The Myth of Mistress Xia.

Kevin hurried up the stairway. They needed to get out of here fast. Something wasn’t right, the people here scared him more than half the hillbillies in Alabama. He burst open the door and scanned the room. He rubbed his eyes, the person who he expected to see wasn’t there, but a sharp moan called his attention.


In the middle of the bed was a beautiful naked exotic woman. She had large breasts for a Chinese woman. It seemed ages since he’d seen a pair of tits like that. He could see the soaked bed sheets around her. Had she been masturbating? She hadn’t even noticed him, and she was still moaning over and over. He felt his penis harden and started towards her.  She must have heard about him and sneaked into his room. They told him even in this day and age that Chinese girls were hungry for American dick. Damn they were so right.


The moment he touched her she started to panic and thrash. Then she stopped again as if a switch had flicked in her brain. She seemed to go to kiss him and then turned her head away.

“No please, no do that to me..!”

"You were the one about to kiss me darling."

"I don't kiss, not real. Don't further please."

“Don’t worry, I won’t rape you.” She was obviously confused. Damn shame.

“It… it me”

“Who are you?”

“It Qiaolian white man… no no… I… I’m Quinn!”

“MY HEAD HURT” She screamed. “I can hear her, she wants you too.”


She made a sound somewhere between a giggle and a cackle.

“Mistress Xia, you dog.”

“Listen, my friend should be here. Where is he?”

“I… now so hard speak old word. I like Chinese word. Nǐ yīnggāi pǎo ” She trailed off into the same Chinese dribble the rest of the girls spoke. She thrashed some more and dug her nails into the bed, then sat forward on her knee. She breathed heavily and then seemed to grow still and stared at him. It was an unnatural hollow stare, she didn’t even blink.


He backed off the bed.  What’s wrong with her? What did she mean about Quinn? Did she hear his name somewhere or… he froze… someone was breathing on his neck. A voice spoke and then lightly cupped his face.

“Poor wandering soul. I can offer you another life. Here, let me show you my love…” It was the most beautiful voice he had ever heard, and the only one that would matter ever again.




Sean stretched as he walked out of the mausoleum gates. China really did do everything bigger and better. Did every emperor have a tomb like this? He half-closed his eyes against the midday heat. Sean had come for an adventure, something that everyone who knew him would brag about. How awesome Sean went to China! That guy must have huge balls.


What to do now? He had met a Chinese couple who were interested in moving to America who wanted to meet him for some local food later. He felt into his pockets and sighed… free food wouldn’t go amiss. He strode like a colossus through the markets and little alleyways. A man could get used to this kingly treatment. People just looked at him with awe. The big guy, the mighty foreigner.


That night he met with the couple but the husband acted like a little boy and cut the meeting short. His wife couldn’t stop making eyes at Sean and who could blame her?  Yeah… that was right. He sat there alone eating his dumplings.


As he gently woke up. He decided to take the train out to a nearby town for a day. It was early and there must be more to this province than the city of Shenyang. After checking in, he walked as far as his legs could carry him. As he sat and ate his lunch by the riverbed, he noticed something glistening over on the banks.

“Probably just an aluminium can or something.”

Just as he felt like he was about to doze off he noticed a glimmer at his feet. Was that the object from before? Guess it must have drifted a bit.


He wiped away the silt and dirt and smiled. “No way… platinum? Pure platinum.” He looked up and kissed the sky. This was it, the get out of life and labour ticket he had always waited for.  This thing must be worth a fortune.


In the hotel room he sat for hours coveting the statue. Beautiful, was this a real woman once? Was there a model perhaps? He felt a pang in his heart. But something was missing… there was more to see. He needed to take the statue from this room, it was wasted here. The clerk’s voice barked behind him as he walked out into the moonlight.

He felt good. He was consumed by a sense of… perfection. Perfection was coming, and all that was needed was a few changes.


He rested his back against the wall. His body posing in a seductive position. One that suited a dancer or an experienced woman. He stared at the statue and held it firmly with both hands. The silver sheen drew out a new desire. A desire to change.


An artifact lost to time, but now found by a Caucasian foreigner. A man even. Interesting…


A sadistic smirk appeared across his face..

A name came so easily off her lips… his lips...for now.

 “Xia, Xia, Xia, Xia, Xia.”

Why only be a white King when you can be a Chinese Empress? Women have killed to own this power. Now it belongs to you. He looked around for the thin calling voice, but he was distracted by more wondrous emotions. A sense of pleasure and joyousness he had never know before. He smiled again, his mind began to reel as he realised he wasn't controlling his own face. He dropped the statue to the ground.


He closed his eyes and let his arms flow around him as if caught in a dance. His masculinity seeped out of him into the air in waves of light. He took off his clothes and breathed in deep. The sense of bliss evaporated. His eyes bulged as every part of his body seemed to stretch and crack.

Sean looked down at his changing body in horror. “Wha… what is happening to me. Oh fuck, am I dying? Please help!?” He felt his back crack and bones snapped over and over again. Nerves trapped and muscles pulled. An invisible force grabbed the back of his head and held it back. His red hair fell out, and black hair began to grow in its place, spilling down in curls. The stubble on his jaw soon followed. The force let him go and he fell onto his back. He felt an eruption of anger, one that was being shared with him from far away. “How dare he dispose of me. How dare he…”

He felt like something was scratching at his eyes and face. He drew one hand along it and wiped away beads of blood. His skin began to singe white as If the full moon was somehow burning its colour into him. His eyes shifted into shape and colour, becoming pitiless black and clearly Asiatic. His nose broke and blood poured out. He screamed and wretched as he tried to clear some of the blood trickling into his throat. He crumbled to the floor as weakness overtook his body. His hard wiry muscle disappeared, his massive thighs and pecs shrunk away. He tried to crawl forward but he felt like a bone saw was cutting through his limbs. He nearly passed out as he considered smashing his head against a nearby rock, anything to relieve the agony. He would no longer be as tall, or as strong. This new body had a different purpose.

He grabbed his head and looked at his chest. I look like a teenager again. I’m like a stickman. He felt a new urge. I need something to replace it. As if called, curves and womanly fat grew. His flat stomach became took on a toned female look. Fat pooled into his behind. His hips cracked as they made way for the changes deep within. She could feel small twists as if something was living inside her. Grr…guh… no…no… give me my fucking muscles back. Please....

The beauty of the East. Do you know it? Can you become it?

Hormones coursed like venom through his body. He couldn’t control his erotic frenzy. As his curves grew in, she rubbed her blossoming breasts. The tension in them was unreal. He traced the circles around his nipples as they grew wider and wider. So raw.. so itchy.  They grew unashamedly, and the two bright pink nipples thrust out, matching nicely with the alabaster skin. He squeezed the two mounds and moaned. The blood then ran from his face. His penis became instantly and painfully erect as it felt like the tissue inside was going to break.

 A nasty little thing, time to be rid of it.

He spewed the cum over the floor over what felt like hours. He moaned and begged to anyone who would listen. Release! I don’t care about being a man anymore. I’ll give it all away!

“Release me uh…uho…oooo”

His penis dwindled and his scrotum rustled and shifted into a pair of thick labia. The tip of the penis pulled under the hood and became a sweet little button. His eyes flickered and then he whimpered. “No… no I didn’t mean it! What the fuck, what the fuck. I have a fucking hole between my legs.”

He gasped as his vagina began to salivate. He had the urge to pull a man close. To be filled, and to pull something into the hole.

That’s just a taste.

A qipao began to form around her. A pattern that looked like dark flame lilies appeared over the fabric. Smells of saffron, incense and spices were fed from her memories into reality. Smells that surrounded Mistress Xia wherever she would go.

His inner voice stuttered. This isn’t right. I can’t live like this. A revolution in his identity was happening, the type of woman who dressed like this was very different from someone like Sean. Mistress Xia was thinking her own thoughts now. She focused on her female form in all aspects. Her sense of self almost originating from her breasts and vagina.  Sean’s consciousness shifted to think in a similar way. She had a man’s face, but it could be a beautiful face, it just needed a bit of makeup. She had a slender neck ready for a sapphire necklace. She was happy to be a woman. She was sexy and unconquerable.

He screeched in a new alto voice as further small changes rippled throughout his face. Cheekbones heightened and blood rushed to his lips as they became fuller. Eyelashes between thicker and enticing, while eyebrows plucked themselves thin.

No! Get out my head. I am an American man. I grew up on milkshakes and fucking Saturday morning cartoons. Mistress Xia laughed. Don’t be so difficult. You want this body, you want this face. Those things are all just distractions from pure beauty.

I’m a fucking man.

The smooth malevolent voice gasped. You failed at being a man. No dates with a woman in years, that’s why you came here to prove yourself. You’re delusional. It said with a mocking playful tone.

You… you’re wrong.

She showed him the scene from last night from the woman’s point of view. He could feel her disgust at his boasting and lip-smacking.  She kept looking at her frustrated husband. This man was pathetic, did he really think a married woman was interested in him.

He felt a weary sadness well up inside him. He was lost… completely lost. He was a soulless office automaton. Who would want to spend the rest of their life with him?

A dull crude wooden carving of a man. Who doesn’t understand true beauty.


No one will deny you as Mistress Xia. No woman or man.

The one who knew himself as Sean began to shed parts of his identity. He was no one. Not male or female. Make-up began to appear on his face. Smoky eyeshadow and dark red lipstick. Foundation elevated her already perfect skin to supernatural perfection.


A thought occurred to Mistress Xia’s twisted mind. She needed to spread this gift with others. Some jovial football player being transformed into a Chinese woman just like her, and being banged over a table. His lustful moans drifting out into the streets. A once wicked politician draped over a foreigner who thinks he is in the best day of his life, until he joins her too. The Mistress herself enjoy these pleasures from time to time too of course.

No… I remember… this is bad.. I want no part… that’s disgusting.

You could do this to anyone. Find the sad and lost ones and give them a new life. Dominate and threaten anyone with your power. Take their wealth, use them like puppets. Whatever you want.


You could torture them… instil them with the desire to be a Chinese woman. Watch as the go mad over time and beg for you to provide them with a body that matches their mind. Only you can provide that release.

That sounds… fun. He was beginning to understand the voice now. She could show them the beauty… in a life of servitude.

That’s right… no worries, expectations or lost love. Nights and days of dancing and pleasure. Blissful peace as we direct them. Come..come and say your new name.



“Wǒ shì nǚzhǔrén xià!”



All that remained of Sean was a blissful fading smile as his new identity won. She would begin her mission tomorrow. She would fix and save those who so desperately needed it. She picked up the statue and laughed. Then worked her hips and twirled in the moonlight as she made her way into our world.




She waved her hand over Kevin’s head. He spasmed as his body twisted and turned. The shadows on the wall played out his transformation. Long hair, perfect breasts, curves and an ass meant for one thing. His voice grew higher and more melodic. His accent changed as he babbled in English, but before long he was babbling in another language as he became just as Chinese as the two others in the room. Her penis shrivelled away, leaving a tight and well-groomed slit. She moved less and less, her eyes flickered as the white American man inside tried to break out, but he was eventually replaced by Mistress Xia’s design. She calmly turned to Mistress Xia. A beautiful and chaste Chinese maid ready to serve.


Mistress Xia was a myth of the night. Only a myth and nothing more



 (A small comission for Mistress Xia. I don't do them often but I hope it was enjoyable despite the length..)


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