Dreams of a Red World - Institutionalised


“I can’t believe you took me to that all Chinese meet up.” Jordan facepalmed.

“Oh my god you are so closed. You need meet new people… that’s why I no tell you what it was.” The cute frizzy haired Asian girl touched his arm and giggled. She smelled a bit like a mountain stream.

“Everyone was staring at me. Shit, they probably all thought I had yellow fever,

“It turned out alright didn’t it right? Li jing even come over and said no worry that you’re white boy…”

“I promised to play guitar at their event just so I wouldn’t feel so out of place.”

“Yes, and you not want to disappoint them right? In China it’s so rude to make promise you don’t keep.”

The things he did to get laid. Hm.. maybe he did have yellow fever.

He sighed. “They want me to rehearse at the Confucius institute, so what’s that?”

“Oh, it’s kind of… clubhouse for Chinese students. The university gives lots of funding to them.” She replied.

“Uhm, any benefits to being a member?”

“They can help you learn Chinese. There is library of many many book.” She tapped his shoulder lightly enough to be considered friendly. Yet gave him a cute pout.

“Do Taiwanese students go there too?”

“Where?” They stopped on the little bridge running over the campus canal, to the tuts and annoyance of those behind.

“The country of Taiwan. The people there all speak Chinese too right?”

“Hm, there is Taiwan province, but it very small and unimportant.” She smiled.

That was spooky. Taiwan is definitely a country.

She grabbed his right hand and tilted her head. “Don’t worry. I so glad you go.”


The rehearsal went fine, although the teacher leading it seemed to always have his eye on him. At the end, the teacher smiled and beckoned him over.

“A fine player you are. Although you could learn some more classical works.” He had an Americanish accent, in fact, he seemed pretty adjusted to living here.

“My style is more an improvisation I suppose.” This guy had seen through him. He knew nothing about formal music really.

“The real show is next week, so we do small mingling session tonight.”

“I should really skip it, I don’t speak Chinese and I’ll just stand there brooding.”

“Nobody perfect. Don’t speak nonsense, you are part of team. And Americans are verrry popular, I’m sure a bit of trust can help you play better together.”

He nodded. “That sounded reasonable.


The man led him down a few corridors until they found a rather heavy looking door. What was this doing in a building like this? The man undid the bolts and then walked in. Andrew hesitated for a moment, even as he heard the lights flicker on. Then, he felt a sharp pain in his neck as his consciousness faded.


Outside, the old mentor whispered in her ear. “Can you hear me? I wonder what is happening in there sometimes. I hope I never find out.”

He considered touching the metamorphosing body but pulled his hand back.

“No, you don’t deserve my touch yet. You American running dog, you thought you going to get lucky with one of our girls huh? Since you’re soon to be gone, I might as well be vicious. Soon you will be so small and thin. You will need  large man to protect your tiny birdlike body. You won’t ever feel yourself get erect, or your balls become full.  You  never ever get to screw a woman again, if you even have yet. Hmm, you Americans are shameless, you probably have. Perhaps sometimes when you  all alone at night, you can feel a little phantom feeling. A pang… a phantom cock. You might imagine what it’s like to be muscled and powerful. But no, you will remind yourself you are a insignificant Chinese woman. The only cock you will feel is a big Han dick driving into your wet pussy.” He laughed and snorted.

“Think of all the struggles and efforts your ancestors went through to preserve your lineage. That others of your kind did to preserve White Race. Only for it all to be snuffed out by science they couldn’t imagine. Your womb will be filled by a big Chinese baby, not a Caucasian one.

How lamentable… I wish I could stay and watch your fate, but I have others of your kind to metamorphose.” He patted him on the cheek and nodded to a guard nearby. Jordan finally lost what little was left of his consciousness.


“Do we trust strangers or foreigners?”

He blinked and looked up at the woman. She was huge, this wasn’t right, they should be similar heights right? He looked at this hands, they were tiny, like when he was eight. He looked around and saw he was surrounded by kids in the barest classroom he’d ever seen. Just a clock, blackboard, desks and chairs.

“No!” The class resounded.

“But… but… should we not get to know them first?” He said unthinkingly.

Some of the boys looked back visibly annoyed. The girl next to him shifted her eyes without moving her head. Another girl to his left was shaking.

“The foreigner scares me!” She whimpered.

 “Don’t worry, we will fix him.” She smiled and then gave him a stern look.

“Do the Chinese have bigger brains than other races?”

“Yes!” Everyone shouted.

“This is not right, it’s ridiculous!” He shouted.

The teacher stormed down an aisle and smacked him across the face. All of the other children in the class stared with hatred. He touched the stinging area and looked up at her ugly pig face.

“Idiot. Talk like that again and we beat you.” She wagged her finger at him and walked back to the blackboard.

“What makes us Chinese glorious and unique?” She stomped her foot. The hands sprung up again,

“China has a 4000 year history!” One girl with glasses shouted.

“We do not celebrate Christmas?”

“Good try! More!” She clapped.

“Lesser countries people only care about money.”

“No… no I don’t believe that. This is wrong.” He growled at the teacher and pounded his fist on the desk.

The other students pointed at him “Traitor.”

“Beat them!” They pushed out their chairs and ran kicking and screaming into him.

“Please, please, I’m sorry, I-“ A back-handed slap caught him in the face.

“Leave me alone!” He curled up into a ball as they kept laying into him.

“Do you agree to be fixed?” The teacher asked with a dark chuckle.

“Yes, yes, please just stop the hurt!” He screamed. Not moments after, he felt his body tingle. Dark strands fell down in front of his eyes and on top of his tiny shoulders. He felt like the mob around him loomed even bigger. He felt so weak. He yelped and shut his eyes tight as something seemed to grab and crush his genitals. She began to cry as she felt stabbing shredding pains inside of her.


“Beautiful flowers, beautiful women, beautiful land, strong men. Bless the families of China!” She sung happily.


He woke up to the sound of a thick book slamming on the desk. He felt so tired from studying that he barely let out a yelp. Huh? Study? Since when did I study? I barely go to classes at College.

“Sometimes I wonder how you even find your way to my classroom Jiayi. Take care of your looks, your brains and fealty leave much to be desired.”

A boy next to him groaned. “Stop it or the teacher will punish the whole class again. Like when you got that awful low score!” She shook her head. She wasn’t an idiot, she just thought differently from the others. The noise around her as the spell seemed to wear off. He looked down at the two lumps on his chest. What? Where did those come from? I have boobs?

Of course you do, you’re a girl becoming a woman. What.. that’s not right. I already became a man?

Haha ridiculous. You’re just a little Chinese girl. You’re four foot eight inches, have black hair down to your butt, brown eyes and a pouty face. Ugh, stupid Xiaoli. Why’s he always saying I’m pouty?

“Poor boys and girls. This is always the darkest day in our calendar. Today we show you the atrocities of the past.” The teacher shook his head as he pressed play.

“What the hell is this?” Scenes of battlefields and bloody murders played out on the video.

He tried to close his eyes but they were pried open by some ruthless force. “Don’t you look away again Jiayi, or you’ll get an F!” He tried to move but he felt that diminished sensation and control that only came in the worst of nightmares.

He was bombarded with images of tortured and maimed soldiers. Women gutted and dismembered. He felt acidic anger swell up inside of him. How dare they? Pigs, less than pigs even!

“Look what they did to the Chinese people. Curse the Japanese and curse the West!” The teacher pointed furiously at the screen.

“Oh it’s so horrible.” He said out loud as the final black slide lingered on. Why would they do that to us.

Us. One of us. One of ours!

A boy next to him replied. “Don’t worry Jiayi, I’ll protect you.” She felt her heart thump. She wanted this big strong boy to hold her. “I’ll jump in front of one of those nasty Americans for you.”

“Me too!” Another boy behind her said. “I’ll never let them get our pretty Chinese girls!”

“I’ll be your hero.” Another male voice said. She blushed and brushed her bangs back.


He tugged at the necklace around his pale neck, then at the pink skirt he had on. These were cute and girly things. He would never wear these voluntarily but… it was not a matter of volunteer! It was duty! This necklace was her first piece of jewellery. It was passed down from her grandmother. She hoped she could get more pretty things like this through her life and pass it down to her own descendants, wherever their home might be. Chinese people always remember China is home even after a hundred generations should pass by. He cursed himself for his pathetic values. If he was going to be Chinese he needed to appreciate these things more. She would wear this to the dance with pride.


He imagined laying on his back on a bed of flowers. A boy crawled on top of him and started to kiss him. He giggled and writhed in the grass as he tried to play hard to get.

“So handsome!” He pinned her down and grinned. “And I’m strong too!” She was completely in his massive shadow. A creamy feeling of happiness washed over him. He felt so pretty, and wonderful. He felt light and lithe. His body was just the right fit. The boy massaged her shoulders and then touched her breasts as much as he thought he could get away with.

No! This can’t be right. He looked at his thin hairless arms. He put two fingers to his plump red lips and rubbed the lipstick off gently. Why the hell do I have this shit on? And why is he on top of me?

“Get off man, I’m a guy!” He saw the guy’s facial hair and knew he should be disgusted but something was so fascinating about it now. Something he spent all of his life ignoring. It was coarse but only a real man could grow it like that right? Maybe he wasn’t a real man anymore. That’s why he was below and under his control. That’s right, lay there and be quieter than a mountain-top.


He was in a featureless pool of pleasure, out of his mind, drooling, as he tried to unconsciously play with his miniaturized cock. His face felt like it was being pulled apart as his eyes grew epicanthic folds. His mouth became plump, precious and cute. His forehead and chin became less pronounced and the nanobots scraped away at it. He rubbed his nipples as they were stimulated to grow longer and thicker. His whole body was developing into such perfection it could be said to have come off a production line.


“I’m… I’m a man aren’t I babe?” He said weakly.

“I mean we are still in High School but… sure you are.” The sweet baby blue blonde smiled. He smiled back and starting putting kisses all over her stomach and tits. These tits were so much bigger than his real girlfriend’s were, she was pretty flat all considered. This was like his dream girl or something.

As he made love to her, a sense of wrongness crippled him. Why does this… I don’t think I can do this… but I’ve done this before… I know I can… arghhh… but!

The harder he tried to fuck the worse it felt. The more she screamed the more he wanted to run away. He felt almost repulsed, depressed to the point of want to throw himself out the window. Something is missing. Tits, two nice round bumps. Even the sight of him should excite him.

Do you like boys?

Nu-uh! He shook his head.

It felt good when that Chinese boy played with you right?

It did.

And you didn’t have to do anything? You just lay there and enjoyed the pleasure. No worries, because he adored you.

I did.

Do you want to go back to that Jordan?

“Jordan?” He said the name like it was a stranger’s.

No! Keep your t..tin…tin….big and thick Chinese dicks away from me. He continued fucking through gritted teeth, but he was trapped on this saddle. It was so difficult, so much effort, so much energy. How could a thin girl like him provide that energy? The blonde screamed in pleasure, proof of his value as a male, but he didn’t care. He was almost offended. As his body jerked, he released an almost endless fertile torrent of American cum, but despite the climax he was overtaken by one singular thought.


I want to be the one on my back. I want to be the submissive one being conquered by her Han hero.


“Exam today” Jord…joryi thought.

“I nearly missed the Gaokao. My Dad had to phone the police to drive me there!” A beautiful girl hugged him, but he didn’t feel anything for her, nothing down below or in his stomach. He just wanted to support her.

“That’s terrible! Chu.. Hugs!

She was so.. sex….cute! We’re best friends! I just want to grab her ti-hair! And braid it, since it looks soo messy today. The scene has barely finished before it blurred away into the next one.


“You’re going abroad to study? You can find out about all those American plots against us?”

“They hate the Chinese. The fear our rise! You’re so brave for going there.”

“You’re studying Art? I guess you’ll make the party look good right?”

“Goodbye my beautiful sweet girl. Remember you are there for a certificate, so work hard.


She spun around at all the images surrounding her. A wicked showcase. The dead and homeless. The sound of gunshots. The unwashed stinking streets. What a terrible place America was, but it could be cleaned up by those with the will to do it. The people are a problem though, so divided!


He tore at his pretty face as each pulsing memory threatened to explode out of his skull.

“I knew you couldn’t handle it! I was right!”

“Americans hate us Chinese, that’s why they charged you extra?”

“Fuck America and all their ancestors!”

“Didn’t you have a mission to complete, pretty little thing?”


Back again are we?

He found himself paralyzed over the same blonde. The muscles around his eyes trembled.

I’m…I’m… not a woman. I grew up in Colorado before I moved here, I did hiking and camping and was raised on action films. I… but those things are so pointless and violent and unrealistic. Why do men even like them!? Ugh! Change me back into a man? I’d rather die.




She heard the deep voice of a man call out to him. She hummed as he stirred a pot and the steam warmed his face. She was cooking rice for the boy she liked. Maybe they could kiss and even go a little farther? Hopefully he’d get the hint!

“Oh.. fragrant.” The tall Chinese boy said. Ooo he really is so tall.

“It’s just normal rice.” She said coyly.

He lifted her chin up. “I mean you.” She smirked at the cheesy line. Then he started to kiss her.

“So you’re an American guy right? Maybe I should stop.”

As his tongue got deeper and his rubbing on her nipples hard she felt her fluids soaking through her panties.

“No dear. I’m a Chinese woman! Take me! Pleeease!”

He needed no further encouragement and ripped down her skirt and panties. He shoved his fingers into her pussy and began to rub his sensitive little button.

“Say you love me.” He said.

“I do” She replied.

“And say you love China!”

“I love China” She screamed like woman possessed. “I love China and I will serve Chinese men!”


She awoke with a sharp intake of breath. Then she was immediately gripped by pleasure her young mind had never known. He new vaginal canal started to quake. She tried to emerge from the liquid but her spasming leg and muscles dropped her back under. She started to drown as she came.


She felt a strong hand press her back as she was pulled up. Her smacked her on the back until she could breath again. Her whole body ached. Someone towelled the sweat off her before handing her a pair of clothes. Words in Mandarin slowly came to her thoughts as if she was trying recollect a language learned in childhood.

“What is your name woman?” The fat man asked.

“Jiayi.” She responded immediately. “Zhao Jiayi.”

“Good. Put on these clothes and take a shower. Then report to the main hall.”

She followed the instructions, stuck in her own depths, barely thinking about why before walking out into the line-up. It seems she was the last to arrive to the... why was she here again? She brushed her long and glossy black hair away.

“Hello girls, I hope you had a… nice journey. Welcome to Guanlan. You will be very happy here. We just need to give a quick induction speech.”

They stood stoicly. Some of them looked between each other, a hint of sadness on their faces. But as the speech went on their faces grew harder and prouder.

“You will interact with who we tell you.  You will be provided for… but do not forget the boundaries, China has a long reach.”

The mentor gave her a suspicious look. He prodded Jiayi “You. Who owns Tibet. Answer me now.”

Her head throbbed for only an instant. “I… China, China secured the independence of Tibet. The people are thankful.”

The man nodded. “Very good, woman

“You will be our future professionals, our academic force…. learn all you can while you attend this University but do not fall for their lies. Befriend and seduce if you feel you gain knowledge for glorious China only.” They nodded in approval.

“That said, you have Chinese boyfriends who are waiting for you outside. Make them happy, this move was costly for them.”

“Yes teacher!” They all said in unison.


She was taken away to the showers where the women began to gossip about their wonderful new men. She felt uneasy for a moment around these women. But her mind began to race as she considered who was waiting for her outside. He was probably horribly rich and handsome.  She lathered her body up and even allowed herself a quick stroke down below. She giggled as she imagined two hard rough male fingers doing it.  She pulled them out with a groan as she heard one of the other women turn the corner.

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As Jiayi left the institute she was guided to a step and told to wait. She sat thoughtlessly, her long luscious legs out-stretched. She smiled at the constant admiration she was getting. Finally she saw a well-built sexy guy wave to her. He had a jaw of iron and a thin strong nose. Her eyes widened as she imprinted on the young man. She ran up and jumped into his arms.

 “I couldn’t believe it when I saw a photo of you this morning. I’m so lucky. I’ll get you through this don’t worry baby.” He said.

“Through what?”

“The colonisation of course.”

That night they made love for the first time in their dorm. He made her wear a traditional red dress. She held her hand over her mouth while giggling. Soon everyone would be wearing dresses like this. She knew she would never go back home. She and her boyfriend were destined to stay here in this new land.






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