Halfway House Turns Me Inside Out

 Kyle’s eyes flicked over towards the bang as the door closed. Usually half a dozen other eyes would be on the same prize, but by some luck, everyone was either supplied, or out earning. He heard some screaming upstairs though, that made him let out a bit of a weak chuckle. He itched his chest and arms, and then he shouted towards the door.
“Hey amiga… what do you have there?” He said to Sam as he lethargically sat up off the couch.
“I ain’t got nothing, why don’t you just fuck off?” Kyle saw the glimmer of the red liquid. He felt the lustful need well up inside of him. It was calling to him. Ximena was calling to him.
“Come on, it’s been nearly two weeks since Ximena got to play. I can feel her eating me up inside.” Kyle’s expression went vacant as he imagined a strobed scene of shaking his jiggling ass in a club. Then, a pair of solid arms wrapped around his waist as he kissed the lover behind him.
“Been three weeks and one day for me and Luisa bitch. You’re gonna have to wait a bit longer.” He said licking his lips. “Fuck, one of you bitches needs to clean this place. It’s starting to stink.”
“Come on, don’t make me beg.” His fraying voice briefly took on tones of Ximena’s accent. Damn, she was ready to turn him inside out.
“Don’t you come any closer. I’m warning you puta.” Sam pulled out a flick-knife. Would he really use that little navaja?
“Fucking chingona. Dámelo.” He charged at Sam and grappled him into a wall. He smashed the hand with the knife against the hard wood until he let go. Sam scratched at his face and tried to grab his throat. He headbutted him in the nose and tossed him to the ground. He ripped the Elixir from Sam’s hands. Sam coughed blood up onto his shirt as he made a few sad attempts to get up.
 “Come on… where is your companionship? You and me are the only Latina elixir bitches in here. We gotta stick together. Give me it back man!” Sam started to cry. “We can share! Pleeeeasssse.”
“Me vale madres.”(I don’t give a shit.)Kyle shouted and ran to the shower, immediately slamming the bolt. He wasn’t going to fucking share. Besides, he didn’t need any accidents happening from cutting the stuff.
On the way home seven years ago, three Hispanic guys nabbed him and threw him into the car. They took a bag off his head in one of their filthy little crack dens. The smell nearly made him vomit.
“Hey homie. When you take this, you’re gonna be one happy bitch.” They laughed. He dangled a bottle crimson red liquid in front of him. Kyle’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull. No way, it’s impossible. He felt like he had read about this in his Law textbook before. How did they get a hold of it? Hadn't it disappeared off the market for decades? The product had dried up. Besides, the restrictions on that stuff guaranteed life sentences for distribution. Nobody knows where it came from. Some people say it’s true magic, whatever the origin, it was a deadly addictive, It was a blight on the lives of those who took it.
“Hope this works huh.” One of them said. “This shit is expensive.”
“Can’t wait to make this pinche whiteboy into one of our whores.”
One of them ripped open his mouth and poured the Elixir in. No… no.. he remembered the sheer horror of that moment. He had read what that shit does to your mind. It could turn a saint into a criminal, consciously or not.
“No… please no… please! Ugh.. noo...”
He thrashed around as panic set in, the withdrawal process was… oooo… he immediately went through his first transformation. Screeching and thrashing around on the floor as he went into mental labour. Ximena breathed for the first time. He remembered everything from that birth haze, but that wasn’t always true of what she did.
“¿Qué pasa?” Were her first words as she looked curiously at the group of men. She revelled in the sensations of being alive. She had sensitive tits, a sensitive pussy, a sensitive everything ooohh.
“Una orgía puta. Eso es lo que está pasando.(An orgy bitch, that’s what’s happening)” He whipped out his dick and shoved it in her face. “Chupa mi pene.”
“Sííííí  machote.” (Sure hunk) She wrapped her huge cock-sucking lips around his fat dick. He was semi-lucid like always, but he could remember the first time he tasted cum. It was so delicious, so salty, kind of yoghurty in texture.
She smiled with self-satisfied lust and grabbed one of the other guys dicks. She looked up into his eyes as she pondered what this meant. Men would do anything for a beautiful woman wouldn’t they? How interesting...
Unfortunately… someone had tipped off the police and they busted in. And we didn’t get to see if they fucked any good or not. He was dragged effortlessly away as the Hispanic guys pulled out their guns. Deafening shots rang out as he could only think about having sex with the brawny armed officer putting him into the cop car. Fuck, he wished he was never rescued. Then way they could have overdosed him he wouldn’t have live in this agonizing state of addiction. They would have taken him away to be a bitch in one of their brothels, and he wouldn’t have needed to choose to be one!
The therapist told him that the encounter with the Hispanic gangsters had made his psychological trauma take the sexual fantasy of turning into a Latina stereotype. The therapist talked a lot of shit but he tried to make him think that it was all in his head. Ximena has no power he said. She doesn’t really exist. She’s not you if you had grown up a horrible Latina woman, she’s not part of you at all. She is a psychological parasite. That was bullshit, she was a real life-sucking parasite. A leech of energy and lust. She insulted him, baited him. Made him hunger for sex constantly. He was always fighting off thoughts of sucking dick, taking cock in every hole. Feeling every muscle in your pussy ache because you took it so hard all fucking night for papi. He tried for so long to stop her. Therapy doesn’t make it go away. Nothing can compare to that feeling of your tight hole being filled. Not quite being yourself, free of inhibitions. Living another life, doing anything for the cum. Is it better to just embrace it? Rather than worrying about being someone professional or successful.
Manipulating stupid men into doing whatever we wanted, that was the way she preached. That was the future she wanted for them. He couldn’t hold down a job because he felt like he was just waiting for time to run down so he could become Ximena. He heard haunting, mocking singing in Spanish at the back of his mind. Working retail watching the clock go by, that was a nightmare. He was fundamentally too different for this now. He scratched, he sweated and muddled up his words. He was barely getting by, that was until one day, he followed the trail to a new supply. There was a nice supplier from Mexico working through the dark web and delivering at the port of San Diego.
Tómalo, tómalo
 She wasn’t him if he was born Latina. She was fucking evil. A stone cold bitch.  She never gets tired, she’s always there at the back of your head, watching and waiting to pounce. Even If it took hours, months, years. In the end, it only took days.
His mom called the cops when she found a Latina with attitude pleading in Spanish and fucking a guy on their couch. They managed to escape before the cops got there, but in the process he knocked his own mom to the fucking floor and broke her arm. When he changed back he was mortified. Then… then the cravings set in again, he had to let her out or she would fuck with him. Leaving him threatening videos on his phone, breaking his favourite things. So he stole from careless strangers in coffee shops, then every family member he could until the suspicion on him was too much... until he had no one left. He stole from gullible men, taking their credit cards, their wives clothes and jewellery, and ruining their lives. He didn’t have friends anymore, only Ximena had those.
He eventually ran out of therapy money. He was so desperate he took elixir in the therapist office and fucked the therapist. Partly to prove Ximena was real, and partly just to buy a few more sessions. Of  course, it didn’t get him shit except a ban. He was lucky the therapist didn’t report him. He just told Ximena never to come back. He was happy to fuck her in the first place though. In hindsight, Ximena probably put that thought into his mind so he would lose the therapist.
He fell into life on the streets. He had once been an amateur athlete, law student and all round ace studying at California state university who fucked cheerleaders and sorority girls. Although, he’d never been good with languages, but he’d transformed into Ximena so much he more or less spoke Spanish too. It was so confusing, he was always getting the words wrong. He gripped his head as the Latin Urban and Reggaeton club music in his head began to pound louder and he unconsciously shook his ass. He could almost feel the vibrations and pulsing through his body.
Now he had no prospects… just one overdose would fix this though. He coul…would become Ximena forever. That was the inevitably for someone like him. Killing himself, a victim to lust. It was easy to do in a place like this. A half-way house for half-men ran by corrupt assholes. The management themselves were former addicts, so they claimed. They gave you Elixir once a month for a small fee, only to stop the alter-ego turning you inside out.  That’s what we called it when the bitch inside came to the surface by herself. Then you either somehow have the iron willpower to lead a normal life, or you go full bitch. Te imaginas ser una mujer poderosa? Con nuestra belleza exótica podemos dominar el mundo. fama inimaginable!
No! I’ll throw you away you lying whore. He unsealed the Elixir with a pop and slightly tipped it over. A little further and you go down the drain! That’s all you are, fu-fucking liquid.
Si me haces daño entonces te haces daño. Venga, uno más mi compañera. Somos inseperable. Tu lo sabbbbbessss.
I… have been really good lately. Two weeks is a long time to keep clean.
Tienes razón Kyle, eres muy fuerte…muy valiente….
I’m just going to panic and fret more if I keep denying myself. I’m just a human, and my brain is hardwired for pleasure. Even if it’s contained in this sweet bottle of destruction. The sweet Reggeaton was even louder now as he began to feel the bouncing of his tits and the imaginary eyes on his chest.
No me importa lo que tú me quieras
Solo quieres que de amor me muera
¡Qué aburrido eres! Quit this life flashing before your eyes bullshit puta, it’s time to enjoy ourselves. I wanna shake mi culo and spill tequila over our tits. Before he downed the bottle, he felt an itch of guilt about Sam, but only an itch. Maybe… maybe…it won’t be so bad this time… he sighed and swallowed every drop, then screamed as his pleasure nerves fired. Hair on his neck and arms began to stand on end. He pulled down his pants and looked at his now painfully erect cock. The veins stood out like tributaries running up and down. He clenched his fists as he felt a pressure in his skull. His heart hammered in his chest and his breathing began to strain.
Dark thoughts in Spanish began to fill his head as the variant Elixir worked it’s way through his system. Ohhh Kyle! Por fin, hmm it’s been two weeks. You fucking puta mierda. ¿Por qué no bebiste más? I’m so fed up of you wasting our supersexi potential in your stupid white stick body. I’ll need to screw twice as many handsome men tonight to feel real good.
“Soy muy perra.”(I’m such a bitch) It felt good to steal her elixir. She was uglier than her anyway. Nothing was lost by keeping Luisa down for another night. His mouth curved into nasty smirk. She needed to learn who was top bitch. Ximena was the one the world really wanted.
His head vibrated and warped. Then, his jaw careened side to side as the skull bone grinded down, leaving him with a thin feminine jaw and less prominent forehead. Cheekbones raised and he felt the pinch of nip and tuck. His limps plumped into a cupid bow shape. He now had a woman’s head and doll-like face on a male body.  He grinned wickedly. He could almost feel the residue of cum in the back of his throat, as he imagined using his new lips to suck a cock dry. His fantasised titty-fucking a cock with a confident smirk on his lips.

His stomach began to flatten and his skinny arm muscles slenderised even further. His shoulders crunched inwards with audible breaking and echoing. Latina goddess curves appeared as fat flowed around his body while his thighs plumped up, leaving him with a nice hourglass shape. His gluteals puffed up, and he moaned as he felt milk-pumping tits begin to push out and sink back in. The skin stretched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. His body convulsed and his hands ran everywhere before reaching his groin. He then began to play with his flaccid dick as his foreskin got softer and thinner.
“¡Dios mío! ¡Dios mío!” Kyle let out a torturous scream as his sense of identity began to wilt. Ximena let out an evil giggle at the back of his mind.
He felt that giddy floaty sensation in his brainThat she was special, that he was a beautiful insatiable woman who needed to be adoredBoys would group around her like she as a Queen. Buennnnnaaaa… oooo…. uhhhh…. His frizzy dirty blonde hair became glossy black and curly before flowing down in front of his eyes. Then his sight went blurry as his eyes filled with fluid, The blue all-American boy irises flashed a momentary phosphorescent glow, before shifting into exotic caramel brown, now framed by lengthening dark lashes. Malevolence coalesced just behind them.
“A huevo…hmmm” (Hell yeah)
A sun burning sensation ran through his Caucasian skin, tanning it golden brown and beautiful.  The flourishing tits swelled even more as gravity begun to visibly affect them. He moaned lasciviously as his limbs went limp with erotic helplessness. His areolae doubled in size, becoming bumpier and bumpier in texture as the glands grew underneath. The nipples became like sharp points and darkened to a deep amber colour. He felt the urge to just pinch and rough them up. Strands of hair from the nipples, arms and groin fell off onto the shower floor, leaving only the finest plucked threads. She sank back against the walls and spread her legs like she was made for it. Her spilling, thick and heavy ass pushed against the tiles. There was a tearing sound as the skin began to open beneath his balls, followed by a few drops of blood falling out. Her shortening penis and sack began to feel tingly. She was nearly nice and open, ready for anyone man enough to come take her. “¿Hmm quieres estas tetas huh? You want my pussy? Good little pussy? Ajjjj.” She said out loud to her invisible lover in Spanglish, as her voice cracked and began to take on the undertones of a proper Mexican temptress.
 She jostled an eyeful of breast as she fumbled above for the shower tap and flipped it on. She then pushed the two tits together and smiled. Her large tawny nipples stung hot with need as she diddled her deepening concha. She gritted her teeth as the penis tissue weakened and diminished into a clitty cock, and her balls changed their very nature into ovaries, dragging themselves up into his body and connecting to his spread fallopian tubes. Oestrogen feminised her brain and ramped up her heterosexual female sex drive.  She flicked the clitty cock and moaned, there was a tiny string of cum dangling to the floor. She took some between her fingers and licked it. She convulsed again as the clity cock shrunk even further and nestled itself in her folds, she brushed a hand through her hair and let out a divine sigh as the clit spasmed. She loved it when the pussy opened up and Kyle shut up. Orgasmic waves crested up and down as she dug her fingers in deeper and quicker. Finally their voices merged together into just one orgasmic scream. She panted as the excitement made her suddenly relaxed vagina squirted pussy juice. It gently ran down the drain with the shower water. After a brief moment of blank euphoria, her inner thoughts started up again in Spanish. A lifetime of vocabulary provided by the magic of Elixir.

Two weeks was too long, she needed to work harder to get more elixir. She wanted to take-over, and to do that, she had to be able to come out whenever she wanted. She dried herself off and power-walked up the stairs into their tiny room. As she heard the fucking marathon next door she could barely stop herself from shoving the dildo in her sports bag up her snatch. She slipped on her hose and lingerie then she pulled out a slutty ruby clubbing dress that accentuated her full breasts. She sprayed herself with a tropical perfume scent and applied the reddest sluttiest lipstick she had.
“Hasta Luego Samiieee. Voy a encontrar algunos guapos.” She dropped the empty vial next to him.
“Fuck you! I’ll kill you!” He tried to lift himself up off the couch but fell back down in pain.
She ignored him as she passed by two other girls on her way out to the club. Two rugged men in tight t-shirts pulled up alongside her in their car and cat-called her. She brushed back her hair, looked around, and blew them a kiss.
“More more!”
“Take me to the club chicos and we’ll see.”
“For you anything babe.”
She showed off a nip. It was met with a cheer and they immediately pushed the door open.
She didn’t care about poor worthless Sam. Her friend Luisa would forgive her, and so Sam would as well, if he knew what’s good for him. It was us Elixir bitches who really ran things around here.


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