The Only Way Fails


Callum groaned as he was pushed into yet another door by the dick-sticks. That what was he and all the other losers at school called those assholes on the Basketball team.

“Having a nice day glubber?” Rick laughed and slapped Callum’s stomach. Callum let out of a splutter as Tom quick-jabbed him in the side. “Shit, did you even feel that glubber?”

Callum scowled, one thing to say for his current mental state was that he no longer felt scared of these guys. He knew he was superior to them. How dare they? They are like literally trash.

“How about now?” Rick gave him a punch to the gut. That one dropped him. The two guys smirked and left him there.

“Going to jerk off in the toilets together losers?” Why.. why on Earth did he say that? Shit, shit shit.

“The fuck did you say?” They ran back towards him. Rick ripped a book out of his hands and smacked him in the face with it, over and over and over. Meanwhile Tom was punching him in the stomach and the dick.

“You try jerk off with that,  bitch.” The assholes eventually stopped the pummelling and bounced.

Callum winced and coughed up blood into a tissue. He picked up his fallen books. He rested against his locker. What had came over him? He waved wearily to Heather who’d just walked into school. She gave him a frown then followed it up with a huge hug. He forced a smile while looking off into the distance.

“The new Pokemon is out tomorrow.” She said with elation. He groaned internally in annoyance. Again? Can’t she afford a real pet? I thought her family is richer than mine? Ugh! What I’d do with that wealth.

He sighed as loud as possible. “Seriously? Don’t you care about anything else?”

“Huh? I thought… you love Pokemon?”

“I fucking do I just… I’m getting too old for that shit.” He couldn’t believe he said that. He just started to feel more and more angry. It was for losers. She was such a loser bitch. Wait… what?

“Sweetie I’m sorry. I saw… I know those cavemen suck. I should be more respectful.” She pouted.

“Yeah I … just…I need to go the Nurse. See ya.” He brushed passed her. It wasn’t her fault. He was a fat geek, and this was just his place in life. Damn, I just need to be alone.


Last year, the only thing he even cared about was getting laid and losing his virginity. He masturbated pathetically nearly every night for months. Then he did manage to get to kissing a girl… a loser just like him. She was the girl who loved Pokemon plushies, and always brought one to class. Seriously, woe betide anyone who tried to take that thing off her.


Heather and him hadn’t got around to having sex, his was just too nervous to try. Now, he had developed this bizarre fetish and Heather no longer interested him. He loved her, or he should love her… but… well… he had no idea what the fuck was happening to him.


First, it started with just getting off to thinking about transformations. Any sign of it in movies or videogames would fascinate him. People turning into anything, like freakin inanimate chairs, statues, geeky dudes like himself into big brutes. Then it became specific to Gender Transformation. He had to search for that, and he consumed it voraciously. He liked to imagine it was happening to other people… then it had to be himself. Add race changes on top of that. As of this last week, the only thing that could make him cum in this world was imagining himself turning into a sexy Korean bitch. Just a totally immoral and seductive girl. He even thought of a new name… just to add to the fantasy of it all.


Sun Jung vomited onto the floor. White fluid poured out of her mouth. She wiped it away and combed her auburn hair. She had dressed herself in traditional clothing, but quickly discarded it. She had done an insulting job, she didn’t deserve to be buried in the old way. Today was the day.

 She thought she could just cast a spell like that without consequences, but she was dead wrong. Some Mudang she was… it was all falling apart. She had overestimated her abilities, her grandmother warned her. Reality despised meddlers. Especially ones who had good intentions. Your fate becomes part of others that it never was before. Scars were… ultimately fleshed over. She knew it was cruel, some would say it made her more evil than Hae-won, but it was the only punishment she could think of for that murderer. The only way.


He had been seeing and hearing weird “glitches” too. Things changing colour or melting like a mirage. People suddenly changing position or clothing when he knew that was impossible. He checked with his optician for a new pair of glasses a few weeks ago, but he said that they were completely optimized. Actually, he said his eyesight seemed to be getting better… another practical impossibility. Then there were the whispers. They said so many things. He heard them telling him to… remember… remember what? Besides that, they sometimes said cruel things about the people around him, like his subconscious was giving commands. When he fantasised about those actions, he could cum even harder. Sometimes he woke up feeling like a completely different person, a confident person, like a self carried over from a dream. That would last about five seconds before reality hit. He wanted to join people like Rick, he wanted to have power over people too. Sometimes he even fantasised he was a bully, or that he was demolishing the girls who called him ugly with quick wit and leaving them in tears. He was mad at them, but it was almost like he could use their looks for more or something…


Between all that, he just felt an emptiness gnawing away at him day after day. A feeling of wrongness. He’d read up on depression and the symptoms seemed similar. He used to be able to death-grip his cock and really go for it to pep up a bit, but now he couldn’t do that. College was his ticket out of his dump-hole of a house, but now he kept thinking about how much effort he’d need to put in. He saw how easily those rich cheaters get into Harvard. Like, couldn’t he get someone else to do it for him too? It couldn’t be that expensive.


“You better do your fucking chores boy.” His Dad roared as he entered the house. He sighed as he saw another hole open in the wall.

His high tone mother came in screaming as he ran up the stairs. “Are you being hard on that boy again!? He’s seventeen! He’s gonna be the first of us in college, he ain’t got time for chores!” She tossed a towel at his Dad.

“If you didn’t mollycoddle him and buy all that god damn baby crap. He’d not be failing math!”

“Oh cause you didn’t fail nothing? You failed everything you damn sack of shit.”

“Oh oh, he gonna be the first in college? Don’t mean you get to speak like a duchess!”

He groaned as he slammed the door to his room. He threw off his clothes and put on a more comfortable shirt. His face drooped as he glanced at his belly.

“Can’t believe how fat I am. I need to lose weight right away.” I should be ashamed to go outside. Huh..? I hate sports and never go outside anyway.


He clicked on his Nintendo Switch and snorted. After this he’d surf the net  to sel-replace that shitty LARP bow. After that, he’d retire for the night with some boring calculus. He played for ten minutes before turning it off, because just like every night he’d set out to play recently… he was bored. He was bored… and horny. He tried to study, but still… bored and horny. He used to love Math, but recently he had been failing.


He searched on the internet for Korean lingerie models and began to massage his helmet. His eyes darted to his phone as he saw a text message from his girlfriend. He checked the message, barely able to keep his eyes off his own dick.

“Callum, we barely talk anymore. Did I do something wrong? I wanna talk about it… Do you want to go for dessert tomorrow? Text me xxx.”

He felt an ache of sadness then the arousal started to build again. His fingers hovered over the keys then he dropped his phone to the floor. Oh, whatever babe, fuck her… fuck me. He began to jack off. Not to the model of course, but the lingerie. He imagined himself as her, wearing it. He would look so sexy and attractive. Men surrounding him and touching him. Rich men giving him necklaces and jewels. Rich people are just better. I don’t want her, I want the body. I WANT TO BE HEEERRR… UHOOOGH… What the fuuuuckk?


The world around him seemed to flicker. He saw a palace, then  his own room. There were chandeliers and silverware. Though he could make out m-

It happened again. Shit, this was it, he’d finally snapped.


He held his head in agony. It felt like something was going to burst out. He was both horrified and excited. The whispers he’d been hearing intensified. His eyes gleamed. Really? Are you serious?!

“Texas isn’t my home!” He said it out loud with joy. “That’s right, it must have been a mistake.”

His true home was Korea, it defied all logic, but it was like a new axiom of the universe written in golden lettering. He began to rub his flat male nipples and moan in joy. Something is coming. I don’t know what, but I want it! Change my body? I’m not sure about that…


Sun Jung slumped down against the wall, onlookers were asking how they could help but she could barely hear them. Seems that poor girl will not get to keep her justice after all. Hae-won was responsible for her death. Just because there was a screen and a chain of gossip in between didn’t matter.


He moaned in pleasure as reality furiously reshape him. Unbearable aggressive acne and scarring was cleansed from his face. His thick sweaty skin began to soften and thin. His puppy fat began to squirm under his skin, and shot to other parts of his body, mainly his ass. The gross hair fell off every inch of his body.


Girls like Hae-won wouldn’t stop with those crimes in high school. They’d keep going their entire life. Exploiting someone somewhere.  And what about that person she had become? An American boy… was his death on her hands? He wouldn’t survive the reversal. He would become her again. She’d be reborn in a second body.

“I’m sorry stranger.”  She let out one final drawn out gasp and fell in convulsions onto the pavement, white fluid trickling from her mouth.


He smirked almost unconsciously, as his hair grew longer and longer, but stayed blonde for now. The rest of his face was wriggling. His old ethnicity was coming back. His eyes became crescent shaped, while his lips plumped out nice and juicy. His big blobby looking nose shrank and bones around his face altered to something more delicate. Was he even more beautiful than before? Perhaps she always had been this beautiful. At least he no longer had that man face… wait.. what? That was HIS face. Had he ever had something different?

“I look like a girl. I’m transforming?” He said, more with curiosity than fear.

He slowly blinked her pretty, exotic, enormous brown eyes. He felt like he’d had them her entire life. He was struck with fear, someone else’s. He really was Hae-won. It wasn’t a coincidence he chose it for the fantasies, that was his real name. He knew now he wasn’t changing into a girl. He was changing back into a girl.


He screamed in anguish at all he had lost. His beauty, his body, his status. All of that had been taken from him. He had been a damn princess, with her own fucking castle in the suburbs of Seoul. That’s why he’d always felt so out of place. He should be amongst the elite. He was a goddess babe trapped in a body she couldn’t use. He started to cry uncontrollably. I want my old life back now!


Her returning identity was disgusted; disgusted that she’d ever spent a moment as a pathetic loser sheep. She remembered the horror of becoming himself. She was speaking with her friends in a coffee shop. She felt something like the worst menstrual cramp ever. Then everyone stopped speaking. Her face felt light and bare as the make-up disappeared. She remembered the crushing pressing on her breasts as they deflated down to underdeveloped mosquito bites, then to nothing. Her bones grew and bulged.  Her friends screamed as they saw her change, and she screamed right back. The feeling of pimples and pustules bursting through her skin. Her face mutating into a bloated hideous mess. Her hair became lank and sweaty. Her friends backed off as her growing body, and growing body hair, started to stink of man-sweat. She held out her manicured nails out for help. She cried as they became thick with grime.  A horribly average penis and itchy sack falling out of the clean vagina she had her entire life.


Her friend’s appearances changed in a series of lines and flashes. Her once stylish fashion became mismatched and unkempt. Their clothing americanised, and the language changed around her too. She begged it to all to stop in her now perfect American English. Her new voice was nasally and unpleasant. Memories chipped away at her old bitchy confidence. Trying to talking to pretty girls like she had once been and being mocked and laughed at. Not understanding until now that’s why she wanted to be around them. Barely holding himself together most days. Hopeless masturbation sessions. Getting embarrassed just being near breasts despite having owned a pair. Getting beat up and treated like shit by those inferior specimens. Then she was here.


He looked around the room and gasped. This is how I am living? This simply won’t do? Like, where are the mirrors? Where are the clothes and fabrics? Dior? Trash everywhere… where are the standards!? He shook his head petulantly.

This is fucked up. Get a grip. You’re a boy… you can’t just leave this life behind. Postcards of Paris? You never had them, you’ve never been to Paris!


His chicken wing arms began to tone to something more feminine. The body of a dancer. His chest heaved and pulsed as the breasts that had been cruelly stolen away regrew. Callum and Hae-won’s semi-merged mind puzzled over the fact that this was a second puberty. She was becoming a woman for the second time or was it the first time? It felt kind of good. How long had it been babies? Long, too long. Perfect pink perky nipples grew wide and thick. He tried to stop them spilling, so soft… so round. As his balls and penis slithered back up into his body, he came, leaving a little trail of cum running down his new hairless legs. The new vaginal muscles contracted with pleasure that made him nearly bite through his plump lips. He let out a moan as if he was a woman in heat, but he didn’t quite have the voice for it yet. She opened up her vaginal lips and tilted her head with curiosity. She quickly pulled her hands back as she saw polish seep from nowhere onto the nails. His hair turned ebony and his tanned Texan skin turned pale. She could smell the scented shampoo and conditioner, the moisturiser that was making her look even more flawless. She smacked her lips. The gloss tasted good.


His eyes widened as Callum stood up to Hae-won. No… NO… I… bullied so many people. The more Callum ran through these thoughts, the more self-loathing he felt. This was a mistake. I… don’t want to be this girl…I../ think this was a lesson. This girl is evil. I deserve to be trapped and tormented. I have a girlfriend! I have a new family… what will happen to them?

He was bombarded by more tactical strikes of euphoria. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. He received a good dose of bitchy memories. You deserve nothing but the best. He deserved to get everything he wanted, anytime he wanted. Ruling the roost. Your parents are poor as fuck and can’t take you where you need to be. What? Bullying? Oh she was just joking with those girls, joking with the housekeeper. That housekeeper got paid. She could do what she wanted to her. W-wait… did a girl die because of me? Breakdowns… suicide. No, like, she got an Instagram popularity boost and couldn’t handle it. That’s all. Bit by bit, his voice of empathy began to quieten.  Anyways... now I’m back! I can be myself again! The fear and existential dread started to dissipate. The thoughts that made him feel best were thoughts of himself. Taking photos of himself, looking at himself, people giving him compliments about how pretty and sexy he was. Hot guys offering to practically carry him wherever he wanted. He giggled as his voice pitched upwards and upwards. His thoughts began forming in Korean. Those K-Pop guys can lick my 보지남친 있어요!




Implanted memories began to violently uproot themselves; instead, life-defining moments were replanted. They came in camera flashes as he saw himself on a stage dancing. He arched his back and threw his hair as she imagined strutting up and down the stage for the crowd. The wild hair gave her a just screwed look that made boys drool. She imagined working her tits for all to see. She remembered opening boxes of bow-wrapped make-up that her Instagram followers had sent her. She remembered crushes on those fine Korean drama boys. The clock wound even further back as she remembered beauty pageants and enrolment in International schools. She spoke a little bit of French, a lot of English, and was failing nothing. She loved acting though, and her perfect looks ensured she was always given a leading role. Korea was so superficial, luckily for her.



I could… fight this. But.. if I become this spoilt bitch. No one will ever treat me badly again right? No one would bully such a hot alpha bitch, I’ll be on top forever. But.. other people might… suffer.

Oh who cares! The world needs me.

I’ll be a Korean sensation, a K-drama queen.  Her disappearing former self tried to remember his old name  I.. I was someone. Someone I find disgusting! 찌질이!I should change back, I should! No.. this is who I really am! No regrets. I don’t want to be a nobody anymore! Make me popular. Send me back to where I belong!


Of course, he never had a choice. The new reality was swallowing her up. Her room began to change around her. Bye bye mouldy walls,  bye bye sad sad videogames. Bye bye fat dumb American parents. Time for the glitz and glamour of Seoul again. All the books lining the walls disappeared, her games and dumb toys turned into Chanel clothes and Manolo shoes. Raucous screams outside turned into the whistling air of a top-floor Seoul suite.


She blinked her pretty eyelashes as she appeared at the fountain pool outside her private school. Where she should have been. Her tall handsome boyfriend Jung-Hoon was on her right, on her left she heard Eun-woo gasp.

“Look at this!” She shoved her phone in Hae-won’s face. Hae-won put her expensively manicured hand on her chest then looked at Eun-woo with her mouth wide open.

“Seriously? She likes Got7? How old is she? Thirty?.”

“I know right.”

“We all agreed txt and Itzy are the best. She is off the Dance team obviously.”Hae-won said with a snarl.

“Obviously, traitor.”

“Put that photo on insta of when she joined the team.” Hae-won smirked. “She was so fat. Put that we are so sad to lose a team member due to unforeseen circumstances, can’t believe it’s been one year since she joined.”


“No she doesn’t deserve to know why. She can take time to think what she did wrong.”

“And…can she still come to your social?” Eun-woo raised a brow.

“Of course not the social!” Hae-won screamed. “Do you ever use your brain Eun-woo?”

She prodded her boyfriend. “Get up, we’re going, now.” He turned his eyes away and nodded, and with Eun-woo they walked arm in and arm into her Queendom. Nothing had changed.




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