The Slayer


Jack opened the door to the toilet just in time. The distress in his eyes would be visible to anyone who saw him on the way there. He pulled up his t-shirt to see his stomach rippling. Ulcerous pains struck all over his guts.

“Just.. a few more seconds.. I was studying you b-“
Oh I’m sorry nerd, were you gonna call me a bitch?” Andrea spoke up, with her clear Italian American Brooklyn accent coming out of his mouth. He felt a purposefully crushing pain in his testicles followed by a smoky sexy laugh. He groaned.
“I don’t give a fuck about your study and social calendar.”
“I didn’t even recover from the last time.” He screamed while his voice was getting higher. The poorly healed wounds he had were burning from the extra adrenaline and his skin tearing and ripping.

His ashy blonde hair  grew softer, shampooing all the dirt out of it. His eyesight began to improve as he dropped his thick rimmed glasses and shook out his lengthening raven black hair. His blue eyes lost their light and became hard brown. His skin took on a warm Mediterranean complexion. His bones ached as a process that should take months grew his skinny average body an inch of height, and recalculated the density of his bones. His frame became curvier but also athletic and toned. He felt his dick go from limp to erect, to on the verge of cumming in two seconds. He just had to finish it off. He death gripped his cock and with a few pumps he was spilling never ending fluid.

“Ya know it was probably gonna go to waste anyway Romeo.” He said from his plumping  lips.
He clutched his stomach as his body split bone to open up his hips.
His skull felt like it was being crushed and his vision instantly went off kilter. Tiny facial bones grinded against each other and formed high cheek bones. He gasped as his balls pulled up to who knows where.

His now worthless penis withered away, absorbing the foreskin and settling down as a bright red clit. She gritted her teeth as she was gaining more control, the skin beneath her nub slowly tore, and formed pussy lips, like unzipping a jacket.

He let out a long erotic moan as she began rubbing herself out. Oh fuckin shit, he said before he realised he was thinking like her. Faster faster, fuck yes, oh baby. Their eyes rolled to the back of their head as an absolute blast of squirt poured out as they came.

“Oh my gawd. Fuckin A. Gotta love those transformations.” They panted heavily as muscles burned and their face ached. The lights hummed around as if waiting for one of them to say something.

It hurts, please, leave me alone for one night. It hurts so much.
“You know how lucky you are to be possessed by a babe?” Andrea said almost too loudly. “You think I like seein the girls disappear?” They looked down.
“I’m not possessed, you are a figment of my imaginationnnnnuhh.” He moaned from a little aftershock in the groin.
“Haha yeah, sure, whateva you say. But.. could a figment do this?”
She squeezed both her taut nipples at the same time. He felt the same double strike of pleasure that she did. He nodded quickly in acquiescence.


How did he get in this situation? Thrift stores apparently don’t just help charities, but also the spirit energy of dead monster slayers with finding new hosts.

“Who tha fuck are you talkin to?” Her head was  rested back against the tiles.
“You. I’m just reminding you of the horrible moment you ruined my life.” What a crybaby, who wouldn’t wanna be me? She didn’t like being stuck in this scrawny meat suit either.
“Shut it, it’s not that bad, I think me takin the night shift isn’t a bad deal. It’s where I thrive.”
Having an alter ego, was like having two running inner commentaries uh…, phe-nome-nolo-gies and ideas of self. But only one controlled the body. But she was so emotional he felt like he was just her sometimes. Those emotions just lingered through the day.

They looked down at their ill-fitting pants soaked with cum.

“Disgustin.” Andrea said while shaking her head. They then made their way back to his dormitory, girls gossiped about the girl who just got screwed, while guys gave bedroom eyes to hot and crazy looking dark-haired babe. Luckily his roommate was out.
“Yo, I was wonderin… do people still listen to Sonic Youth?” She said while putting on some tight jeans.
“I don’t think so.” Sonic you? Sounds like a Sonic the Hedgehog themed cover band.
Sonic the Hedgehog? What a dork.
“You serious? Nirvana?” She said with astonishment and annoyance.
“They are overplayed” He felt Andrea’s sense of bewilderment and sadness. Times had really changed. They thought.
“Now I’ve got a question for you Andrea Leone. How come you took over me? How many people touched that weird amulet before me?”
“If I’ve said it once. I’ll say it again, I guess it’s cause you’re kinda a pussy? Sorry, not sorry.” She shrugged while applying light make up on their skin. Damn this shit was expensive now.
“Wha…what does that mean?”
“Uhm.. you wouldn’t fight back?” She smiled at the mirror.
“I am not weak-minded. I believe my intelligence is higher than yours actually.”
I’d kick him so hard in the balls right now.

“Ohh, you callin me stupid? Don’t judge me by the way I speak, I was in college too ya know. Lemme tell you somethin. Intelligence is not will.” She raised a one finger on one hand and snapped her other. fingers matter of factually. She seemed to do that a lot, it was a stereotypical Italian American thing.

“So-so I lack courage?”
“Exactly genius. We share our memories now rememba. I’ve seen yours, not impressive.” She laughed. “Not in the least.”
“That’s just a matter of circumstances. I’m not strong and I can’t rely on my looks li-“
“Shut it now. Enuff arguin losah. Somebody out there is gettin face fucked by a monster.” She put on some hand grips and a loose shirt. Then picked up a few.. hundred knives. Stakes and crosses. The works.
Wait hold on can’t we have some strategy other than-

They charged out the door and out the campus. Before long they were on the roughest streets. It took a while before anything happened but sadly he just couldn’t go to sleep since he felt every slash, wound and bout of exhaustion. After loitering for what felt like an hour. Finally they heard a scream.

 There was a blonde girl in a blue dress squealing, with an enormous shirtless man towering over her.  “Hey asshole! Don’t you gotta ask for consent first?” She pulled out an enormous machete and smirked. The creature turned around, six tentacles swum at the edge of its mouth. The rest of it was mostly human apart from sharp talons. He thought about categorizing these creatures, but this one was rather dull. He just hoped it didn’t kill them.

 He felt Andrea’s battle rage. His own thoughts barely there, as he wanted to chop up this evil bastard. Fucking prick, picking on a woman. Its talons struck out and ripped her jacket. Then it jumped onto the walls and crawled along, but Andrea was ready. It jumped and she ran the blade upwards deep into its chest. It smashed into the concrete and decayed into pink goo.

The girl it had its hands on was long gone. Andrea rolled her eyes and grumbled. “Thanks for savin ma life. I’d be dead without ya.. oh it’s no problem. Just takin time outta my busy schedule to save stupid cheerleaders“. She hacked at him another couple of times to check he was dead.

 They were still alive. But she had died before, who did it and why? And will they come back? How long before he just ceased to exist and Andrea and him merged for good. She wiped the sweat off her brow then looked down at the pink and green juices all over her.

“I wasn’t always ridin shotgun in some poor dude’s skull. There were guys. Its been so long since I got fucked. Like I mean, absolutely railed. If I get cleaned up I think there is plenty of time to make a bar”

Shit. Jack thought. 





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