Drink, Screw, Fight - Oni TG/TF - Part 1

 “This is my Grandfather’s ancestral home. He was in defence force, always away.” Hinata groaned as she rubbed one of her tender sides. You looked at the rubbish heaps in the corner, then scanned the walls. This man was a hoarder and also a hell of a martial artist. Katanas and wakizashis of every quality and style. He even had a few Western style swords. Hard bastard.
“Why are we doing this again?” Daniel asked, his face crunched into a grimace. He loved traveling through Japan but this was the definition of nowhere, population no one. There probably wasn’t even an Izakaya in this little hamlet.
“Mother and Father too old. We take the best, company take the rest.” Hinata said then gave him a hug around the waist. She looked into his eyes a moment, then ran her hand through his blonde hair. “Thanks for coming.”

After they made their way into the garden he started fiddling with some of the water features when a glint struck his eye from the nearby shrine. Something was glowing from the bottom of a tree. As he reached out to touch it he felt like a nail had been driven through his hand. A sense of unnatural dread followed. He saw a face flash before his eyes. A red blur with clear, man chewing teeth. It reminded him of a manticore. Then a booming roar that nearly bust his eardrums . He pushed himself to his feet and stumbled back. The actual fuck?  The tree had tore open and something was inside. His eyes felt like they were being sucked in. He approached again hesitantly, this can’t be right, maybe he shouldn’t be meddling over here.

You heard the crushing of grass as Hinata ran over to you. She sat down on her knees, hands on her skirt.
“Why you stop here?” She asked, pushing her brunette bangs out the way.
“Can you see that?” He said. She peered down and then turned her head to him with a curious tilt. “Very unusual. A lot valuable. Maybe belong in a museum. Soon company come collect all. We should take, not want my Grandfather things leave to those nasty crows. No respect within them.”
“Yeah I agree.” He nodded.

He was still unsettled, but he dragged the enormous blade out the hollow. Holy shit, it was one of those horse killer blades. And it was used, he could see the rust. They took the sword into the house to inspect it further.  Hinata didn’t seem too interested. She was showing him every bit of other junk she could find.
“Here here, more photo!” She grinned. It was a picture of her grandad playing ukelele and wearing a hulu in Hawaii. She sprinted off again. Callum tapped the blade.

Why was this sword hidden? It’s edge was engraved with a seemingly infinite amount of patterns. Kanji so small and intricate he contemplated how a human could even stay their hand to make them, or even see.  He brought his head closer. Suddenly, the rusted blood on the blade began to glow. Two separate strands glowed blue and red and  and came alive. Almost a moment separately. One leapt up into his left eye. The other across the room onto Hinata. Hinata spun around to look at him. The blood absorbed through the outer layer in seconds. He could see blue staining her face. He slapped and rubbed his eye trying get it out. But the red stains spread onto his hand and kept growing. As he was about to speak he nearly bit his tongue off in pain.
“What the fuck! I…” I’m burning alive! Fuck, fuck graarrggghh!. He wanted to tear off his skin, it felt like his real self was buried underneath and he was now covered in layers of sticky caustic phosphorus. He tried to drive his fingers under his eyeballs as he fell onto the floor. It huuuuurts!

Hinata screamed as she began to pull chunks out of her long straight hair. Steam began to emanate from her skin. She clutched at her breasts as they started to lose form and weight.
“Stop! What happening? ” The rest was frantic Japanese that was incomprehensible to him.
He growled uncontrollably. His face began to contort in twisted mockery of the population he would go on to terrorise. His eyes growing folds and slanting. His British, Northern European facial structure rearranging. It took on somewhat feminine features, a softer less defined jaw and curved forehead. Then the monstrous mutations came. His head swelled the skull grew larger. His pupils contracted and he mewled in agony as two of his lower canines rushed outwards as tusks. His gums started bleeding from the pressure and force. Extra teeth cut through his gums. Two small horns ripped through the scalp. He stumbled woozily as he felt the horns. He glared at the blood on his fingers. N-not possible. None of this is possible!

He stared through water filled eyes at his girlfriend next to him. Her muscles had tripled in size. She was lashing out in pain at everything in sight. Her feet had burst out of her shoes, and was now absolutely gigantic, standing nine maybe even nine and a half foot. His cute little babe was now a freak, towering above most basketball players. Baby, I’m so sorry. Did I do this to uussssss? He felt his tongue swell in his mouth as his head bulged even more. He cried from his new slanted eyes as he heard the shrieking of Hinata.
“I..: aghhhh.” He wretched as he was dragged back to his own transformation. His abdominal muscles began to rapidly thicken and tone. The sheer power running through his limbs made him crack the wooden support he was holding. Talons pushed out of his fingers and shaved up the wood.

Hinata grinded her teeth as her inflamed pussy let off a massive amount of steam. It soldered together, skin sticking until the major part of her vagina was no more. She began rubbing her groin on the rough wood, attempting to stimulate what was left of her clit, desperately trying to get it to secrete cum. She was missing something. She needed a cock to shove into a warm sticky place. Two little bulbs began to grow, eventually dangling down as they filled up with more and more male juices. Soon her clit was engorged  and the ball sack was holding two grapefruit sized nuts.
“Need big pussy!” She screamed. “Can’t take it!” Her head was slamming as she imagined herself thrusting in and out while a pair of huge tits kept her attention.

Shaggy white hair fell down Daniel's back and covered his now pointy ears. His eyes gained a yellow sheen as he now saw in a simpler more predatory set of colours. His skin had fully turned bright inflamed red and it began to thicken into a hide that could turn away sword, bullet and even bomb. A name was forcing itself into every inch his of identity. A new name, Chima, Chima! He flashed a look at the stupid thing between her legs and growled. He imagined himself drinking from a Masu in one hand as he fingered himself with the other. Cunt come soon! I need a big cunt. His clutched his stomach as his insides began to churn. A vessel that could give birth to a monster was carving itself out of his abdomen.

He shook with anger. He was so furious at everything. He desired destruction. He wanted to pounce around, disembowel, decapitate, Fuck everything! Then it do it all again the next night. Images flashed in his head of orgies of corpses and guts as he slurped up intestines and blood. No.. I'm not some savage monster. Not a cannibal, but then... I'm not a pathetic human haha. So it's not cannibalism. Raw, bloody meat. Soo delicious!

Hinata now had enormous muscles with any sign of femininity completely vanished. She tossed her head around as her horns tore through the skin of her scalp, growing to a length larger than Daniel's. A size demonstrative of her strength and dominance. Daniel's own strength was now tremendous. He stomped on the ground, his black iron clawed feet nearly three times the size of a human male.

 He stared down at his cock. His mind totally overwhelmed by the primitive thoughts and fury. How much he already despised his old self. He let out a final gasp before taking the the cock and balls in both hands and ripping it all off. He screamed as he pulled. What am I doing to myself? He thought. Need to throw away stupid male parts. Make way for fuckhole. He tossed the blood, cum and flesh away. She fell to her knees in agony as the wound spewed blood, but it quickly expelled steam and sealed up. Then reformed into a large hungry vagina with two thick lips and an unnaturally large clit. The new female squeezed and roughly stroked it. Panting in heat like the beast she was. Her eyes glazed over as two identities fought over the body. Go away human!

Hinata’s mind was now possessed only of unclean thoughts. He swung his impossible dick around, howling perverted noises. He looked around and honed in the tight cunt on the nearby bitch.
“I see Female ohoooo.” She said in broken speech, from a forgotten dialect of Japanese. Though she was hardly a she anymore. Hinata’s cock began to harden, the veins on the massive fucker visibly throbbing with corrupted yellow blood. The loving girlfriend wanted to run away but the horny demon on earth wanted to fill the female up. He ran his hands up and down as rough thick bumps spread along the fucker. It's bulbous head was already enticingly slick. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Hinata's overwhelmed mind and identity ran to hide away in the void as Masaru the Oni took over.

Chima returned from her trance as she felt a feral need in her cunt. She sniffed the air. It was breeding time. The musk of the Male next to her enticed her, but was he strong? She swerved her head to inspect him. he had no scars. She would fix that. She would not bear the young of a weak male. She picked him a nearby table and smashed it over his head. The Male looked at her sorrowfully. She also felt like something was wrong, her facial muscles twitched, but soon gave an insane smirk as she shook it off. She felt an all consuming migraine driving to distraction. Fuck it!  It was time for combat!

The new Male pounded a fist into his hand. If he needed to break her back to fuck her then he would. He would fuck or die!
They wrestled as the female Oni held nothing back, biting and scratching. The recently born Male’s enormous cock was unbearably hard. The more gashes and flesh carved out of his body with her claws, the more he needed her. She was a fearsome cunt.

He punched her in the face and she returned with a headbutt. The bigger Male was exhausted, but she could barely stand. Her lips torn up, her hair missing some clumps where he had ripped it out.
“Female submit. Female take baby." He showed her his gigantic horns. She felt her nipples and pussy twitch for a moment... so big.
“No, Female shall have victory!” She let out a hiss and bent down into an evasive stance. She swiped the air and bared her teeth.

After a clash of strength, he put her in a lock and dragged her to the floor. He spun her around and she fought him every step. Snapping and scratching at his face. She grabbed his cock and tried to bite it  off but he quickly thrust his palm into her nose. Blood immediately began pouring out. He continued beating her into submission until she started making urging moans in her husky demon voice. This was good, Female was ready.

She growled and grunted in defiance as the first few painful thrusts of the Male entered but then as the male bit on her breasts, then on her neck, she began to feel the juices flow. This was a worthy mate. One who would hunt humans with her. They would sup on bone broth and chew pink flesh, as would their child. She low sustained moan as her tingling pussy was ready to be pushed over the edge. The Male Oni spewed jet black coloured seed into her womb. Enough to turn a human female into a gushing canal but barely enough to fertilise the red bitch. So he came a second time, digging his claws into her heaving tits. She made strained pained noises as she felt her insides burn from the acidic cum.

They fucked and fucked that night. But their desire for chaos needed to be sated too. They found their way to a nearby park. A young couple were resting against each other on the bench. Chima rubbed her clit at the thought of violence, and began locking her long, rough and slimy tongue with Masaru's. Her head rang again, fuck, kill. Can't... think... need to kill. For a moment Daniel fought through. What happened to me? Why am I a monster? Please help somebody. The thoughts in his head terrified him, I'm not a kil-I'm a hunter. A scourge! Hahah. She laughed at her old pathetic self. What a weakling he was. She forced her old shameful human thoughts to the back of her head. She was in charge of this body now. There was nothing Daniel could do to stop her. He would enjoy it in time. They were one.

She charged out of the bushes, then threw the Male to the pavement. She mashed her pussy in his face, rubbing it up and along. Letting the sticky juices run over him. He clearly couldn’t breath but she didn’t care, mocking his screams with her own as he begged for his dear life. The woman was screeching in agony as her vaginal muscles tore from the unspeakable things being done to her by Masaru. The poor girl was convulsing in shock as her head whip lashed against the ground. The two Oni laughed at the fragile humans. By the end, the girl was dead. The male was comatose, trapped suffering in his own mind.

Masaru continued with her long after she had expired. Even having a final squirt of tar cum on her face.
“Weak humans. Didn’t last. Shatter like pottery.” She said with a demonic chuckle.
“Want to find more playthings and watch them pop?” He began rubbing her tits and she dragged her claws along his chest in response.
“That is good. So tiny, so defenseless.” She squirmed her tongue around in the night air.






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