The International Friend


“Our government have lost the consent of the people! Join the Labour party and we’ll fight back together against these exploitative practices!”

Chloe sighed. It was the same twat who had been protesting outside the Law society meeting. They had been trying to take some videos but this arse was still screaming in the background.

“Do you really need to be out here now? You are disturbing the guests.”

“What’s a matter blondie? Worried they might burst into flames?” Ugh, she could smell his breath. He was so grimy and greasy. Did he even clean his teeth?

“That doesn’t even make sense. We’re just having fun. Why are you being such a fucking quack?”

“You people are scum. Decadent parties and pretending you’re so high class when people are starving round the corner!” He pointed in her face and she instantly moved backwards.

“What are you on about? So we can’t have a bit of a do just because some druggie family messed their lives up?”

“It’s not like that! It’s cause it’s  because of the state policies and capitalism! Read some Marx for fuck's sake!”

“It’s worked just fine for me.” She rolled her eyes.

“You’re not even listening!” He stamped his feet.

“Get lost or the security will throw you down the stairs.” At this point of a couple of the other members had moved to her side. In the background, a group of girls in dresses simply shook their heads.

“Huh. Aren’t you a local? You’re even worse than them. You’re a traitor to your class.” He shook his head. “The conservatives closed all the industry rou-“

“You know what… we are just going to ignore you. We’ll have a nice party and there is nothing you can do about it.” She gave him a bitchy death glare and walked off, holding up her dress.

“That’s right walk away. Don’t expect you to develop a conscious today or ever. You fascist bitch.”

“Any more creative comments?” She whispered under her breath.


They kicked off the Law ball and the mingling started. Not a single problem arose, everyone was happy and having a good time. The catering was great, and the music was sweet. She made a few friends to hang out with around lecture time. She was pouring some wine when she heard a scream. She spun around to see that the arse had somehow gotten in and was shoving some leaflet in a girl’s face.


“Oh my god, get him the hell out of here. Lads!” Three of the big Rugby playing guys tackled him and dragged him out. Chloe made her way over to the girl and saw the leaflets on the floor. They had some nasty images of some homeless people passed out in their own piss and the like.


“Are you alright babe?” She rubbed the girl’s shoulders.

“Yes. He just came from nowhere that’s all.”

“Should we call the police?” Amanda asked. She was about to blurt out yes when she realised a much funner solution. She’d recently been filling her diversity quota as much as possible. Perhaps it was time for a new addition. People said that Chloe’s high Welsh accent made her sound like a witch. Well, they were completely correct.

“No. He’s not worth the trouble babe. I don’t think we’ll ever seen him again.” She smirked.


He suddenly woke up bleary eyed during the night. The light was on full, and there was the smell of strong perfume. In the corner he saw.. the Law society girl from earlier. He immediately scrambled out the side of the bed. “H-how did you get in here?” He let out a little sigh at the fact he was half-naked. She sniggered at his pathetic excuse for a bod.

She strode towards him. He tried to move back but he found himself stuck in place.


“Hi pal. How do you feel? Intruded upon? Anxious? Like you did at us our party?” She gritted her teeth. He opened his mouth ready to say something but she got there before him.

“You know I’m not so bad. It’s good for a student union president to fill all the boxes. A gay here, a black person there. I’m not boshed really.”

“Do you want to be gay?” She grinned, her eyes widening.

He shook his head. “What are you on about? My politics has nothing to do with that.”

“Since you’re so concerned about privilege. You can lead by example can’t you then? That seems fair. Time to take away all your male and white privilege.”

“You’re crazy. How did you get in? Somebody help!” He banged on the nearby wall. Then held his head in his hand.

He felt himself burning up. A deep sense of dissatisfaction spread throughout his body. He needed to get out of this skin, out of his body. He wasn’t a man, he was pathetic, he shouldn’t even be white. He began to panic. Why was he in this body? Who put him here? What was this? The evil Conservative witch was whispering something. She surely had nothing good to say but.. he felt like he should listen to her. Her voice was so soothing…

“So I’ve got a survey for you. You like giving those don’t you? I hope you like answering them too.”

“Where were you born?”

“Salford.” He said. The word should have came out with the grit his accent was known for… but it sounded off to him.

“Uh uh uh, Beijing lovie.” She wagged a finger.

“What? He wasn’t fucking Chinese...” His eyes rolled to the back of his head as memories forced themselves into his mind. Blurry and unobtainable at first, then mixing with his own. Images of him with a birthday cake. He heard a sweet accented voice and laughter, then his clearly English looking father was speaking in gibberish, wait…. Was that Chinese? Into the view came his mother. His Chinese mother? Speaking with a Salford accent? Neither of his parents had been Chinese.


“Don’t worry, those new memories should make sense in a jiff. So... what height are you. You look five foot seven. Am I right?” She looked him up and down.

He screamed in pain. He felt like his skeleton was going to shatter. He fell to his knees and gasped. He watched as his fingers became shorter. Bone deep pain spread in his legs as they shortened and remade themselves. Tendons tore and weakened. Biceps and triceps became less compact and powerful. Not that he had much of that anyway. She chuckled as his pathetic muscles became even more pathetic.


“I love your complexion by the way. A bit old fashioned. I think those big exotic eyes and cute baby face really draw people in.”

His breath strained as the changes continued. His already fair skin became almost porcelain and his beautiful Caucasian blue eyes turned dark brown. The skin around his eyes twitched as epicanthic folds grew. His hair tumbled downwards as it washed away the unkempt dusty blonde with luscious black. His face softened all over as his jaw and nose shrank. His lips filled out and eyelashes lengthened. He screamed as he felt his skull compress.


“Honestly though, with your English I’m amazed you got into a UK University, but I suppose that’s the power of money. We love you anyway though.”

“My English is good. I born English country speaking?” He pouted. The Mandarin language began to overwhelm him. He felt confused as the meaningless characters became part of the way he saw the world.


“It’ll improve over time don’t worry babe. You’re here for another three years hopefully.” She sat down on the other end of the bed and rubbed the quilt.

“Quick question. You’re in the bedroom. With a…?”

“I like girl.” Her lips trembled.

“Really Fan? Don’t lie. You love the lads. Especially a bit of white British cock.”

He giggled as his voice rose higher and cuter. He thought about one of the burly white rugby-playing boys pinning him down and splitting her in two. He shook his head. A weakening sense of self called him back, tried to show him making love to a girl, but the memories were boring, passionless. He didn't have the drive to be on top anymore. The only breasts he cared about was his own.


“But… but my girlfriend…” Tears poured down his face.

“You have a lot of girl friends here Fan, but all of them just friends. You’re no lezzer.”

He tried to pathetically fend off her words. He loved his girlfriend. She was just as concerned about the world as he was, but... maybe she was a poor fit for him now? Had they grown apart?

“You’re just a slut for that white dick babe. You told me whites are usually tall, rich and pale. I guess you didn’t know much about dicks until you came here yourself. Remember that first month?”

He tried to imagine his girlfriend one more desperate time without her clothes on, but it still did nothing for him. He might as well have been looking at a cold corpse. Instead, he imagined a big muscled body with a pair of pretty blue eyes and a rugged stubbled jaw looking down at him. One of his big hands was kneading his right breast…. breast?

His whole body shook as his frame feminised. His neckline thinned. And fat redistributed into his buttocks and waist to create a womanly figure. His chest began to expand as two perky tits seized their chance. Milk ducts coming to life and veins naturally spreading out through the thinning skin and flesh. He moaned, as the once useless pink nipples became hard and sensitive, pressing against his now loose t-shirt.


The pleasure was snatched away as his stinging dick began to shrink and turn into a clitoris. His testicles sucked up into his body, while his new vaginal lips closed over her tight little hole. His hips expanded as his new feminine architecture began to develop inside. Ovaries connected to a womb full of Han Chinese eggs. He shook and whimpered in pain. He cooed as he remembered the first white dick she ever felt here. It was just too much. It felt like a gallon of his cum was trickling out of her yīndào. . It was disgusting, yet kind of hot.






“Oh dear though… not such a lover of darker people are you? Bit racist really. But you keep telling me not to criticise your culture. So I’ll keep my mouth shut won’t I?”

He felt a surge of guilt. What is she talking about? He listened to some rap music and some Grime and Drill. They are just people too.. why would he…

“Sis. Blacks are all drug dealer, terrorist and gangster. Just like that in China, and in the movies.” He said unashamedly out of his own mouth. His eyes widened and then he covered his mouth as if to stop more word accidents.

No.. no please, these thoughts are horrible. I don’t want to become like this but… it so correct. Why worry about poor black people? Their fault they are poor. African people can’t organise themselves mother says. Their skin was ugly and they bad big noses too. The first time she ever saw one she thought it was a monster.

“I mean, I honestly can’t stand the sight of any of these scruffy poor people about here can you? They are just stupid, the leftovers of good economics. ”


The justifications started to grow overbearing. A hint of smile appeared in his face. They felt good, right, certain. No! She wasn’t cruel. She was a good person. She looked after family, friends and others. All these people deserved love and support. Wǒde tiān na! No they didn’t!


He wept inside. He knew his girlfriend would hate who he was now. But then again.. he now hated her too. Dull poor girl, who was honestly tasteless. Her hair was always so messy with her hat on indoors. She looked like a hag. How did he even stand the sight of her?

“You love being a woman right? Wearing dresses and everything. You have enough of them after all. I’m really jealous you can ask your parents for anything.”

She loved jewellery, dresses, and everything that made a woman a woman. She clung to the memories of her dancing, signing Karaoke and trying on Qipaos and diamond necklaces. Her old life had been so hard, such a struggle. Nobody listened to her ranting and raving about inequality, why should they? It was so stupid. It was just insecurity about what she didn’t have.


Her transformation into her new self was nearly consummated. Images of hedonism began to force themselves in, filling in his old memories with decadence and destroying them like a virus. She imagined her and her besties on the top floor of the biggest skyscrapers drinking some chardonnay. The whole bar hired out just for them. The richest districts of Shenzhen and Hong Kong were her playground, and she never spent less than a hundred pounds a day.




“Wow, so you're now one in a few billion Asians. Well, distinctly, a few filthy rich Asians. You don’t exactly fit in these shacks anymore. Daddy bought you a suite.”

That was true. Her daddy bought her apartments here and back home. She would enjoy her time here while she could, but eventually she would need to go back to China and get married. She was still traditional in a way. She wanted babies and a good husband, but in the meantime, she wanted to learn about all these handsome special white boys.

"See babe, I'm not so bad. I made you richer, more attractive, gave you a better life than you had before. Rid you of all that anxiety. I'm just lovely really. All that wishy washy equality nonsense. You just needed to see how much better it was on the other side."

The room around changed as it filled with pictures of her Chinese family and friends from high school. She began to feel sleepy as her ill-fitting clothes changed into a nightie.

So so sleepy. She ignored Chloe and laid on her back, instantly dozing off.

“Now that’s what I call a fruitful debate. See you in the morning Fan.”




“Have you seen those canvasers Fan?”

“Ugh no, don’t want look, Daddy told me those people want us be poor. Why they jealous so much?”

“Right babe? So jealous. Chinese people have sense. I always thought we had a lot in common Fan.” She locked arms around her and they walked past all the canvasers. Fan laughed as she saw the wrinkled t-shirt one of them was wearing. She would be ashamed to walk outside like that. None of them were wearing anything designer either.

Fan was then often seen at the conservative and law society parties chatting up tall well-groomed boys in suits. She was determined to bring some Chinese style to the next ball. She laughed at the pock-marked bitch with the beanie buzzing around the steps.. She can’t afford to pay the door fee.

“Join the fight against inequality!” She shouted, then she sighed, looking around hopelessly. "I wish I had someone along here with me."




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