
 “Liếm lồn của tôi” (Want to lick my cunt?) You covered your mouth and quickly ducked into the frozen food aisle. You made eye contact with a tall bearded guy with a tiger tattoo. You were trying to avoid him earlier, he was just you-her type.

“Bạn sẽ yêu bộ ngực của tôi” (You would love my tits.) Burst from your lips even as you tried to seal them.
“Huh?” He raised his chin.
“Nothing. I said I hope you enjoy your chicken. I’ve had it before.”
“Oh uh… sure… Whatever.” He fumbled around for something else in the aisle and paced off. Your blue eyes trained on his ass as he wandered off.

Officially you had developed Tourette’s syndrome at the age of twenty four. Officially it was caused by culture shock from one month traveling in Vietnam. Unofficially? Would anyone believe your Vietnamese bitch alter ago just couldn’t shut the fuck up? Her filthy mouth was unstoppable. She even hijacked your fingers once in a while. You made 'friends' with her after a typical night of crassness and debauchery in Asia. The same as your trips in Thailand and Bali. But this time you swore and screamed near the wrong place.

It got worse near the time of changing of course, and by then you were saying these things yourself. You wanted to say them, you wanted the anticipation. You wanted to feel good.
“Tôi thực sự cần phải được đụ” (I really need to be fucked.) You sighed wistfully. Wait, no, god damn it. I don’t need to be fucked! I need a shower.

 The next day as you stood near an office entrance you cast your eyes to the security guard. He looked so lean and tough, like he trained Martial Arts or something. You bit your lower lip and looked at him lustfully. Your eyes opened wide as if they were alluring and sexy, which of course, they weren’t right now.

“Tôi cá là con cặc của bạn rất lớn” (I bet your dick is huge.) You didn’t even try to show shame.  The clean shaven black guy turned his head aside curiously.
“Họ bắt đầu thuê những người đàn ông như bạn từ khi nào?” (When did they start hiring men like you?) You said in a more effeminate pitch than your previous words, like an excited street walker.
“Excuse me?” He asked with a fairly worried tone. You kept staring then shook off the horny daze.
“I gotta get fuck-get the fuck out of here. Bye.”
You ran back across the road to your own building.

How long could you make excuses for this? Your boss was sympathetic for the moment. But what if there was a change of management? Fuck what if a client was Vietnamese and wandered in some day?
As you walked across the road you spewed out inappropriate comment after compliment.
"Big muscles boy."
"Hard ass, love you.." You blew a kiss.
An image flashed in your mind of an earlier transformation. Strutting across the street in Vietnam with high heels and wearing hot glasses. Tits barely covered by a flashy bra.

You clutched your stomach and spat blood onto the floor. As you tried to walk to felt like a punch had just struck you straight in the balls. Need to hide. you headed to a side stair case that accessed an abandoned part of the building. You stopped as you felt and heard the grinding in your hips. I’m going to burst, nnngghh, she’s ready.
 Your inflamed skin started to flake off in chunks as the tanned tropical tones revealed themselves beneath. You walked up with the stairs with a more and more feminine gait. Swaying your expanding hips, as half your mind tried to look sexy and the rest was feeling all the agony. By the time you reached the top your mahogany hair was a gorgeous pure black. Your stiff cock strained to let go. Just before you pushed the door you soiled your pants with cum. Another couple of steps and you felt another squeeze but nothing save watery fluid came out. You groaned as you felt the hard meat of your dick start to wither away. Your ass started to tickle.“Yes baby yes. Cum in my ass”  You shouted.

You felt the skin beneath your shirt and tie rippling. You tried to push a tit back in, but the part of your mind called Kieu giggled at the idea of pushing back in her own tits. Why?
You hated these clothes. Fuck these clothes. So tight and strict. You pulled at a nipple straight through your shirt. The impressive tits soaking the fabric. And they say Asians are flat…

By now your penis was destroyed and all that was left was a tight soaking Vietnamese pussy. You were so horny. Need to push something inside. No, no no, need to get off this staircase. Boring, no, boring! No!

You removed your clothing piece by piece. If anyone is up here we can fuck them. Unless it’s some stupid white bitch. You let out a yell. Your mind bisected and rearranged in a new pattern as the personality of a rough and ready Vietnamese bitch surfaced.

A few blinks and she was there. She stared into a pane of glass left on the floor and grinned. Her almond eyes almost transfixed on her own sexy pleasure giving lips.
“Điều đó thật tuyệt vời.” (That was amazing.)

She looked around and stretched her athletic tall body. Oh… around the office again… my favourite… these fucking Americans were so easy. So miserable and desperate for attention. She knew it was a matter of time before she got caught. They’d track his key cards… but she couldn’t wait for it. To hear all those angry foreign voices scream at her in a language she could barely understand.  “I love big American dick” She’d scream back. Not stopping until they tore her new man's cock out and ripped her clothes off. She giggled at her fantasy and pulled her clothes out of their backpack. She was prepared to enjoy a full work out with her mouth.


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