotted a gate at the back.

“Do not enter…” Gary instantaneously looked at Neil and raised his eyebrows suggestively.

“I don’t know man. These Japanese are really strict with their rules. They might fine us or throw our ass in jail.”

“Dude, the place looks a little abandoned… and we can always make some excuse about being dumb foreigners.”

“It’s written English, they probably anticipated that..” Neil shook his head.

“Whatever… I’m going in!”

As they rounded the top they saw three rocks lying around, all of them with some characters carved into them.

“Sacred Rocks…” Neil said.

“Graves dude. They gotta be…” Gary gave him a pretend look of fear.

“Fascinating… look I don’t want to go caught, let’s go.” Neil sighed. They skidded back down the muddy trail to the grounds of the shrine. Although grounds was being generous, he couldn’t help but feel like someone was maintaining this place.

“Uhm… any idea which way we came…?” Gary said as meekly as possible.

“You’re shitting me. I thought you were paying attention!?”

“It’s a forest man, it all looks the same. You think there would be signs pointing to or from this place.”

Neil gritted his teeth, but as he looked to look back at the shrine and glint caught his eye.

“You can take a rest here. I’m just gonna take a look over there. Hell, I think I saw somebody out there…” Neil said.

The Goddess Amaterasu observed from behind a tree. Who dares to disturb her shrine? She tracked the two foreigners wandering through her domain. Her people had grown complacent, tolerant of outsiders. Still, she would never stop loving her people, and she was not without mercy for those who would learn their ways… and as for those who would not….

Neil muttered to himself as he stomped angrily through the forest. He needed to cool off or he’ll ruin the rest of the vacation. As he walked he felt a tickling on the back of his neck, then a concentrated heat, like a torch was an inch away from his skin.  He turned round to see the towering figure of a woman. The light shining from her was searing his eyes, but he couldn’t look away. He couldn’t make out any of her facial features, but he knew, she was beautiful, he knew.

“I hold the sun and the future of Japan in my hands… In my domain, I hold thy future too foreigner.

She opened her arms wide in embrace. “Thou lovest this land do thou not?”

He nodded… but.. that didn’t seem the right thing to say. It was both wrong and right, he liked some parts of Japanese culture but... he didn’t want to leave America forever.

“Yet thou hast defiled hallowed land. Doest thou deny it?”

“No…” He flapped his lips like a fish.

She touched his forehead. “Soon thou will gain a greater appreciation for the beauty of life itself. Thou will have the power to bring it into this world. A gift that men envy.” She grabbed his head in both her hands and kissed him on the forehead. A burning tingle stayed on his skin as she removed herself. She strode proudly back into the forest.

He tilted his head.

 “Thou will return to thy friend… and upon leaving this forest. Thou will be born anew.”

“Yes…” He stared and turned away. Neil walked back to where he left Gary. All the while his eyes glazed over. His skin had started to ripple and change.

“Hey..” Neil said, looking past Gary.”

“Hey man. Uh… I feel strange. ” Gary said.

“Yeah me too. Thankfully, I think I know the way out of here…”

As they walked neither of them could stop rubbing their eyes and itching. Neil was finding it harder and harder to keep his balance. They chatted but his own voice was sounding weird to him, like it belonged to someone else. And... since when did Gary have such dark hair?

“Rike, what happening to us is?” He pushed his tongue around his mouth. His accent sounded so strained… even monotone today.

“I don’t know Minori?”

“Who is Minori?” Neil said.

Gary just laughed and seemed to walk faster as if trying to get away from him.

“Gary-san, so far no run!” There it was again! why was it so hard to find the right words?

Neil walked fast to catch up but started to slow. He felt exhausted… every breath was becoming a labour. A horrible throbbing ran through his head. It was accompanied by sharp pains all throughout his body. A sound right in his ears made his skin crawl, it... was like the growing of brush and vine. He looked down just as he felt the tickling of black hair below his neck. He felt like someone was pulling at random spots all over his face. His eyes began to transform. They took on an exotic slanted shape, and the eyelashes grew longer and heavier. His green eyes turned earthy brown.

Gary stumbled sideways and then slumped down against a tree. The nerves around his eyes pained him as they became hooded in shape and the iris changed to dark brown. He tried to get up but kept falling to his knees. He looked at his shaking arms. Was he getting thinner?

Neil slowly turned her aching body towards him. “Kary? Kairo…” HIs name again what? She heard an agonizing crack as he watched Gary twist around on the floor. He shook his head manically. He let out a gasp and backed off a few steps. “Gary-san you hurt? You hospital to go need?” He whimpered in frustration. Why can’t I speak properly. What is happening!?

Neil tried to cry out but choked on his own voice. It was as if someone was pushing on his vocal cords.  They became delicate and his voice became much thinner and squeakier. She began to feel the sharp pains all over her body again and keeled over.

私、どうしちゃったの?(What is wrong with me?)

He clutched his head. Wh… was that Japanese? Even his own thoughts didn’t sound like… gaahhh.

He felt his bones break one by one then rebuild themselves, making him shorter and less stocky. Immense crushing pressure centred on her nose as it began to shrink and narrow. Neil was rapidly losing years from his skin as the stress wrinkles from his job smoothed out. His complexion darkened, followed by an overall softening of the skin. His whole body shook as muscle disappeared, leaving the build of a weak schoolgirl. He began to cry from his new slanted eyes, as his lips plumped and jaw was crushed into a more feminine ideal.

My…my ughgagh. He gasped as he felt his penis slowly shrink, eventually settling into a sensitive clitoris. The little thing twitched and it made her let out a girly squeak. A vagina bloomed open beneath it and flesh and organs shifted to make way for a birth canal and womb. Her new hormones and feelings were telling her she was now an available woman. She could have babies, and she felt… want…. she wanted something in her, to fill her up! Something long, thick and hard!

Her nipples felt hot and so she started to rub them through her shirt. As she did she found herself pushing against two balls of growing fat that were swelling bigger and bigger. The male part of his ego thought he should be terrified, it told him to fight, his body and self were being destroyed… but she could only think about how she wished they were bigger. She began to blush.

His brain began to fill with images of J-pop bands, the bustle of Tokyo mornings and the smell of her favourite dishes. Every time a new set of memories flooded his mind it was like the banging of a gong. Japanese words flashed before his eyes, replacing English one by one, until all he knew of English was how to say hello. Her brain structure and chemistry changed from that of an adult American man to a very female and very Japanese teenager. Yes, she was a girl. She had been seeing Kaito and they wanted a break from all the horrible end of year exams.  Kaito… oh… he was so handsome and kind. She loved him so so much. She had so many friends… Yua, Chie, Kimiko, Michi. Oh they really needed to see Explosive Men when they come on tour, would Kaito want to come? Probably not... it was a girl thing.

Perfume passed through Minori’s nostrils as her clothes changed. A bra materialised over her chest, lingerie beneath, as well as a comfy shirt and jeans. The state of exhilaration began to slow down. She stared at the leaves on the floor and inhaled, slowly organising her thoughts.


They both stood up and moved to each other’s side without a word.

“Are you okay?” Gary asked. Gary?  This is Kaito! Why did she think that… it sounds English. She really needed to learn soon.

“I just… I… do you remember walking out of the forest? It’s like we just appeared here.” She blinked.

“You know that happens sometimes, they say people lose time or something, maybe time travel.”

“No way! Don’t’ freak me out.” She giggled then her eyes flickered over to the car nearby. .

“The new car is so comfortable” She joined one of her arms with his.

She gave him an impish smile.

“You had fun today right?”Kaito smiled.

 “It was a nice day.” She said shyly. She wished they could do it all over again. The picnic, petting the rabbits and foxes. Kaito was so in tune with the animals, until now she thought he was just kind of soccer-crazy.

“Yeah it was.” He was staring intently into her eyes now. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her towards him, moving in for the kiss. She would never resist such a strong boy.

“Wait a minute… what about Hina?”

He stared at her expectantly.

“Do you really think I have bigger breasts than her?” She pouted.

“Of course. Plus, her tits are sort of shaped weird.”

She held her hands over her face and giggled. As they stared longer at each other, she tried to push out of her chest a little bit. He rubbed her neck and gently worked his way down to groping her breasts, pushing the two together with his hands.

“Hey! Someone might see….” He quickly took his hands off, but she grabbed them.  “I wanna do it.” She nodded, trying to control her heavy hot breathing. They bundled into the car and she quickly took off her clothes. She sank down a little and closed her eyes. She spread her legs, but as Kaito moved closer, she closed them teasingly. He gave her a hungry look and she slowly opened them again.


Kaito drove his hard cock into her slick pussy.  She let out a shriek of pain from her first ever penetration.

“Sorry. Should I stop?” He gently rubbed her right breast.

She put her hand to her lips and nodded quickly. “Go..go on”

Kaito pumped in and out, at first clumsily and slowly, causing her to look at him with apprehension. Was this right? I thought he had done this before? Should we stop? But as he built up she slowly worked with him and felt a gentle low pleasure. She bucked faster and faster until it was so unbearable she was practically screaming.

“Shusshh” He laughed.

She giggled and screamed a bit quieter.  The teenage Japanese couple cried out in unison as Kaito spilled his cum inside of her. She shifted around a bit and basked in the afterglow. Oh.. so warm… so sticky.

He held her close and sighed. “Oh man we didn’t use protection.”

“It’s okay. I’ll get the pill when we go home to Tokyo.”

“You better, I’m too young and handsome to be looking after kids.” She laughed, but at the back of her mind thought about how she really wanted to be a mother soon. She didn’t think she could wait until after High School and University.

Minori and Kaito returned home to their new families in school. Not  pondering even  for a moment about their old lives as Neil and Gary.


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