Dreams of a Red World - Divided Loyalty


Ben let out a giggle as he unlocked the door. Was that a hiccup? He wandered into the middle of the room. Feeling like it was his place. Then he felt an extreme rush of excitement. Why was he so happy? He let out another giggle. Huh? He felt his pulse thump in his neck. He fumbled and stumbled around his room in a state of over-stimulation. He thought he could hear a ringer or alarm sounding all around him. He looked at his arms. His veins stood out and expanded as he felt pins and needles slowly crawl all over his body. As if millions of sharp carpaced insects were infesting him.

“What the hell is happening?” He clutched the back of his head and fell down into a frontal fetal position. He screamed in pain as something dissolved his joints and rebuilt tendons. He gripped onto the carpet, as his hair and eyes started to change colour.  He passed out. Xiaoling giggled as she pierced through the fetal-like film of the mind. She poked her hand through and surged out in the fluid of memories to become the dominant personality. She took in a painful sharp intake of air, like a baby expanding her lungs. Time to act.

Xiaoling sat on her front knees and took in some meditative breaths. She felt like she’d been brought shot with adrenaline as usual. She followed it up with a shower, taking the time to rub her pale breasts. “Oooahhh.” She often wanted to play with herself, but rarely had the time.

She inspected herself and admired her thin waist before styling her long lovely dark hair. She wriggled her cute nose and took out the make up kit from their luggage. She gave herself a powder and applied the eyeliner to her deep dark phoenix eyes.

Then she pulled the bras out. Blood-red was iconic but a bit cheesy too. Oh… turquoise looks nice. She finished by picking out the burner webphone and waiting for it to ring. “我准备好了斗争 - in a beautiful land.” She saluted.

Shirong was always amazed by the fluent Mandarin and complete loyalty the nanoprograms could craft. Not to mention the almost perfect symmetrical beauty. She was inhuman. She could probably be the most beautiful woman in the whole of Shanghai. “Target.” She pointed at the clock behind her.

Shirong shook his head and spoke with a slight bit of hesitation. “He works for NAZOR, that British technology company. His name is Owen Murray, forty-six years old.”

“Go on.” She said while rolling her shoulders.

“He’s not an outgoing man, but we have it on good authority he likes a café called Livre Liberty in Manhattan.” He sent a photo to the phone.

“Pick up the gun, new phone and clothes in the Queens borough and we’ll drive you to the correct point nearby. “

“Understood. Talk soon.” She winked at the handsome operative. He blushed and switched off the call.


“Ooo I love that book” She pointed at the cover with a generic looking tall Nordic guy. Another clown for the masses to worship.

“It’s been a favourite of mine on long trips.” Owen said. Upon looing up, his eyelids dilated as he reacted to the exotic Asian woman in front of him. She was tall, natural looking breasts, hell… a natural beauty all round. You could never tell with those Asians since they all got plastic surgery if they could afford it.

“I particularly like advice about accepting you’re not the centre of the world by thirty.”

“Oh… wise, but you needn’t worry about that love. You look a few years short of it yet.” She posed arms wide, with a bit of a curtsy.

He raised his eyebrows and leaned in. “Anyways, you’ve lived here a long time then? Your English is fluent, apart from the accent of course.”

She bowed and gave him a cheerful look. “Many year. I work for Manhattan technologies.” She pouted her berry red lips just a tad.

“Bloody hell. I love their VR tech. I bought my wife one and It’s like she’s not even there. Just the way I like it. ” She giggled at a higher register than before. Then, she fixed her expectant stare on him.

He motioned for her to sit down. “You may sit dear, I used to work as a banker in Hong Kong you know.” She gently pulled out the chair and took off her designer sunglasses. She clasped her hands together and looked him in the eyes. This would be pathetically easy.


As they entered his hotel room she lowered her head. He gently brushed her left ear.

“Yo-you Chinese girls are very submissive aren’t you?” He said. God this old Brit stunk. He barely had any hair left as well.

She looked up at him with sugary doe-eyes for only an instant.

“Of course you are. It’s one of the reasons I moved over there when I was a young lad.”

He rubbed her nipples through the fabric. “You like white men, no matter what they look like. They could have leprosy and you’d still fuck them wouldn’t you?” She nodded quickly, and then turned her head and exposed her neck to try make herself look modest.

“They could be an old man like me and you’d still be salivating.” He grappled her onto the bed and made some playful roaring noises. She purred back and let the obese bald banker mount her. Of course, her pussy was practically shut tight. She didn’t want the tip of his old wrinkled dick even an inch inside of her. He tried to push in, but she wagged her finger.

“I’m a career lady, don’t want to get pregnant with a white man’s baby. A little protection please.” He groaned and heaved himself off her. As soon as he was in the bathroom she picked the gun out of her bag. She pointed it at the doorway and smirked. He walked back in and immediately dropped the condoms.




“I find my favourite sex-toy. Don’t fucking move.” She pulled the safety off.

“Well at least it’s not a catheter.” He blew out a hard puff of air.

“What?” She gave him a look of disgust.

“Should have known, but too bloody horny not to.” He sighed. She took a photo of him with one hand.

“I could kill you right now, but I’ll offer you the same deal as every other old idiot who tried to sleep with me. We want all of NAZOR’s budget and investment plans. “

“I don’t think so. I’m not a fucking traitor. You uppity little chink. We British brought you bloody infrastructure, trains and a lot more.“

“If you don’t, I’ll shoot you, then I’ll cut you so badly you’ll wish your wife was the only pain in your arse. Ever heard of a colonscopy bag?” She motioned with her head and let out a grunt. He gulped.

“That’s what I though you colonist piece of shit. Now, upload the files. I’m going to sit and watch.”

“Let me put on some clothes.” He said flatly.

“Okay, but if you come out of there with anything other than a lovely pair of ‘I love the Queen pants’. I’m shooting you.”  She smirked.




“So tell me Shirong… another few successful missions like this and perhaps I can stick around for more than a few hours at a time? I do despise sharing a brain with this American.” She frowned.

“We will see, erasing the template brain personality might be… problematic. Technically you and him are the same person. We… infected him with you.” He gave her an apologetic look.

“Oh, come on, you wouldn’t like to spend a whole night in my company?” Shirong’s eyes widened and he blushed. “Honestly, it’s a little strange, knowing there is a man in there.”

“Rude.” She folded her arms. “Not my fault I was born in this body. You turned me into a double-agent.”

“So glad I did.” She smiled softly at that. “It’ll be at the back of my mind when I make your request.

“It’s a start, but actually, really more like a retirement package of two million renmenbi?” She winked.

“Don’t push it.” He shook his head. She admired his chiselled jaw for a lingering moment.

“Did you take your requirement calorie intake for the reversal?” He flicked through some screens on a nearby tablet.

“Yes yes, four big fat American glorious quarter-pounders.” She stuck a finger in her mouth and pretend to heave.

“Water intake?”

“Fine, I’m ready for my little death comrade… turn me back into my alter-ego.” She laid back on the bed and sighed as he flicked the recombination signal on. “Alright… thunder on Qingchen, floods below Longhu.” He cut the feed as he heard Xiaoling groan in sad pain.

Shirong sighed. Could the body even survive all those accelerated transformations?  Perhaps he could suggest another operative be created. He had sort of grown fond of Xiaoling. I Just hope they don’t decide to terminate her.


Did I fell asleep again? Crap, I’m going to get fired if I miss another flight…” Ben practically spat in curses. He thought over the meeting yesterday. He barely remembered any details, hopefully his Chinese employers wouldn’t ask any questions. He couldn’t believe the salary when they offered him that job change. They hardly contacted him. Well, his luck they were asleep at the wheel!

He looked back into the hotel room and tilted his head at a piece of turquoise lingerie on the door handle. "Huh, must have been the previous guest. You think they'd clean that up!" He let out an unoticed giggle as he closed the door. "Hope I don't get lost in DC again like last time!"


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