Dreams of a Red World - Embers

Matthew stoked the fire, then coughed the smoke up. It reminded him of his screaming rebirth. He had walked halfway to New Chonqing apparently, before whatever brought him back did so. A dreamy haze of memories . He remembered being held down by three soldiers as they he tried to practically tear his own nipples off. Scratching at these mounds that didn’t belong on his chest. Tearing at the hair flowing down his thin, soft and hairless face. They dragged him through the embers back towards their camp. He hated it. Why him? Before he had been a critical thinker, a journalist, no. He hated killing and violence, but now he was just a disgusting tool for the new Chinese empire, in body at least. A breeder, as the more militant ones referred to them. Some theorised there were variants of the nanovirus, like wife, infiltrator, but all were dedicated body and soul to the national plan. The other resistance members often refused to talk to him. He needed to ...