Luna Final

 SWI - Short story with images.

Latino/Latina TG/RC

Both sides of a Werewoman/Man story.

The characters are mostly speaking Spanish in this story, but it's all in English to make it more fluid. The gratuitous Spanish is to remind the reader of this fact.
Miguel - Part 1


He stood smoking at the balcony, bronze sculpted body half on display. He ran his hand through his buzz cut. All night he’d heard a meek little voice in his head telling him that he was really a girl. That he was confundido. Screaming to let her back out. But that little bitch was never coming back. Not after tonight. He bricked her up nice and tight forever hopefully. Why would he give up a body like this? A year turning back into that pequeña puta rubia was hell. Time to stop taking turns... and how was he going to do that? Pues, jej.

His old life made him sick. He was a Californian brat traveling in Mexico to find herself after college… well he definitely did that. Mexico made him into the man he was today.
“Oh my god. I like adore the sensuality of Latin culture” And it was believing and saying mierda like that got her into bed with someone like us. Gracias a dios I am so stupid. My papa, thanks, I owe you a million for slipping off the condom.

It pissed him off to no end that he was stuck changing back and forth. Sometimes he didn’t even get the chance to get a chica into bed. When those pale tits grew it stung like a bitch. But he would miss the feeling of his cock growing. Nothing better than fresh new cock cum. The tip tensing, that little pinch, and then just spitting that mierda anywhere. The bathroom, living room, on a forehead. Fuck! The day I was born. What a night!

Cassie panted heavily as she looked up at the moon. She crumpled to the ground in agony. Her chest vibrated as her tits started to melt away. Her heart muscles expanding. Her clit felt like someone was squeezing and pulling it, dragging it out. She squealed from the tickling pleasure and started to rub it. Sensitive, oh oh! Shiiit. Mieeerddaa. What? Spanish? But I hardly ahh…aghh. Then her squeals turned to groans as her blonde hair and sky blue eyes turned black. Strands of her locks fell in piles over the floor. Every part of her grew more robust as her bones broke and fused. She let out another scream from the nerve cramp caused by her soft plushy stomach tightening into a cast-iron six pack. Her nose grew more prominent and her jawline more angular. Little dark hair roots began to appear all along her chin. An Adam’s apple pushed out her throat, and she felt her next noise of distress reverberate. 
As the muscles expanded, he pumped the thickening excited cock faster and easier. A hole developed at the tip of the former clit and her egg makers dropped into the hairy sack of skin dangling from his groin. So stuffed up, need to get it out. He grunted, then his eyes glazed over. The basic, ape part of brain began to tingle as he gasped, and felt his tanned cock shoot cum halfway across the room.

“Dios mio. Soy un toro. Soy un diablo!” Baby’s first words. He came over and over that night. Just thinking about a diamond hard nipple or a dripping pussy got him hard again. Much better than trying to finger your self. By the next full moon he was showing off his Latin body on Tinder. 


His memories and wants got stronger and stronger, poor confused Cassie kept wondering why she was turning into a lesbian and waking up next to Latinas. Dreaming of tits and warm holes. Why she was trading fashion videos for La Liga. Cooking tutorials for boxing. Why did she keep finding cum-stained panties all over the floor? He whispered in her free moments, showing her images of juicy tits and cock-sucking lips. Week by week passed and she could nearly smell pussy. The scent of horny bitches now all around her.


He had a body women would cheat on their husbands for. Cassie was pretty, but he was a god. He fucked married rich white women while soothing them in a language they claimed they hate. Until they felt thick Mexican Were-Man cock that was. And the Latinas... they would line up three at a time. 


After getting back to her California town she tried getting an exorcism from a priest. Qué puta estúpida. I am you. There is no cure. No cure for you that is.

He opened the hotel door and a hell of a mamacita in a sparkling red dress stood biting her lips. Such big hungry eyes. What a pair of overgrown tetas. He couldn't believe this perfect curvy woman came from that pathetic skinny man. The beast of lust in the back of brain was frothing. They were both horny as fuck, because they were getting what they wanted tonight. Full time life. No more sneaking around. No more humiliation waking up in panties. Results that fucking a Were-Latina makes you a real man.

He watched her ass as she walked into the room, then turned off the fútbol on the TV and put on reguetón. They need to know we are Mexican people now, and this is how we celebrate a good birthday. The Americana deleted those songs to annoy him, but he always got them back.

“Please no, I don’t want to disappear” She cried and screamed inside his head as she realised what was happening. That once he cummed it would be the last thing she felt as the same person. The idea of Cassie was disappearing. The Alpha Male Miguel fucking her life away.
“Too late eh blondie. You are becoming me forever. I’m gonna fuck and slap around as many bitches as I want. You were always just a cunt playing with daddy’s money. It was something he was saying to her, yet also like she needed to say it to herself. Cassie had never felt so out of control as she did now. She had been rich and beautiful. A perfect happy life with lots of friends, why couldn’t she resist? Why was she changing? Did she really want a cock so badly?

Of course you do. You want to fuck, you want to feel powerful. You want to be a filthy dirty man who does what he wants! You should finally enjoy the cock you could have been born with!

The feminine ideals and hopefulness of a young woman trying to regain traction his head were replaced with thoughts of getting what he was owed from women. They were just objects for him to stick his dick in.
“Wo-women are more than that. We are life givers, businesswomen, fucktoys.” He said in a light girly tone as he fought for control. She was desperate. He felt it. It made him hard. Once he came, she would die.
The slut beneath him was fighting her own battle. Talking some shit about her cock. Probably that cabrón Paul. He figured he would help her along.
“You don’t have a cock. I took it away from you remember?” He smirked.
 “You’re not much of man that’s why your Latina side fell for me so easy whiteboy” He spat out viciously. As tears ran down Paola’s face, her expression flittered between contempt and adoration. But she was starting to slow down, like his cock wasn't good enough for her.
 "Think of all the things we can do after this. You can work for me and make a lot of money. How about being a pornstar? You can fuck all you want then."
 He saw her eyes light up as the naughty ideas sunk in. She worked with his cock even faster than before.

“I won’t let you turn me into a monster. I can’t let a pig like you into the world.” Cassie strained to say, fighting to use every second with his vocal cords. Vocal cords that should be making a soft sweet voice, the same voice that used to sing in Drama club to applause. She remembered her mom and dad crying when she was a child at her first performance. He rolled his eyes and dominated her again.

Muscles seized up as she tried to pull out, but he pushed deeper. Just a few moments more and he wouldn’t need to hear that American girly bullshit again.
"You think so much of yourself don't you Miguel? Just a typical arrogant male." He scoffed at that.
"Why don't you admit it to yourself. All you women think you are feministas, but when you have a cock you become a real sexist. You loved using your vulnerable female friends like a wet-rag. And even more those high and mighty bitches from school. Spoiled blondes like you. Liked using your cock for revenge no? " In his mind he pushed Cassie to the floor. She screeched and scratched but he slipped his cock into her pussy. Her face twist in contempt and disgust as she felt Miguel inject more and more of himself into her.

Think about it... no more worrying about being unsafe at night. No need to struggle for promotions. We can take all your money and go to Mexico and live like a fucking king. His eyes blinked repeatedly as he started to slow down. Cassie clutched his head. "No, no no no! I'm not a Latino! I'm not a man!"

The nearly full Latina beneath him laughed at that woman trying to take back control.
 “Come on Miguel. That pretty American whore is nothing. Think on my tits. My wet perfect pussy. You want me huh!? I want all of it!” She moaned in her sensual Mexican accent while pounding his chest over and over. He gripped the bed as he slid in and out. Cassie flashed images in his head of penises and diseases. Trying to make me soft puta? No puedo seguir así. Necesito hacer algo pronto.
“Sabes qué Cassie? When you are me forever. I think I am going to rape your sister.” He felt rage building inside but he tried to keep it separate. He was Miguel! “Oh I’m going to enjoy it. She will beg for a Latino alpha to fuck her until it comes out of her ears!” Now he felt a twist of despair, but it passed, she couldn’t fight back anymore. He was nearly… oh oh… he felt his load rushing along. Go deeper! Fill it all up! Siii! Goooooollll.  In his mind he cummed his entire sense of self into Cassie. Her body began to shake and shudder, morphing into his.


“No! No! It’s not fair! Daddy!” She thought before her sense of identity dissolved into Miguel forever. She started laughing as if Miguel’s thoughts were jokes that suddenly she understood. Damn that was good, Cassie thought.

There was a moment of stillness, then their eyes rolled to the back of their heads and they both convulsed for what felt like a minute. He fell onto Paola. She pouted her thick lips and rubbed her face against his stubble. “Oh eres el mejor. Mi héroe. To the hell with that white bitch. I hope she burns wherever she is.” She kissed his neck over and over. He returned by grabbing her face and kissing her for dear life. The white girl that had plagued him was gone for good. Adios gringa.
“That was the best. How about again to celebrate?” She gently massaged his cock. She was right. That was the best fuck ever.

He wondered if she was pregnant? Well whatever, he wasn’t going to stick around long with her. He was going to go somewhere else. Start his life as a real man. No way was he fucking the same bitch the rest of his life.

Paola - Part 2


As the door opened for her she pouted her lips and waved. She wore the best Paul’s money could buy. Miguel needed to cum tan rapido como posible. This night couldn’t have come sooner. Their other sides made contact and were planning to put distance between them. She took control while he slept that night and warned Miguel. She wasn’t going to let her man be taken away from her. She wasn't going to lose this divine body! Never! She swayed her thick ass as she entered into the room.


She gave Miguel a wink then began removing her revealing dress and lingerie. “Please, just leave. We have to get him away. Save ourselves, save the girl too.” Paul pleaded in her head. She felt a migraine coming on. She trembled. The sensation of terror made her want to run out the door. Maybe this is a bad idea. What if it didn’t work? I.. I’m not really a woman I..

“Ey am I speaking with Paola now or that cabrón?” Miguel clicked his fingers. She quickly looked up and smiled confidently. “I am Paola. I’m fine. Just do it!”
  “You better be, cause I’ll rape you if I need to.” He grunted then smiled. "Fuck your nipples are so hard" She turned her body seductively and tossed her hair.
“It’s ok papi. I want you! Right now.” He grabbed both her arms and she gave him a sexy defiant stare.
“I think there is some of that Paul still in you. Remember who made you! Don’t you dare lose control.” He threw her onto the hotel bed.

She stretched luxuriously in the bed, waiting to be taken. She thought how right he was, he was her lover, but also her father. Father? Lover? Huh, he was the one who had cursed him! Piece of shit. He remembered... yes.... the sick bastard made friends with him in the club. Bought him a drink and tainted it with… with his own fluids. That’s what he told him later after his first transformation. All the while laughing in his face. As he entered her she felt rage, she wanted to cut his cock off than take an inch more of it. What happened to me?

  Migu… Cassie had kept an eye on him until the night of the full moon. Paul rolled off the sofa and his mouth froze into a scream. Huuuurttts! His crotch was on fire. He ran into the shower turning the cold on full blast. As he pulled his hands off the handle he saw his nails had grown into talons. He tossed his head back as more and more raven tresses grew behind him. He dropped to the floor as his marrow lost density and bone ends refused. The water grazing his nipples made every little bump stick out. Then the fat began to fill behind into two enormous hangers. The cold water did nothing to soothe his thinning and tanning skin. He arched his back to accommodate the weight of the ever expanding culo y tetas then tumbled into the glass shower wall. She felt pins and needles as the nasty thing between her legs numbed then shrank away. Nasty?
 “Qu-quien soy?” She said. "What happened to me? I have tits, I.."

She moaned as her new concha squeezed and relaxed a couple of times. She stumbled out of the shower and looked at herself in the mirror. She took off her loose wet t-shirt and exposed her breasts. "Soy tan hermosa...". She ran her fingers through her raven hair and pouted her perfect soft lips. Her hands drifted towards her groin as he put in finger. What would it feel like to? She jumped as she heard a heavy knocking on the door.


He was doomed. Every full moon, so many moons. He was so tired, stressed from it all. He couldn't concentrate on his job as his thoughts drifted to taking it in the mouth and pussy. It was even hard to read books or articles for work without losing concentration. So boring... Paola loved to tease and threaten him. Saying she'd do bad things if he dared do anything to chain her up.

His girlfriend slipped away. She thought he was cheating and left him. Who wouldn't? since he disappeared night after night. In the end it was no mystery who manipulated those photos... who left them on her Instagram.

“You fucking prick! Where is she from? Colombia? Some illegal Mexican immigrant? You’re disgusting.” Anger, but then lust again. She was an annoying flat chested nagger anyway. Who cared? He was with Miguel now. Right?

After that, her slutty simple mind obsessed with men and looking good for them started running the controls. He blew so many men, and Miguel too. He would barge in unannounced and fuck her there and then. He didn't ever say please. Old friends and co-workers became cocks to ride and use for pleasure. She remembered size and girth quite thoroughly. Then Miguel learned the truth that two Were-people can take-over if they fuck without protection on the first full moon after the summer solstice. Whatever that meant...

She panted as she pushed her tits out, writhing her body in rhythm with his cock. Paola stood in front of him with an arrogant sexy pout. She held up a camera as Paul found himself being fucked by an even stronger, big dicked man than Miguel.

“Venga. Escuchame, I want to be a pornstar. Make our tits bounce! Animate! Encourage him a bit!” She stood over him recording. He wanted to choke her. She suppressed his emotions, his fury and fear. Holding him down with lust. She couldn’t let him feel anything else. So much pleasure, in the tits, the ass, the pussy. Ohhhhhhhhh... the scene changed him wearing a fake Aztec headdress and outfit as Miguel was above him dressed the same.

"Mi Reina." He said, then between her cleavage. "Symbol of the Empire."

She loved roleplaying, roleplaying games? Yes, that's all this had been, roleplay as a man, but the game was over now.

I can’t think… hard bodies… Paul's mind became predatory as she thought again about seducing men. Married men, young men, rich men. She just wanted to be filled and spoiled day after day. But, that's wrong, I can't treat people this way. I had a girlfriend who loved me once. It's not right to live like this. Paola felt the heartache for a moment, but started laughing in mockery. I’m not a woman. This isn’t right. What, where am I? No! He’s going to cum in me. I can’t let him. Paul thought.

“Get.. get off… I should be on top. I’m the man.” She shouted, with a slightly shaky tone.
“Callate!” He shouted back. “You’re where you belong zorra.” We are all the woman baby. Our tits make men and other women green with envy. She giggled. This body was made for one thing and one thing only. I’m so grateful to our big papi and so should you.

“Cock, need cock, no.. need my cock. My cock.. I want it back.”

Just give up. What’s wrong with you! Don’t you want to be supersexy chica? Paul tried to fight again, to shout out or move a limb in defiance, but Paola seemed inevitable. Her voice became crazier and crazier. Brimming with pleasure. He felt so weak. His thoughts so slow. Her thoughts were stronger, louder, everywhere all at once. While all he could muster was…

Just one more perfect moment of bliss, one more and she would stop being Paul, para siempre.
“Yes, give me your thick leche. A cupload of steamy leche! Don’t stop. Make me a mujer!“

In their shared mind he was being fucked in the ass by Miguel. He groaned as he felt her tits growing on his chest. His body was so useless before, skinny and average. He was the least successful amongst his group of friends, the worst player, the ugliest. He could feel his cock shrinking, every memory of every sensation with it disappearing. Every single cum was impossible for him to recollect.

Paul weakly tried to get out from under Miguel. To push him off but it felt so good to just bask in his warmth. Why fight? I want to be pampered and adored by men. I love my exotic looks and accent that drive men wild. My big earthy brown eyes. I love black dresses that show off my body. I love diamond and ruby necklaces. She…They could feel it building up, oh… I’m nearly done.

"Miguel, miguel" She whispered. Please no, I don't deserve this. Why me? Paul thought.

“Faster! Just fucking cum! I want him gone!” She felt the thick cum splatter inside. Her eyes went blank as her body convulsed with primal satisfaction. An explosion of happiness made her smile as her vagina tingled with warmth. Paul came with her as his mind was ruined, merging totally with his Latina self. Paola had taken over.

Now that she was a real woman, she wondered what she should do. Thinking about the future was hard. Diiiiooss, I can still feel that leche. So tickly. Hehe, Maybe Miguel could stay with her? Ugh but he had already spent all that bitch’s pocket money. He was no good. How about trying out some new pricks in her pussy? Now she could try all of them. Mmm… gracias por tu vida Paul!


  1. the references to rape are a little much, don't you think?

    1. This is an uncensored version. You can read a version on DA with all of the references to direct and indirect rape removed. Though it's been deleted twice already.
      Here you go.


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