
 Who had early 2000's Nightmare Fuel advert on their TG Bingo? I made it a bit more into a Snow Queen story with some references to the old advert. Enjoy!

“Beware the Judderwoman my dear when the moon is fat…”

The Woodcutter crushed the snow underfoot as he made his way into his territory… or so he believed it to be. Wolves, bears and boars all mostly avoided the cabin. Though they tried to scratch at the doors and dig the walls every so often. The last one he cut in twine and made a beautiful coat for his daughter. 
As he chopped up the last of the logs. He sniffed the air and shook his head. Was that fire in the distance? Please no, not so close to his home. He peered in the direction of the smell. It was a log fire.. now a little humming… what a sweet voice. He made his way towards it and as he rounded a tree he saw a woman. Her hair was angel blonde or perhaps it was ash white. It was hard to tell. But she immediately noticed him with her piercing blue eyes. As he drank her in he stood speechless.  She was like nobody he’d ever seen.  My god, how could someone so beautiful be real. He’d only ever seen such of the statues in the churchyards. His loins stirred. He hadn’t been with a woman since his wife died. He stared at her swollen breasts, her berry red lips..

She stood up and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.
“I can’t believe it. I thought I was going to die out here.” She pulled back but not enough that her breath didn’t caress his face.
“Woman. What in god’s name are you out here for?” Her clothes were of good make. Looked like a bit of silk along with high quality bear fur. She was an aristocrat maybe?


She turned her head away. “Foolishness. My husband is a vicious cruel man. I couldn’t take it anymore and so I just ran into the village and the forest. It isn’t worth living in that gilded prison.” She started whimpering which broke into a cry.

“Now I have nowhere to stay. I know so little of life outside the estate. I spent all day making the fire.”
He planted his axe down. She eyed it warily. “Don’t worry. I live not far from here. Come on let’s go before you freeze.”

She walked ahead but he stood still a moment. What was wrong with her skin? The light didn’t play properly. The shadows didn’t seem to fit. She folded her arms like she was cold, but she didn’t seem to shiver. He heard a sound like the grinding of wood, as if the roots of the trees were crawling and moving.

“Well my champion?” She looked back at him. He nodded and caught her up. They walked some distance in silence.
“My daughter shall be pleased for us to have company.” He heard the crunching of snow stop.
“Please stop. Stop.” She said.
“I want to thank you for helping me.” She bit her lip.
“I haven’t even…” He turned to face her. She swayed up to him, her berry red lips only a hair from his face.
“Come handsome champion. I don’t want to disturb your daughter during the night.” She gave him a seductive smile. Then she led his hand to her huge breasts. They were so cold. Warmth rushed to his member as he thought about taking her. What a fairytale, they make love, she joins him in hiding in the cabin and she becomes a new mother to Astrid. Though in the fairytales his mother told, there was usually a monster to slay first.
“I can’t, I had a wife… a wonderful wife.” The woman’s face took on a sympathetic edge. “I’m sorry I…” She backed off somewhat and placed her hand on her forehead. She seemed in battle, then her face returned to her come hither look.
“Listen, your wife would want you to be happy. It’s been a long time since I was with a man I actually loved.” She approached him again and rubbed his chest. Her lips seemed even redder than before.

His mouth twisted in anger. “What do you know about what my wife, my life. Rich women, I…” He stared into her eyes. The deep pain she was experiencing was on the surface for all to see. A kindred spirit. He couldn’t hold back anymore. He needed to take her. to take a bit of happiness for himself. “Forgive me darling” He whispered. He ran her fingers through her hair and she turned her head for a kiss. He pushed her into the snow and unbuckled his belt. She pulled up her dress and exposed herself. His mouth dropped open. If his wife had done as such she’d be truly ashamed. He fell on top of her and teased her nipples. The heat from his chest radiated downwards.

“You want this delicious body don’t you? Have you ever seek something so perfect?” She lustfully licked the air. Shit, it’s no dream. What a horny bitch. Didn’t realise Noblewomen could be such sluts. He thrust inside of her and felt her instantly squeeze. Bloody tight she was, it was like her husband barely touched her. He watched her bulging tits bounce as he went at her. He got a nice rhythm going, like splitting a log. She was squeezing tighter, trying to milk his cock for all it’s worth.
"You Noble whore. Where were you when my wife died? My family had no support! No one cared!" “That’s it, give me what I want. What I need!” She gave him a malicious self-satisfied look. She shrieked in ecstasy, interspersed with cackling. A supernatural thrumming was spreading from her netherlips to the rest of her body. She couldn’t believe her luck this woodcutter was so stupid. Taking his pathetic feelings out on me. Clearly thinking with his dick. But this wasn't the first time someone ignored all the signs.

She shrieked and smashed her hands into his chest as she came. Her juices slathering his cock. He felt a frost burn all along his genitals. He roared out in pain. Then his body began to jerk violently, his face covered in ice, and it spread down his body until he was covered in a solid glacial skin. Her eyes widened, her nipples hardened, and she let out an inhuman squeal. She writhed in the snow, an hour passed by as she savoured his delicious essence. Unable to think or move from the pleasure. Her reverie was finally interrupted by a meek voice.
“Papa where are you? Father?”
Hmph. The Child! I was trying to avoid that little problem.
She lethargically rose to her feet and then breathed on the dead man. His body cracked and crunched as it reformed into a small wooden puppet. She turned around just as her tiny footsteps came up behind her
“Hello little girl” The girl stood still like a deer. The woman bent down, tilted her head and gave her a tender look. The child shook her head for a moment. She thought she had seen something strange.
“Ha-have you seen my papa?”
“Sorry little girl. I haven’t seen anyone. Are you alone?” The girl nodded.
“You shouldn’t be. There are wolves… monsters in this forest. They'll eat chew through your stomach and rip out your throat.” She put up some claws and made a playful growling noise. Then, she stood up ready to leave.
“Ca-can I come with you?” The girl asked, the panic was clear in her voice now.
“No” She snapped. The chubby little girl frowned.
“I mean… you don’t want to go where I am going. Here, take this.” She gave her the puppet she had made of her father. The woman smirked but it quickly fell away, and her head seemed to hang a little lower. Something inside the girl recognized the puppet. Something of herself. She stared at it, turning it over.
“What is he called?”
“He doesn’t have a name. I just carved him. But he can protect you. Goodbye.”  She turned around and headed into the forest. The girl’s eyes widened as she held the puppet up.
“Father?” She heard the girl whisper in the distance.

As she strode away her visage began to change. Her eyes turned to glassy blue ice, her skin grew even more impossibly pale. And the cold seemed to follow her rather than affect her. The largest to smallest of animals all scattered, watching her warily. They snarled and chomped as usual.  She rested a hand against a tree, her body quivering from the orgasmic aftershocks. Nngh.. ah.. An evil thing to do, to give her the corpse of her father. Yet, like always, it felt good. The cruelty of winter must be satisfied.

The Lady of Judders, the Judderwoman, The Shivering Queen. That’s what the small folk called her. The name Judderwoman she especially despised. A name from one of their warning rhymes. So harsh on the tongue. And it didn’t truly encompass her grandeur. It was a base reaction. Pathetic humans, I despise them.

Ugh..no.. no! I’m thinking like that again.  Madness! I’m not a goddess, I was a man once. A pathetic and powerless man. Just a merchant travelling from England through Prussia to the Kingdom of Poland. But I misjudged everything. Provisions, time, the fierceness of the winter. And so my servant  died of cold, and I was dying of cold. I fell onto the snow and slipped away, until something called to me. It promised me a chance at life, and power. So what else would a dying man say but yes?

It told me that we are the eternal winter, the dread winter, and only a female form befits me now. Then it never spoke to me again. Did it give me mercy? Or was it it’s idea of a curse, a cruelty for my hubris in the face of nature. Perhaps I was suppose to die.

I awoke but my body began to twist and contort. I’d seen plague victims move in such ways, begging for release. I felt my manhood burst into shards of ice and I screamed in the highest of agonies. I could feel it then I couldn’t. Can you even comprehend? The pain was dire enough that I fumbled for my dagger to cut my own throat. I could feel steaming blood leaking out. I whimpered and begged. But then, the edges of the fresh hole began to pull and fold, flesh stitched, the agony disappeared as it became two inviting lower lips. Crows gathered around me as my bones snapped and my face felt like a smith’s hammer was reforging it. I felt a mane of hair fall gently down to my shoulders. My ruddy hair turning white. My body hair simply snapped off.

I coughed violently. The pressure in my chest was terrifying. I felt my chest push out and in, as the lump of fat split into two mounds. The skin was flowing and aching with pleasure. I realised this was a metamorphosis. A twisted bane, but sweet.

“So gooodd. Change me more!” I screamed as I dug my fingers into the snow. I turned myself over. I was on all fours, the weight pulling me down as the bulbous tits controlled me. They expanded more and more. The nipples growing stiff and excited from the biting cold. I began to play with them and saw my fingers had become thin and soft of skin. The colour drained out from them. The fingernails grew razor sharp. I stabbed them into the skin near my nipples and groaned at the stinging . I saw the new blue veins developing through the pale skin as I could feel more and more pleasure and sensation. There was a lot of pain but ohh..oh. “Fuck me, fuck me” I said as I pushed my arse into the air. I just needed something foreign inside me, it didn’t matter how rough or filthy it was. I looked frantically around for something to shove inside, but I remember the anguish stopped before I shoved a stick in there. Hell and then heaven, then hell again.

I stumbled and tripped through the snow. I  I felt my new hair billowing, but nothing but pressure on my skin. I dragged myself to a frozen lake and gasped as I saw my new face. Ethereal, unnatural beauty, but my eyes were like sapphires slotted into the sockets and my skin indistinguishable in colour from the ice itself.
“What have you done to me!?” I screamed, but of course no one answered then or since. I scraped my nails across my reflection then across my own face. “Go..” as I tried to ask the Lord for help I felt my gut wrench. I shook my head. So it’s like that is it?

The power came. Magic, and further control of the ice and blizzard… all for the measly price of murder. The hunger that surfaced in my mind. I developed a woman’s lust for hard strong bodies. Long warm cocks deep inside my frigid womanhood. But the pleasure from that was just an appetiser. Because then I took their energy. The first time it was an accident, I just wanted to satisfy this endless throbbing between my legs. It was like a rebirth. A limitless pleasure beyond man or woman. The bigger and stronger the man, the more delicious and juicy his energy. I keep some as my slaves but eventually I swallow them.
I considering ending my life but it was impossible. In a cruel joke, I still felt normal hunger and thirst but starvation and the like was impossible. Thankfully, all the wonderful intoxications of the forest and human make were still available to me. How or why I’ve no idea but I’m glad. Because I needed them. It didn’t help the state of my mind. I often found myself sitting amongst wolves or bears talking to them. Back when they didn’t fear me. They know I’ve become forsaken now.

In England we have stories of faeries and elementals. I presume that’s what I’ve become, or perhaps mercurial winter herself is using me. Possessing me in some way. I may not look like a monster unless I want, but I  started to enjoy acting like one. Is my soul doomed? Guilt and shame become more and more absent. Cruelty is compelling. I tried to fight it. But I feel my sanity has long since abandoned me. Sometimes I have these crushing  moments of sobriety and hindsight.

The man swallowed nervously as he gathered the wit to speak with the beauty before him.
“What do you wish my lady? So glad you would visit a lowly butcher as myself.”
“Lovely pork please, bloody and sweet.”
A crab like old woman growled nearby.
“How come she gets to go before me? I’m here every day. Just cause she’s got a fat chest eh? Men.”
The Judderwoman stared at her unblinking. The woman looked bitterly back, but then her thin loose lips started to quiver.
“It’s all mine.” The Judderwoman said simply. The old woman’s tongue swung around her mouth, her left hand twitched. She wanted desperately to scream. She knew… she knew.  She wanted to tell the butcher who…what, was in their presence, but she couldn’t.
“Is your delicate heart failing old woman? Perhaps you should go home. You should spend your last moments with your family.” The old woman’s childhood was playing across her eyes. Tales and poems from her mother about the temptress in the forest who mutilated, cursed and brought famine without mercy. Puppet shows and mummery accompanied by flutes and horns. All forewarning of the dreaded Judderwoman. She calculated every step backwards. She seemed to be mumbling spare me, until she was far in the distance it was almost worthy of jest. Sadly, she didn’t enjoy humour anymore. The butcher watched warily.
“Just give me a moment to get your goods  my lady. I don’t want you to freeze out here.”

I became a legend as the years went on. Somewhat exaggerated, but then it was easy to blame me for their every little misfortune. I don’t remember when I stopped calling myself he and became she. When I forgot my  own name. I live in the caves and every so often weave my webs in the villages. Travelling merchants have “provided” me every finery, willing or not. I was gifted the ability to speak any language I want and look like the locals. I wonder how the people would wail if they knew their feared Judderwoman was amongst them more than they realized. Someone like that woman. Someone different, beholding of second sight. They are few and far between.  If the commoners knew how easy I can control them. One day this backwards wilderness will not contain me and I will take some King for my slave too.

I returned to my twinkling den. The first thaw would come soon and I wanted to make sure I had enough playmates to drink and debauch myself with until the new winter. Of course, winter never ended in here. I threw a bag of food at the puppets. Then, I sat on the ice throne they carved for me. I ran my fingers through the hair of a bearded blonde one, a former town guard.

“I met a handsome woodcutter last night. What a shame my lust got the better of me. It’s much funner to seduce alas… We need more friends here wouldn’t you agree?”
The blonde licked my foot. I put some of it in his mouth. I saw a flash of distaste on his face and frowned at him.
“Is this unpleasant for you?” His screaming eyes jumped around as his mind racked itself for an answer.
“Perhaps a little mistress.” She held her frown for a moment and then smirked as she shoved her foot practically down his throat. His eyes widened as he choked. Ice crystals began growing around his mouth. She let out a sigh. This worthless mortal would be useless soon. She locked eyes with another nearby puppet.
“What do you think my pathetic slave? Do you want a new friend?”
“Yes my Queen, Beautiful Queen, whatever pleases you.”
She let out a noise of amusement and then her voice rose into a cackle, her madness drifting out into the forest.


Beware the Judderwoman my dear when the moon is fat. Her body is sweet my love.  Her affection fleeting. Once she’s done, you won’t feel a thing


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