(MTF Jekyll and Hyde, Race Change)
was out on the prowl again. She had found a group of Chinese living
here in Los Angeles that she fit in with. Only the sexiest dirtiest
richest bitches from back home that could make her look even hotter. She
hated those chubby unfeminine Asians that had been brought up here.
moved on from that stupid poor model and found a big dollar
Asian-American stock broker. He had a face like a slab, but he gave her
the luxury she desired. He was easy to fool. She pretended she was an innocent pure beauty. She was his little honey. His special little
friend. She paled up her skin, giggled at his jokes. She could even use Alex's part of the mind to pretend to be educated.
remembered when she used to be Alex most of the time and how boring
they were. He had been so uptight and serious before she came along.
There had been so much analysis and theories taking up space, but Alex
wasn’t gone completely. She was losing all of the English, and wasn’t smart
enough to learn much. She didn’t really exist, so she couldn’t get a job
either. Not that was going to stop her try becoming her true self as
soon as she could. Even if she had to live as a whore for the rest of
her life.
spent the night in the club being adored as usual. She tossed her hair
round and round, they loved her exotic and toned body. She and her
Chinese friend liked to giggle and play the wide-eyed foreigner. They
lost as many boys as they could in the crowd with their flirty games.
One dark haired blue-eyed stallion had started by kissing her on the
neck. His friend was grinding on her friend nearby. His cock was
practically stuck to her ass most of the night until she finally agreed
to give him what he wanted. Her pussy was dripping anyway. She asked if
her friend could come too.
and her fellow Chinese slut glanced each other as they were both fucked
behind on separate beds. Yueqin’s pert breasts swung nicely. She let
out wild high-pitched shriek after shriek.
yes, shame he’s taking his time. I better go home to my boyfriend
soon.” She said in Chinese as she laughed out loud cruelly. The other
girl giggled. “You’re such a slut.” Yueqin grinned wide at her. “xiao biao za” then she let out a spectacular deep moan as he touched on the right spot.
“Love these Chinese bitches bro.” The nameless guy said between grunts.
"I wish we could get them to fuck each other man" The other said. Yueqin rolled her eyes. She was only interested in hard bodies and hard cocks.
stumbled in ravaged and torn-up into their house. She groaned, first
more a sound of annoyance than real pain, then in pure agony. Her head
spun as she could barely stand. She was changing into a man again. Her
abused little clit grew out into thick spongy tissue.
“Ah..uh…wo cao. Not want, so bad.” I want to stay beautiful.
of guilt and confusion swamped their mind as she wanted to suck her own
cock. The tits still on their chest made his own dick harden. “So hard
to focus…” she said sleepily.

Alex soundlessly screamed back into what remained of his existence. He smelled the lingering perfume and beauty products. His memories bubbled as a mix of his and Yueqin’s, and his face quickly approximated into her resting bitch face. Her expression, his face and body. Their behaviour was undistillable, the pleasures of her body had worn him down. He pushed his chest out as if her tits were still there. No one might imagine this was a totally heterosexual man a few months ago. A man with a girlfriend who had abandoned him once she found the secret stash of clothing Yueqin kept. She was just jealous. What a boring housebitch. He took off the bra and cum-encrusted lingerie and immediately put on other ones. He moved and flounced around like a woman. He fantasised taking it up the ass like the bitch he was. Sucking cock on his knees, he loved it just as much as Yueqin now. Women crossed his mind only as rivals or party friends. He flicked through his phone then cocked his hip. Oh my god, wo de tian de, why that asshole pose again with nege secretary bitch ma? And where my new phone? Hope he enjoy when I break his fancy beer. Stupid, I not taking his shit.
walked around his apartment with a flamboyant feminine sway. He pouted
his lips out and made feminine noises of curiosity as he inspected the
fridge. He took a beer out of the bridge and threw it on the floor. He
looked at it with disregard then threw another one on the floor even
Then he sight of himself in the surface counter nearby and looked at the tattoos he had gotten.
“Hm.. I want more tattoo. All arm and tits.” Though the lack of tits made him frown. No, he'll know who we really are. He won't trust us. .In that instance she was her normal self.She saw herself in all her womanly glory.
he closed the fridge, he saw his distorted reflection for the second
time. He was launched up into another layer of consciousness. Tears
crawled down his face. Alex knew deep inside he was losing his sex and
his race. He was going to be condemned to live as this nasty greedy
Chinese bimbo forever. Moment to moment, orgy filled night to orgy
filled night. At first, he didn't realise he had an alternate self, until he saw the photos. Then, she only appeared for an hour or two each day. Then she would interrupt his sex sessions and attempts at a normal life. Now he only had enough lucidity to lament his state before he was
dragged back into the haze. If only he hadn’t argued with that old woman in
Changsha. He remembered the first time he changed as he strained to
push the tits out of his chest. Each deep breath they filled out more.
Then, he had tits bigger than his girlfriend’s. He managed to forget
more than he learned nowdays. His brain was now almost totally a female
slut’s in overdrive.
cock began to throb. He looked down and tilted his head. So
tantalizing… he needed it so much in his whore mouth, this body was just a lie. Give me my truth! The white
hot pain seared all parts of his body. Then came the pounding in his
balls. His bones began to vibrate. “No… not so soon urrrhh.” His jaw
twisted out of shape first, then the other bones. His mind began to feel
sloshy, his brief time was over. Time to become a fucking hot Asian
bitch again hm. I’m a disgusting fucking whore. As her heart-shaped face
emerged from his, her few memories began to overtake his own. Images
entered his mind of his legs opened like scissors. Thick thick cock
forcing them open. Tit buds pushed and then swelled out. The nipples
were as big as grapes and panged with a tense erotic ache as they became more sensitive. His milky
Caucasian skin tanned, and his reddish brown hair turned jet black
before running down wild and wavy. His eyes became almond-shaped, then
the blue irises dimmed brown. His lips expanded with soft fat as he fell
to his knees. His back arched as his shoulders flattened. He began to rub his dick. It shrank away in hi hand, and the foreskin became the two thick petals of his dark
little pussy. Some liquid flowed out as her vaginal and canal muscles contracted and loosened. She let out a whimper in her sexy voice..Time to play. The personality of a Money girl was back
once again. It was so…simple….can't control...
tied her hair into her signature ponytail, her fuck handle. Yueqin had
to struggle to get the “open-minded” men she needed. But… she had
managed to keep her sexy devious plan hidden from so much of what they
shared. She knew herself well. She needed to push the limits, go far
enough, and Alex wouldn’t want to come back. His biggest fear was he
really liked it. That he and Yueqin were the same, which now they were. He thought he was such a smart guy, but his rational mind could barely deal with it. If
she was fucked by four guys during her little yōuhuì , it would be too
much. A smart guy wouldn't survive on the streets like she could. She would become a woman completely. As the first man knocked on
the door, there was one final sobbing inside her. Gut-aching sadness
that made her want to drop to the floor, curl up like a baby, and cry
herself to death.
this my body. You can’t stop me. I… PLEASE. Let’s fuck, no let’s not. Let's just go read-party-read. ”
She rested with a hand on the doorknob. Her mortified face quickly
changed into a confident smirk then back again, then back again..
“A good cock will work. Clear mind...forever.”
opened the door and smiled. He had barely stepped in the door before
she dragged him in by the lapel and started kissing. Her tits pressed
against his chest, they barely fit in her bra right now. The doorbell
rang again and she directed the next giant into the living room. She was
already toying with ideas in her head, tonight she craved anal, maybe
reverse cowgirl.
first cock came out with a pop, a nice string of cum hanging with it.
Each few seconds the warm cock was outside of her body felt unbearable
to a slut like her. Pump, pump, pump…. she was gushing.
and Yueqin’s reality and perception of the world switched back and
forth. Fantastic, I’m on the carpet sucking cock? How many guys are here
this time? Shiiitt, my ass stings. It’ so fucking sore…
“She zai pigu!” They said. Not that the circle of lovers knew the meaning.
no… he panicked as it dawned on him what was going on. I can’t let this
happen. He looked around in this chaos of objectification. So much
cock.. He tried to wriggle off it and get away, but then a single line
rang out in his ears.
try run, you rape me. I want, so hot.” You bitch Yueqin. You fucking
bitch. In here? You’re going to ruin us.If he-uhh but ooo we need his mon-oooo fuucckkk I want too.Iwant this right now.
You are going to become me forever. The savage man grappled him and
stuck his cock into her vag. Aiiii why does it need to feel so nice?. “Wo
mascara smeared from the tears of pleasure and sweat. “I have
boyfriend.” She cried out. “He not big man same you boys. His dick
tiny.” She pouted her big whorish lips.
boys loved that and began to grope her harder. The slick sound of
masturbation sounded out around her as they could barely wait for their
turn. This was the hottest Asian they had ever seen, and they had no
idea about the tormented male soul inside. Orgasm after orgasm slowly
raped Alex’s sense of self. He’d never felt it go on for so long before.
One man pulled out and another plunged in. I’m not a man, I’m really
not a man. I won’t ever be a man again.
take it out.” Alex begged, before he could go deeper. The man looked
down and Alex felt it slide slowly back along the ridges.
want, you fuck dare. More hard! More hard!” Yueqin screamed. The man
grabbed her fuck-handle and started all over again. “Make up your damn
mind.” He laughed and looked around at the others.
One man put on a huge shit-eating grin. "Bitch, catch this cum in your mouth."
With a gasp he shot his load out towards her and Yueqin tried to snap it up like the predatory slut she was. She missed and it slapped her right in the face. "Awww, nice try my little slant pet."
and Yueqin struggled in their mind, but Alex’s spiritual self was
nothing but an emasculated weak shell. A penis barely bigger than an
enlarged clitoris hung between his legs. He saw her in the distance
being screwed just like in the outside. He felt the same ripples of
pleasure attack points of his self. He ran up to drag away Yueqin but
she tossed him like a ragdoll. "This is my body, mine!" He grabbed her harder and they
death-rolled together across the floor. As she stood up she began to finger herself. Alex stopped dead and began to moan. He moaned, she moaned until she let out a nasty exagerrated moan and so did Alex. He prostrated himself before
“Please just free me. I give up. I can’t take this anymore.” She pointed at a man nearby.
“Do it. Do him. You want it. We want it. ” Alex crawled over to the faceless man and gave the tip one long big lick.
began to blow the cock. A faceless figured crept behind and stabbed his cock straight into his ass. Alex’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as
tits pushed out of his body and the rest of his mind transformed to fit
his outside. Each surge of pleasure promoted another mental change. His face twisted into Yueqin's. His
race and sex undergoing a permanent fix.
“Yes, give me big white bone.” S/he bucked even harder against the cock.
“Wǒ yào qùle! Wǒ yào qùle!” Alex/Yueqin said. A final filthy orgasm rocked his body. His
consciousness was subdued in pure cock-drunk bliss. I'm just a disgusting vapid whore. A bad Chinese slut. Yueqin placed her
hands on the blonde guy’s tattooed face and kissed him passionately in
thanks. She ran her hand through his frosted tips. The other men moaned
as they came too. She would be here a long time now. “You free me.” She
said. The man looked at her confused and laughed. Then, they heard the
door slam.
“I’m back early darling.”
beaten-faced boyfriend dropped his briefcase and looked around in
horror at the four naked men in his living room. Yueqin was in the
middle panting. There was cum on everything there possibly could be,
including her face and breasts.
“G-get-get out, get out you fucking whore. Get out all of you!!” He pointed at her.
“I want big big dick anyway. You not man enough me” She picked up her clothes and shrugged.
“Get out you pathetic slut. I never should have trusted you. Fuck, my mother was right.”
She pointed at her tits and moaned. “Not for you anymore.”
The rest of the night was spent fucking one of the men in his car. Yueqin
took to the streets after. At least until she would find another man to make
her provider. Alex wouldn’t bother her for a long time
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