Pick Of The Night

Mi-sun quickly slid her hand along Bruce’s shoulders as went into the octagon. He gave her a look up and down and then a cocky smirk. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she realised this was the first time she had gotten so close. She tried to keep her visible arousal hidden from the other ring girls but she couldn’t stop staring. At the break, he glared at her and she returned him a nice need a fuck look. She’d already been screwed by half the major Korean UFC fighters and she curious to know if it was true about big white cock, because she was getting jealous. She’d seen Ye-jun flirting near the lockers with that Australian machine. Ha-joon in one of the local bars with that Irish hunk and now she was left with Bruce. He would be going back home soon and she really didn’t want to miss out on his thick overgrown American dick.
She stopped dead in front of him and made a dumb girly boxing pose. He scratched his head and she let out a giggle. “Damn, I’d better not mess with you.” She dropped her fists and looked in his eyes. If only he’d grab and kiss her right now. His eyes were really nice.
“Hi, you….me….like?” She struggled out in her thick Korean accent.
He lightly laughed. “Right to the point. Yeah I do babe. I’m in Seoul a little longer, what’s your number?”
“45 1754 5780“ She blurted out. He punched it into his own phone and patted her on the cheek. “I’ll text you my hotel.” He said while staring at her tits. “You might need to move fast past reception.”
The next night they got wasted in his hotel room. Well, he didn’t seem as wasted as her obviously.  Pretty soon most of her clothes were on the floor. His enormous hands groped her tits and then pulled one of them out of her bra. Then, he held her whole head in one hand. “Dunno how any man could fight with a pair like that on the other side of the bars. Fuck you’re hot. You cost me a bust lip earlier.” She didn’t really understand what he was saying. She was just waiting for him to pin her to the bed. She could barely stay still her purring kitty was so wet, so she opened her legs to allow him in. Her tongue slid along her lips. Would he understand that?
He sunk his solid steel cock in, and for a moment, nothing mattered except that amazing filling sensation. “씨발!”(Oh fuck!)
“What a tight fucking fit… hey, you’re on the pill right? I don’t need any fucking half-Asian kids running around over here.” He pushed down hard on her neck with intent. She gave him a defiant look and half-nodded. Was he going to fucking get on with it or what? He grinned, then she gasped at the first thrust. She milked him of every ounce of cum that night, as they fucked  anywhere but the bed. Against the wardrobes, in the shower... she wanted to stay in his arms, but an urgent terrible feeling reminded her she needed to get a taxi back. Yes, right fucking now you dumb slut.
Eric woke up bleary-eyed and exhausted from Mi-sun’s night-time activities and her chosen job. He rolled his shoulders and groaned at his aching muscles and pelvis. Scraps of her memories popped in and out. 나젖었어나젖었어” (I’m wet, I’m wet) He could recall the heat, pressure and pleasure of a dick inside him. He pounded his fist into the bed. He was slowly losing the will to live. It didn’t fucking help that Mi-sun’s name and face was plastered all over South Korean social media, fighting magazines and anywhere else they could happily show off their body and tits. There were constant reminders of who he had become. He used to have a fucking future! God damnit. Fuck…
He really should have minded his own fucking business about the state of Korean feminism. Because claiming smugly on an ex-pat messenger board that “The ideal Korean woman is a greedy, superficial, body whore who was addicted to foreign culture.” had done him no favours. He would apologise, but he had no clue who targeted him for this fucking evil punishment. Yet, whenever the thought of redemption came up though, part of him knew that she didn’t want him to undo it. She was thankful he was so fucking stupid and petty that day. Or he was thankful… it was confusing.
She didn’t like the fact his eye was roving to the local Korean girls. So he often transformed on dates or just before. His other slutty persona used up their money fast. He’d awake covered in smeared make-up and dried cum. His room now home to diamond rings, bracelets, mini-skirts and glittering dresses. He found the selfies and sex videos, and the flush of emotions and pleasure that came with them made him want to jack off. Being host to this Korean girl, to Mi-sun… he knew it was her lurking in his mind, but it made him feel good to have this part of him that was so hedonistic. Back home he was just another business graduate, here he was the ring girl Mi-Sun, a total babe.
He remembered from a beginner BJJ class that most amateurish UFC stuff was at night. It made him sick, but there were lots of… well-built guys with long cocks, and you could make money displaying your tits and thighs. Not his sensible money, her dirty Korean slut money. It seems the thought had carried over to Mi-sun, which made him wonder… how much they were the same person or not. There was added danger, a few times he’d barely snuck out of some UFC titan’s room. Fuck, what if one of those brutes became attached to them? Or they saw him transform? They could break him into uncountable pieces. As lay on the bed, he recalled a memory that made him sigh with embarrassment.
Mi-sun tugged on the Korean fighter’s shirt and motioned her head towards the man drinking nearby. “He keeps looking at me baby.” The guy was fat but tall, he looked like he could put up a fight.
“Huh? That ugly pudding?” The fighter grunted.
“Yeah that fat one, he is making me feel uncomfortable.” He hadn’t even glanced at her really… his loss.
“Hey asshole! You looking at my girl!?” He stormed towards the table and slapped the guy across the back of the head.
“No, what the fuck? I was just enjoying my drink. I didn’t even know you were there.”
The fighter knocked the drink out of his hand and pulled him out of the chair. He immediately jabbed his friend next to him, and then started going ape on the guy on the ground. As Mi-sun watched she bit her lips and gently rubbed her nipples. Hm, so strong, so aggressive. That’s right, smash his face open. He’s so tough. She started to feel wet as she heard him roar and snort. He was covered in bloody and still threatening him, all for her. I bet he could fight three guys at once.  He’s getting fucked so much tonight.
Mi-sun didn't care about brains or creativity that's for certain. Still, it' so sexy amazing when a man is willing to risk himself for you just like that... on a whim...hmmm... what else could he make men do for him?
What about when he went back to America? He spent his days as a business intern here half terrified that he would transform in front of everyone. I wish I would. Then I could be pincer fucked by all those tall businessmen.  Oh fuck no please… are you fucking seriouuuuuss… his stomach clenched as he felt the sudden rush of confusion and sick pleasure that entailed a change. Arghhnnugh… not again. It’s not even.. he spat blood onto the carpet.
Why am still in the bedroom? I need to go to my job early ufff… ahhhh… I should be rocking my hips for the new arrivals. Hm… yeah force your cock in my mouth. For a split-second he imagined himself fucking a big-titted blonde, but the fantasy quickly fell apart. No, he wanted man-mountain making him his bitch as he sawed in and out of him. Just let go, come on, let’s get out on the floor. I wonder if Sang-Hoon has a girlfriend?  He really knows how to make me scream. The Korean language began to ruthlessly overrule his vocabulary and grammar.
His mind began to simplify as it filled with thoughts of fitness and looking over-sexed. He fumbled for the buttons of his work shirt. The girls would be coming, and they’d need room to breath. It’s not right…. he stifled a scream as his bones cracked and shattered. A grinding in his skull robbed his senses as his face-remoulded itself oval shaped. His fleshy nose became beautified and his lips thickened. His abs and muscles sculpted into the hard work of a gym-bunny. His striking clear blue eyes turned dirty sexy brown. The eye shape itself became small and curved. Tresses of boring brown hair fell down and darkened deep black. His skin tanned to a warm beige East-Asian tone fast enough to hear a singeing sound. He gasped at what felt like a big lock and chain falling off his groin, as his cock diminished into a clit. She let out a whimper of pain as the vagina split open underneath. Her bountiful breasts forced out and hung down unrestrained. The harsh blowing air conditioning drew a blissful sigh from her as it made her nipples erect. She fidgeted around as the new feminine contours and curves of her body shifted their weight and centre of gravity. She shivered as a hot torrent of vaginal juices and all her old cum flushed out of pussy into a steaming pool. Mi-sun blinked thoughtlessly as the pain of the transformation had already passed out of her memory. Her body heated up head to toe with lust. “흥분돼요” (So horny…)

She inspected her nails, dreaming about taking a day job as a sports car model. When the bell rang, she jumped up with her little sign. She made sure her tits bounced so all the big hard men and drooling audience could see. Hmm… she’d happily let herself be pounded against the cage right now by one of these tigers. She loved that for a few moments, she was the centre of the world. Once the next round of fighters bused in, she would have her pick of the night and prepare for her next big fuck.



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